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/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

Check the wiki, the catalog, and the archive before asking for advice or recommendations, and please refrain from starting new threads for questions that can be answered by a search engine.

/lit/ is a slow board! Please take the time to read what others have written, and try to make thoughtful, well-written posts of your own. Bump replies are not necessary.

Looking for books online? Check here:
Guide to #bookz
Recommended Literature
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Are you incapable of making decisions without the guidance of anonymous internet strangers? Open this thread for some recommendations.

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Fantasy Landscape Edition

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)

Previous: >>23335672
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Are there any pre-Singularity novels? Like the events in the book transpirea just before the Singularity occurs/leads to it?
Accelerando by Charles Stross
>i.e. sex and gender.
>important to the canon of feminist literature.
Horror is fun.
Like a Centaur in armor would be pretty fucking horrifying for a regular person.
So what is Nessus? Severian later says there's no distinction between the ruins of abandoned places and lived places. It stands to reason everything is in ruins. He also says the towers could rise in the sky with a word. Are they rockets? Is Nessus a space port? But Jonas says the space ports are gone.

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Fuck Stoicism and their moralfaggotry. Why should the rich enjoy every pleasure at the expense of my suffering. Worse, my "duty" to have children so that they too can be slaves of the children of the rich. Enough of Stoic submissiveness. Give me the complete set of literature needed to become a disciple of Epicureanism?
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It's also a go-to response when someone makes clueless claims about a doctrine, whether you agree with it or not. You don't need to be a Stoic to know that someone who accuses Stoics of "submissiveness" hasn't spent even five minutes reading up on their ideas or history.
No. I just want recs of Epicureanism?
So why didnt you just ask for recs of Epicureanism? Why the stoics part?
What need did you need to fulfill by saying those things?
Fine, thhe submissiveness was inappropriate. None the less, the idea of stoic duty and morality doesn't work in today's environment, where the gap between a peasant, a noble, and a king is so large that engaging in politics is meaningless.
Stoic duty is about contributing to the well-being of the whole. Politics is one possible way of doing so, the appropriate way depends on your conditions and circumstances.

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It's kinda hard to take him seriously when you realise how unoriginal he is. Literally every thought he has is just stolen from Jung or Dostoevsky. You could just read their works instead and you'd miss nothing.
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If you didn't repeat the same nonsense over and over you wouldn't be BTFO by a prewritten pasta. Sad but true and you have my permission to cope.
>Peterson took a doctor prescribed medication.
which he, as a psychologist, should've known the effects of. benzos aren't some obscure MAOI, they're one of the most well-known classes of drugs in the psychiatric industry. he was practicing for a long time, he 100% had clients with benzo prescriptions and/or addictions, not knowing their negative effects is arguably negligence
>At the time it was being handed out like candy for pretty much anything because it was seen as harmless
factually incorrect. the addictive properties of benzos have been known since the early 1980s and he started taking them in 2016, by which point it was already very hard to get them prescribed for long-term use. yes there are some shady doctors out there who continue to overprescribe them but again, peterson should've already known to be cautious and the fact that he didn't is a black mark against him. if some random obese retard thinks fat-free ice cream is good for them, you can excuse them for getting conned by advertisers, but if a trained nutritionist thinks fat-free ice cream is good for them then they're obviously bad at their jobs to the point where anything else they say should be in question
>He took the initiative to research treatment options and went to Russia where a programme specifically developed for medication withdraw was available.
he ignored legitimate medical advice (i.e. "you have to taper off benzos, you cannot quit cold turkey without risking brain damage or death"), found some shady slavs who would happily go against legitimate medical advice for enough money, got put in a medical coma in an attempt to avoid the worst effects of cold turkeying, and ended up getting brain damage anyway. this is another example of how little he knows about the field he claims to be an expert in
>as a psychologist
Psychologists don't prescribe medication.
>they're one of the most well-known classes of drugs
But research into their harmful side effects wasn't followed up in the 90s and only entered the general consciousness once they had been overprescribed and untold numbers of people suffered from their adverse affects.
>factually incorrect.
It's not. If you check it out you'll see initial research amounting to a new diagnosis of "benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome" coming about around the mid-90s. You'll also notice that not much literature was produced between then and the mid 2010s relating to this diagnosis and programmes for treatment in failing to develop in North America (this is why Peterson had to go to Europe, specifically Russia, for treatment).
>he ignored legitimate medical advice
He took a doctor prescribed medication suited to the symptoms he was presenting. Note, it is also important to point out that these drugs were so overprescribed anyway and were given to patients that didn't even fit the profile for them.

Stop misconstruing information, anon. Peterson took a doctor prescribed medication and had extreme adverse affects. There's no evidence that he abused the medication while there's contrary evidence that the medication was being overprescribed during the time Peterson was given it (by a doctor). The adverse affects of these drugs were downplayed and largely ignored by the medical community right up to just about the time Peterson had his experience.
If he doesn't diverge from normative discourse, then who does?
Obscure intellectuals who are generally inaccessible for the general public that that anon prides himself on knowing exist.

