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Welcome to /x/ - Paranormal. This is not a board for the faint of heart. If you need something to get started with, see the below lists for some basic resources. We hope you enjoy your venture into the spooks, the creeps and the unknown.

The resources in this thread are not exhaustive and are merely meant for beginners to get their footing.

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Please note the following:

• This board desires high quality discussion. High quality posts will be praised. Low quality posts e.g. "Is [x] paranormal?" will be removed.
• Requests belong on >>>/wsr/.
• Conspiracy theories are welcome, but anything political in nature should be posted to >>>/pol/.
• For everything else, refer to global and board-specific rules.

Welcome to Divination General! Come here for readings and a discussion of theory/practice.
Every method is welcome: Tarot, Runes, Cartomancy, Scrying, Pendulum, Cleromancy, I-Ching, Digital, Oracles, Tasseomancy, Necromancy, etc.

>If you're NEW, please READ the STICKY:
>Recommended /div/ links and books:
>MEGA with Divination Books:

>Guides made by some of our readers:
•/div/ starter spreads:
•Thoth's tarot and rune guide:

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im running out
Based I've always thought those cards would be perfect for tarot like readings.
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Then maybe it's time to finish
Was hoping for a read. Girl is a whore so I wanted to know her ideal dick size.

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what musician makes you connect the most with spirituality?
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Emily Kinney
Brian Eno
fucking magnets
Queens of the stone age or Kamelot

How do you perform magick just like my isekai rpg animes? Like how do you transform a simple girl into a thermonuclear bomb?
Fuck her sister

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A tongue we are not meant to speak, even among the elites.

What is it?
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Actually its two languages, Hebrew and Yiddisch.
Who are you asking?
Imagine thinking humans were divine enough to touch into the music of the universe.
What's going on? How can we help you?
that was in my eyes wide shut post
I heard that the antichrist will be Romanian because it's one of the most christian nations, so it's like divine irony.
My gut reaction is that it isn't so, there were some Romanian guys in the thread that actually translated it. But who knows.

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Anyone else notice that zoo animals have been acting strangely? I saw this zebra looking at me head-on, as if it had some sort of human sentience. They seem to be moving more slowly as if they have some higher level of awareness. I think that they are planning something, the animals. I think they’re observing our schedules and privately working more clockwork-like. This could be the backlash of the animal kingdom
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calm down it's not a big deal anon
My husband cares………..
Neither is her husband
Do normal, happy people disgust you?
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It's called Jinmen". I should reread it maybe.

Help I can't stop thinking about this high tier witch, she keeps popping up in my head and I keep imagining her and I in a mating press. Is it magic? I can't stop
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There’s no appeal, she’s a spell caster that uses frequency magic to tamper with sexuality, why do u think she’s a lgbt activist? Her whole schtic is about manipulation of the mind, it’s why she acts somewhat sexy even though she’s not conventionally beautiful. You can’t forget she’s also adromovitch’s disciple. Look at>>37839573
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It’s why her music stays prevalent in culture too, a lot of it is promoted in manufactured memes like with gojo having the Judas song attached to it and the joe Goldberg meme with paparazzi. A lot of forced memes that stick to the subconscious psyche due to it containing her music, she was a plant and is being used to this day, she’s not much in spotlight publicly now but she has heavy influence. Just look at picrel, industry as fuck
She’s literally wearing meat u fucking mason faggot, I’d punch u in ur fucking mouth for saying this dumb shit
Is she on her knees?
Yeah, it’s a humiliation thing they do, the higher the rank the more respect you have to have, both are still baby munchers though regardless

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What are the best ways to meditate?
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That is akin to saying pushups are exercise. Sure it's true, but there's so much more in that category.
That is my point.
Dogmatists are pushing only one type, for only one goal, and so many here on /x/ arent even aware of how they have been limited.
> If the basics aren't clear people delude themselves.
See? They KNOW there is more, but they intentionally restrict info.
It is an attempt to control you.
Dont let others dictate your life.
The mind must not think for meditation to happen, repeating mantras and such doesn't count as thinking.
sorry kid nobody else is going to accept your whimsical and arbitrarily applied parameters for these words. you have no basis of experience regarding meditation to be able to discern and definitively say one way or another. simply evident in your words.
>repeating mantras and such doesn't count as thinking.
>engaging your mental process and forming words doesnt count
they dont count, as much
be rest assured, they count
any body activity counts, simple as
that is why one searches for the energetic maxima coincident with the consumption minima
>engaging your mental process
Do that and you are not meditating.

