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Is Pan ever going to become a likeable character? Or a character at all at that.
Much like Goten.
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Why do you think it got so shit? It use to be great.
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Which episode is this? The name doesn't really narrow it down much.
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>No chafza

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>GLT never got its anime completed
>lost AOTY to and was overshadowed by Made in Abyss the same year
>ShimSim never even got an anime
>no English release of ShimSim to put on the shelf
it sucks being a tkmizbro
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tkmiz is an alien from the future
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Not particularly.
and he is depressed because he failed his mission to save humanity and cant go back anymore
I'm not but i do find it cringe.
it has been long since confirmed the TKMZ is a fish.

Schnee episode.
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they could go full chuunitard and use the english word: Kuro Burakusumisu
I really fucking love elves so much, I want elves to be real god!
Schnee meeting MC was the only thing to look forward to and well, already happened, it was ok, but the thing is that other than that what is even the catch of the show? The mystery is not interesting, the world is not interesting, only thing catching my attention here are the big titties... maybe is like the Salaryman Isekai show and it will get good on the second half, maybe...
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>Salaryman Isekai show
Which one are you talking about?
yooo i'm smoking weed i'm a high human lol

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Did you rike it /a/?
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All the world's magic comes from the infinite realm, it's all the demon's body. They talk about how getting rid of the demon completely would mean the loss of all magic.
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Would you read a rom-com by Kui?
This is the only thing from the worldbuilding that never really sat well me. I guess it makes sense to allow adventurers to resurrect to keep desires/wishes flowing, but then why is this arbitrarily not allowed in natural dungeons?
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EROTIC elf body
Probably because the lion or another part of him isn't in there

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New episode soon
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We'll get yotsuba succession and if it's popular enough I don't see why they wouldn't just continue, this series still prints money.
Yotsuba are just the pawns of the secret magical elite of Japan though.
Tatsuya and Miyuki sex toys
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>favorite tag in panda
about that
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Why is the FemMC such a vapid social media hoe? Is this show all about portraying weak minded girls who only care about being dumb e-celebs or their social media world?
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Fake statistics
Elf is superior tho
Cute Mahiru feet
Haven't been watching that one. How is it gay? Thought it was just a throwback to old style romances with a guy falling for an alien girl?

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Would you hire an assistant to help you with your isekai affairs?
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Would you trust strangers in another world or would you be wary of everyone you come across?
He was asking for it!
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Yeah i'm a pretty trusting person.

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>sits back and watches Asa have a sushi date with her mortal enemy
What's she even good for?
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>schizo gf
Denji is so lucky
this artist is so corny
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Most of her fanfic and fanart is just people venting how did she mindbreaks normalfags so hard? She's not even top 30 most evil characters
>I didn't dropped them
I saw you leave them behind on the sink counter while you were crying in the bathroom. You put your condoms and your lipstick back in your purpose but left the bottle there.
holy schizophrenia

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The Big 3
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Stage 1: Denial
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It's happening
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I miss this
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Teach got bored with Koby and went back to his old flame.

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What do you think made Isayama abandon the original Mist/AnR ending in favor of the barely comprehensible capeslop we got?
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>Isayama probably worked harder on SnK for 12 years than you did on your jobs in that same timespan.
Nta but SnK was a monthly manga, he had assistants to do all the shading and backgrounds and some other guy to color the covers, and is a millionaire (and the art still looked like ass). Drawing one manga chapter in ~30 days under those conditions doesn't seem like an unreasonable workload.
Most wage slaves work 40+ hours a week, doing something they hate, and for a fraction of Isayama's salary.
He just watched too much cape slop himself and fell in love with it. Lot of nips did.
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this is correct, since 1945 japan is not a sovereign country, it has us military bases
>each month, a week of rest, followed by 3 weeks of intense work with only 2-3 hours of sleep per night.
Few people work as much. He can, he's young and doesn't have children yet.