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>read about a religion
>"ooh, maybe I'll convert"
>read about a political ideology
>"ooh, maybe this is what I should follow?"
Books that will help me stop being so weak-minded and suggestible?
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This is a blessing, even if it doesn't seem like one. Just find a belief system whose followers are typically happy and read its scholars. Ultimately being happy is a far better use of your time than being correct so be grateful that it's so easy for you to change what you believe.
You know you don't have to dedicate your life for any person that makes one good argument, right?
Depending on your age, that may be quite normal and excusable.
Based picrel.
Falsehoods are the path to damnation no matter their intentions.

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>SOCRATES: [insert retarded analogy]
>GLAUCON: You're quite right.
>SOCRATES: [insert even more retarded analogy but now with authoritarian, pedophilic and misogynistic elements]
>GLAUCON: Wow... I've never heard it be put this way.

How did people eat this shit?
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Wow, very intelligent response. Seeing as you're not even trying to respond with ideas, what are you getting out of these brief, insulting posts? I'm guessing it's a reaction to a nerve being hit.
What response could I possibly give to someone like you? You throw out random assertions without proof and expect me to praise you for being a deep thinker. You are a retard, and I would recommend never getting into philosophy again.
Both of you are embodiment of what Plato means by "spirited." Not a compliment.
contribute or gtfo
You are also brass.

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DRUGS edition

previous >>23350107 / >>23352659
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That’s interesting I guess
I wonder how long I can live off my savings of 700k
if they get mad at you you're doing something seriously wrong
14 years
Sounds like you have a very expensive prostitute.

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What's some kino star trek books, bros?
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>What's some kino star trek books, bros?
Mein Kampf
>Nazi shit

how the fuck is "religion" keeping us from a star trek future, you fucking idiot? religion is just mathematical allegories given to desert nomads. it's like complaining about a teacher using a drug dealing metaphor to teach a black kid calculus. fuck you
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I haven’t read Stat Trek books since I was like 13. The best I recall are the ones they are adaptions of episodes. Descent is good. And the comedy ones involving either the Ferengi or Q. Q Squared is very funny, has both Q and Trelane
Kino schizo post

>As the dialogue argues, Being (ὄν) and the One (ἕν) can be said of all, and neither can be primary. The problem, then, is how to understand the unity of the ἰδέα if it also is. There must be a difference between One and Being if they can be said to constitute a multiplicity, but the difference cannot be or be one. If, as Heidegger argues, Being is difference itself, we arrive at an understanding of difference that does not efface itself in favour of the identical, and an understanding of Being that does not get conflated with beings.
Wtf, so Heidegger was like a German proto-Deleuze? Wow.
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>Wtf, so Heidegger was like a German proto-Deleuze? Wow.
They were contemporaries, although they did not comment on each other's work.
This is just the peak of western metaphysics, kind of like how all understandings of what God is in the ancient world culminate in Jesus.
what deleuze should I read to know what you're talking about?
I read parmenides so I get some of the context but that's all
parmenideez nuts
last bump

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>I dislike the characters in the book
>this is why I hate the book
what is a theme?
>the main character isn't likable!
>nothing important happens!
>it's not entertaining!
Plotfags filtered
It's a good book, simple as
>It's just a shit book not entertaining

> judges a book by whether it's entertaining

Sorry there were no scenes of flaming swords and flying unicorns, anon
I think the ending of the book is what I hate most. It just abruptly ends in a very anticlimactic way.
>I'm leaving to get a fresh start
>waaaahh no you aren't unless you take me
>s-s-sorry never mind I'm not leaving I was just kidding
Book ends.
It's pretty good.

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What a tragedy
We want to live a real romance
In the age of blasphemy

Long are the days of Margaret's and Anastasia's
Who's purity was commendable
And made life rememberable

Now we deal with Stacy's and Becky's
Who's conduct is shameful
And makes men regretful

How good life could be
If women knew how to live?
But fear not

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this is my 1st attempt at poetry since my hs Latin / Greek classes
It's.... nice. Well done with the rhyme. Also learned a new word 'bereft'
Thanks for that...
I tried to limit myself where possible to Germanic words.
Bereave (berauben), twilit -> twilight -> zwielicht, low (läge), amid (a + mittel), day, night, wanton, shirker (Schurke), etc.
Nigger, this is a message to you
I admit, I envy what you do
The white man, the weight of the world
Delusions, civilizations, salvation
But you niggers,
Live without regret
Embracing life without fear
Nor caring about the unseen
Like an ignorant brute
In his primordial state of nature
How good it must be
To live without expectations!