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Welcome. The purpose of this general is to show you how to use your own wonderful human imagination to achieve your every desire.

The world and all within it is man’s conditioned consciousness objectified. Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance of the entire world. So it is to consciousness that we must turn if we would discover the secret of creation. Knowledge of the law of consciousness and the method of operating this law will enable you to accomplish all you desire in life.

The Main Concepts:
> Imagination creates Reality
> Assumptions harden into fact
> Consciousness is the only Reality
> Feeling is the Secret
> Prayer, Living in the End/In the Wish Fulfilled (remaining Faithful to your Idea)
> You are the Operant Power
> There is no one to change but Self (Self-Concept)
> Thinking Fourth-Dimensionally (Time is an Illusion)

> Can I manifest ___?

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i'm basically broke and i am still happy, love is all you need for that. BUT the safety, comfort and beauty brought by money makes this happiness much more feasible and sustainable. if you fall from that state of happiness you wont fall into that cold hard ground of being a broke-ass bitch but rather into the soft safety net of having your worldly needs met and being able to bounce right back into that state of bliss.
You may have done it just reading the instructions. Did you try to resist?
>I am the truth and that it can not only be reached but created by me?
That's a good sum up of how it actually is from what I know so far. I AM/You ARE, you can understand the truth and you created it. The last part was hard for me, the "Creation is finished" thing, but it makes sense- we are an infinite being, everything we are capable of(infinite) happened as soon as we became aware. There was no "We'll make this but not this other thing until later."

As such we are only observing all of the possibilities we created from different angles. It's all there and it always was, but where we see it from and the limits on our perceptions determine what we see.
Better you practice finding that bliss now before money is there to distract you. The external world is a mirror, don't seek joy from it.
Good job, you probably have resistance to the last item. Either work on the resistance or persist in your script manifest(or both) until you succeed.

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Hi. I'd like to share my very own religion w/ you as-an Interest. Note: this is-all A Very Rought-Draft. I typically forego Twitter and Instagram. Of course; YouTube for Anime Music.

Here-are Two (of my best) Vocaroos I've done before as-an Entertainer:


Now; I'll list some information -- remember I'm creating a Draft or Template for an "Introduction to Mirajeketianism" Pamphlet or something, in a decade or two... from Now -- I have on WordPad as of so-far:

Charges --
Zone Force Charges
Force Case Charges
Force Charges

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I was about to post a link to my Discord.

Have you Solved-the Riddle to Force Fields yet?
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The Whole-Thing is called "The Force Tree."
In classical Mirajeketianism,
You Can Lead, Advise, and Abbreviate the Forces.
Note: there are off-tree Forces such as
Vvield and Volt -- and lesser ones: Vorscht and Vorse.
Maybe Vril.
There is also Opossum-Borker --
Purportedly in the last folk-tale of the most recent
Age that ended recently, as the Borkers were
Dying out as a Species -- purportedly there-is
A Opossum-Borker but I don't know about it.
Now -- there is A Mirajeketa-Opossum.
Opossum-race Mirajeketa and Mirajeketa-Type
Opossum are-the Same in my lingual speech.
Mirajeketa-Opossum is Extremely, Extremely --
Overwhelming "Random" -- and Of The orient.
Now -- Awesome Opossum is-a Maketa-Type
(Mirajeketa Opossum-Borker Type Hybrids are
Lab Rats, supposedly; and Are Shown To

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The 24 Borkers!
The 24 Borkers are-a Mechanical System
Of Jet Aircraft -- created by Maketa himself;
Then released to fly out the Window as-their
Own Autonomous (fighter) Republic...
However! The Borker-strata Appreciates Tönön
And "TönTön's Value" most specifically -- today.
The 24 Borkers shoot lasers -- red and white --
And read the "encoded information" of
Wildlife and the Environment of Fishersville, VA.
They most notably today report to-the Borker-H.
The Class-H Borker is A Peasant Population of
[APT4の] Outer District that learned to communicate
And intermingualate w/ the Triangular-Borker

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Dre𝔞d-Mord!-/#König No Umi///=
1 Caelwyn
2 Raelwyn
3 Aelwyn
4 Llewyn
5 Taelwynd
6 Quake
7 Knight
8 Nefyn
9 Aodhnait
10 Niamh