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Why does everyone love Asuka and why is she so superior to any blue haired character you can possibly imagine?
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Uh oh melty
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There is no non-romantic explanation for this, it’s time to accept it Shinjisister..
Wow, those two strangers sure are standing next to each other
Why would strangers stand that close? The script already confirmed they’re dating btw, it also mentioned Asuka’s heart thumping when she saw Kensuke earlier in the movie
>The scri-
Not canon

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Anyone else miss the cartoony style of older anime?
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While I did enjoy it back then, I am always confounded by people who want things to stay the same forever. Things change. Like the old stuff? Keep watching the old stuff. Don't like the new stuff? Don't watch it. I have been watching anime for decades and to me the ratio of good/bad titles seems constant to me. Whenever I see one these old good new bad threads, I just shiver thinking all the crap shows I watched from the past. The cartoony style was funny back then, but I don't want to watch the same jokes again and again for decades. Move on.
It's a bit tricky because most animators are freelance and get paid by the piece, so "wages" are not quite what matters - the average skill level is lower in part because the vets are too overworked to train the young animators, probably the spike form 40 tv programs in 97 to 80 in 98 is the route of it all. Also, the actual animating is more difficult now for a variety of reasons , larger paper for 16:9 drawings, no broken lines allowed due to digipaint, xerography wouldn't pick up sketches in colored pencil so you could do your final on top of a sketch, but not with digital scanning etc. Series budgets are higher than ever - but the money doesn't go as far.

In the mid 00s Yuasa made a similar claim about the cheapness/accessibility of digital paint/photography making for lots of low end works doing the bare minimum though.
Why not watch indie anime made by people working for 0 money for pure passion? They have more sovl per frame than even old anime.
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>Witch from Mercury looks a lot better art and animation-wise than this slideshow Layzner thing

This was in 96 - they are comparing 80s to 90s tv anime. WFM was nearly collapsing by the third episode. Very detailed mecha drawings, but it wasn't a strong production animation wise overall. Tons of terribly flat or broken layouts with inconsistent spacing and weak character animation all over, not to mention the mecha action layouts were quite simple in contrast with 80s stuff on average. You don't have competency in this subject. At best you're confusing the heavily modulated timing of the animation with overall drawing count in Layzner, which is what is because discussed,if you even are remembering the show remotely accurately. How "limited" animation is vs the actual animation quality are two different things. Layzner happened to be very high in both, at least for the mecha animation.

First Gundam was 79 and also had unusual production issues, too complicated of boards for the animation staff, as Sunrise's most trusted were on Daltanious at the time, and Macross had anywhere from amazing animation on the Artland episodes, to literally the worst stuff on TV in 82 from the Star Pro ones, which was a random Korean studio which weren't used for anything else in 80s TV anime.
Rather than wanting things to stay the same forever, I just wish anime went in a different direction. Even in the 2010s there were still plenty of shows that I loved, but nothing from the last few years has inspired that same feeling in me. Watching older anime helps me better understand my gripes with newer stuff but I don't just want a carbon copy of the former.

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Dumping the TL
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>When did she!? Did she face no issues?
Bit of an awkward translation
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In celebration of this manga finally ending, lets all read it from the start together!
Having some of the most emotionally tough and complicated writing in manga, with artwork to match, there isn't much out there like HNK/LOTL.
So whether you're a new reader or wanting to reminisce, join up.
13 volumes, 1 volume per day. Starting between 10:30 and 11:00 AM EST.

Interaction and reactions are encouraged, but please make use of spoiler tags.
New readers are encouraged to post any of their theories about the direction or themes of the manga as we go.

Old Threads - https://desuarchive.org/_/search/boards/a.desu.meta/subject/Daily%20Houseki%20no%20Kuni%2FLand%20of%20the%20Lustrous%20Storytime/
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33 expressed doubts and wanted to go to the moon because of that, but 94, who either was asleep or pretending to sleep, heard the conversation. After bedtime they switched their hair with 33's and left with the rest of the moon gems
I mean 84
Probably going to defend Phos.
Is it just me or is Benito super erotic?
They all are.

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Sorry for everything, Rudeus.
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Sylphie is a yesgirl, and would accept anyone that is not named Nanahoshi.
Roxy never saw herself as a proper wife for Rudy
Eris is an Asuran noble.
Supposedly Pilemon is 6 years younger than Paul, so he was like 13 when Rudeus was born, and was already a father of two, so assuming those two kids came from the same mother, for Luke to be older than Rudeus, Pilemon couldn't possibly be older than 13 when Luke was born, so he pretty much had to be going for a child the moment he could actually start nutting.
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Is nobody going to comment about how this girl is the future queen of Asura, and everything it entails?
>Daddy's girl becomes queen of the most powerful country in the world
In other words, Rudeus controls Asura. He's literally the illuminati

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