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>current book
>your thoughts on it
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>some renfaire fag or something made his magical realm IRL

gotta respect it
>shamanic flight
What traditional sources is he drawing on? I've been reading the Songs of Chu from ancient China, they're based on this.
Data mining thread
>My Friend Van Gogh by Emile Bernard
>The Autumn of the Middle Ages by Huizinga
>Just started both of them yesterday but so far like each of them. Van Gogh's Letters are my favorite book and Bernard provides good background on Van Gogh and his art. His writing isnt bad either and some of his takes on art is the type of stuff i love to read. I just finished Gombrich's Art and Illusion and i found it fascinating. It had a mix of psychology and history; basically the evolution of art, what it is, and how the artist and viewer look at art throughout the ages. Ive been in a phase of reading about art recently so i figured i'd read Bernard's book which was rec'd to me by an anon here (thanks) before rereading Van Gogh's letters.
>I only read the first chapter of Huizinga but so far so good. I'm not too knowledgeable about the middle ages and the burgundian court but its already piqued my interest. From what i gather so far, Huizinga is trying to show the difference in perspective and mentality in the middle ages
As far as my understanding of his own interpretation of Shamanism and Shamanic flight, he draws mostly from the Tibetan Book of the Dead and Jung. His deconstruction of Shakespeare's Measure by measure as a shamanic flight into the four poles of Tarquin, Lucrece, Adonis, and Venus within the chapter Notes on Shakespeare is very cool. His centenary tribute to T S Eliot ventures into that same Shamanic landscape. Of course the chapter is filled with Hughes' admiration for Eliot but it is a brilliant chapter as well. He delves more into the Jungian, in his explanations for Crow on the beach (Incredibly useful - as my essay is exploring the Crow mythos). Another notable chapter is The hanged man and the dragonfly - centred around interpreting Leonard Baskin's illustrations as spiritual wounds of a Mana-esque fashion.

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What literature is xe referring to?
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can't believe ryan gosling met with hitler
This is so silly, Fascism was literally birthed from book nerds who read a lot.
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>ryan gosling
ryan gosling and Totò
>I got my opinions from anime

We can tell.
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I have read all the books of Plato and other ancient books, while you are a slave and you can do only what the masses want to do.

This is a place for all things fiction, poetry, history, and philosophy regarding the New Aristocracy movement. - #2

In order not to clutter the thread here is a pastebin link explaining and clarifying everything I outlined in the previous thread:


Bronze Age or classical antiquity? Provide arguments for and against each.
What is the first indispensable historical work which the list must begin with?
Should it be FROM the period or ABOUT the period?
It's important to reason out which works are truly necessary to understand the period so that whatever knowledge comes next becomes embedded in the context of the previous (in this case of the FIRST). It is sometimes misleading to go strictly in chronological order.

Having an atlas will be indispensable so I've done some research and boiled it down to two for now:
>The Complete Atlas of World History 3 Volume Set, 1997, Routledge - John Haywood
>Atlas of World History 2nd edition, 2010, Oxford University Press - Patrick O'Brien

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to add, I agree about the fact that learning more useful languages is in order, but also consider this:
eventually adding Latin and Greek to the curriculum I'm making is going to permanently open the gates to the ancient world and provide a direct link to the source of many of the ideas and seeds which grew to become later European culture as >>23353009 noted
but what I'm actually after is the fact that it's going to present a filter for those unwilling to do things of no immediate utility - I am interested in the value of things beyond their use as tools for orientation, expediency and progress in the current systems of the world
I see it as a beautiful and something which will bring people closer to the European spirit which doesn't translate into anything tangible and that is precisely the point
this is an ongoing debate, so I'm not saying I'm completely embracing the idea of making the ancient languages part of the core project, which is why I've left that for a later date
anons don't read the pastebin and even if they do they have abysmal reading comprehension for some reason
thanks, anon, since you told me about it I researched the book more and I've added it to the top of the list for consideration when we get to classical antiquity
I am getting more and more information from different sources that The Making of the Middle Sea should be the first book we start with so we can embed the knowledge of classical antiquity in firm soil
Idk, sounds like a cult and/or pyramid scheme
>someone on /lit/ tries to get people to read
>Idk, sounds like a cult and/or pyramid scheme
I would include French, Italian and German. If you know Spanish and/or Latin; then Italian is really easy. You could basically read in French right away (especially and obviously if you know English). And German has so much intuitiveness and thought deep in the language inherently and cultural that it is stapple to learn; like Russian, and easier to get its case system and phonetics if you also know Russian.
[To also add to my post]

I would say learning one major or minor language in Indo-European would be useful to western thought and advancement. To be safe I would say Germanic, Romance/Italic, Slavic and Hellenic, with additionals being Celtic and Baltic for purely Indo-European languages in Europe and excluding them out of Europe.

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I was about to buy into the whole Jew hate thing but then I realized this guy was a Jew.
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Yeah I hate how anti-semites all have that belief.
Bobby Fischer isn't Jewish either...
Spaniards are basically identical to Moors on a genetic level. their culture and Iberian architecture owes a debt to the Muslims. in Latin America those elements managed to create an independent culture influenced by but different from Spanish culture
>Spaniards are basically identical to Moors on a genetic level.
This only happened in music and literature. They never lost their crown when it came to painters

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