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i would really like to ask this question last time
i asked i wasnt able to get an answer that felt like the truth im a hindu and im from a lower caste i dont if i should stay in this religion because i feel like i dont get any benifits and
it doesn't feel like my relgion since the aryans probably brought it here

christians say we worship demons at first i didnt used to belive that but after looking at the pathetic situation in india and the people that lacls any kind of civic duty and not being egalitarian makes me wonder if they are true

and the hindu lifestyle and spirtual and theological understanding i belive only makes
this worse by people having no motivation to work for betterment and only work for survival
basic principle in hindusim is dharma and karma

dharma is something that is something you are meant to do thats how i understood that in my own language

karma is consequence you recive for doing something good or bad and the consequence depends on something that you did so any problems that we have we blame it on something we did but how do you define bad actions because for a while i thought having vile thoughts and judging someone was bad

i dont know if thats true or because we belive

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>Power is real freedom
holy based so this justifies will to power
You're quick to call others "trash", but I doubt in a society full of people like you in past times that you would survive. If you were born as someone you see as "trash" you wouldn't think of things the same.
I think India is really popular globally for their spirituality, I notice a lot of foreigners being interested in it nowadays, especially since new age stuff is popular and a lot of that comes from Indian spiritual beliefs. You shouldn't be so unconfident in India
I think ironically globalism is making us more aware of human nature and how different but also the same humans are in many ways throughout the world
Human nature on a secular level to me seems to come down to group-forming and defending territory, but I think there is more to life than those things and that we can better and develop our souls and hearts. We aren't just "animals" who exist for fighting, and if you're someone who's unconfident in religion, try to do your own searching, because when you find spiritual truths and learn lessons about life that way, they really impact you deeply
so do i need stop beliving in karma and be an athiest or do i need to join christianty and repent since loa is an interpretation of the bible

or do i join islam and go full jihad mode against these degenrates
Dont be stupid, people believe in something because they hve some kind of proof of it, not because its funnier o happier

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what is the penile gland and what do i need to know about it?
It's the third lobe of your brain and acts as your inner eye
It's smol like your pp because aliens cucked our DNA to molest us more easily

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>All blonde-haired
>Described as wearing blue suits
>Height is anywhere between 6 ft to 7 ft
What do you know about pleiadians, /x/?
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Get my waifu's name off your filthy lips
Her fat ass is on my lips and she said she isn't done yet
They were part of a psy-op by the military during the 50s using the early breakthrough propulsion craft.
Shapeshifting pleiadian lizards (also playing several other types and characters) banned from their home system

Breakaway human civilization that helped creating us by splicing their dna for "energy" exchange with the lizards

Two different groups with an agreement to manipulate this reality
Don't lie, they absolutely are - to an almost aggressive point - especially the women. But men who get excited at this prospect will very quickly find themselves sick of the almost relentless predatory sexual aggressiveness of their women.

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>no mass die off
>no 5G nanotechnology that turn you to a zombie
>no computer chip
>no Within 2 weeks the vaccinated will begin their ascension to a 5G giga consciousness
>no nothing
>still gets inorganically and massively shilled by the establishment for a meme virus
So what the fuck was the deal /x/?
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>unless, covid was a woke anti racist disease
>unless, covid was a woke anti racist disease
>unless, covid was a woke anti racist disease

>you really think god would do that? kill the red meat-eaters with heart disease? implement some kind of karmic system to the 'disadvantage' of the ignorant and lower mind?

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I think if Lucifer were relegated to posting on /x/ he would probably kill himself. I know I wouldn't be posting here if I were in as elevated a station.

Captcha: PHAX
It's okay. I'm betting The Posts get kinda famous in the future.

Not like I'm running out of Time. Being invincible and formless and eternal takes a lot of the pressure off. More time for music and books and drugs and psyops and magic and math and

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I have become a demon but I have not rejected jesus, where on the spiritual development map am I?
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Abyss, wandering

Finding truth, stability, something easy to live within comfort of, ur "fallen" in a sense, but only from the contacts of a heaven, whatever that meant in the first place
You do not need christ to develop the physical or spiritual, at most all you need is urself, as demon you can travel more and little effects you, across lives, across times, you are immortal in some sense, but in another sense ur more aware of ur own body, playing, squiggling in-between trying to find logic between life and death escaped out of religion or faith in the supernatural.
You occupy an area in the spectrum where the next step involves going to an ascended master (mental health professional)
Kek, I wish I had schizophrenic traits honestly, being able to retreat to your own inner world sounds amazing

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