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This board is for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics.

Off-topic and /b/-tier threads will be deleted (and possibly earn you a ban, if you persist). Unless they are quality, well thought out, well written posts, the following are some examples of off-topic and/or /b/-tier threads:

>Red pill me on X. (with no extra content or input of your own)
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>If X is true, then how come Y? Checkmate Z.

The variety of threads allowed here are very flexible and we believe in freedom of speech, but we expect a high level of discourse befitting of the board. Attempts to disrupt the board will not be tolerated, nor will calls to disrupt other boards and sites.

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Check the catalog before posting a new thread!

Reply to existing threads about a topic instead of starting a new one. New users who do not abide by this principle will be temporarily blocked from creating threads. Mods will delete obvious duplicate threads and spam without notice. Don't bitch because your twitter screencap thread got deleted; there are probably other threads about it. Go look!

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What were Adolf Hitlers real religious views? I can't seem to find anything substantial. Some say he was Christian others that he despised it as an abrahamkc religion.
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>noo you have to show me what he was thinking in his head
Kys kike
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>God DESTROYED the Kikes.
>Jesus cursed the Fig Tree (Mark 11:14), which was Israel.
>Once you understand just how profoundly anti-Kike the entire Bible is, to drop it as a weapon against them is suicide.
This this this
And this is why shills shill so hard against the Bible.
The entire Old Testament itself is the story of a people God revealed himself to turning away from him and breeding with demon worshipping Canaanites
The only Christian’s who don’t hate the Jew are Christian’s who have never red the Bible let alone the Talmud
And kikes have opposed Christianity, any Christianity which gives a shit what the Bible actually says for so, SO long
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All true. jews rejected Christ
There's no record at all of Hitler praying or leading his staff into prayer anywhere in his 6 gorrillion biographies
Not a single one
Here's the real answer, since so many replies have passed and no one got it: early (c. 1920) writings and comments of Hitler's, when he was a young man, tended to paint Christianity in a positive or at least ambiguous light. Later, during the Third Reich period, Hitler and other high-ranking NSDAP officials came to realize that a religion created by desert Jews was not fitting for Germanic peoples and would have to be phased out. Always look at the time period when you see quotes from so-and-so natsoc brass about religion.

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It's finally time to address the elephant in the room. There are tons of jobs that require someone with some actual work ethic to keep the economy going, and I don't think millennials or Gen Z are up to the task.

Most of them are too lazy for even McDonald's. How do we fix them?
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With inflation the way it is rn saving is so retarded, your genuinely a boomer low iq faggot.
There will be no social security in the future and, no, we won’t get a refund. And good luck getting Medicare to pay for your medical care as a white person. Wait until they implement “equity-based reimbursement” for medical bills.
I read Gordon Ramsay, who the fuck is Dave Ramsey
Sounds like your dad was too easy on you you are crying like a bitch about imaginary bullshit
Sigh it hurts. Paying a quarter of my check every week to the government for something I’ll never get back. I could do so much with that money now.

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I'm Italian, I may not live in Italy but my parents are Italian, my grandparents and ancestors are all Italian, we never married outside our culture.
And every time I see people pushing this whole "we should unite as the white race and save humanity" I can do nothing but kek.

What white race? Are telling me we are the same just because we are white?

No fucking way.

I have nothing to do with other European sub-cultures.

Just look at greeks, fat, hairy and gross.

Look at germans, ugly, sickly, pale and did nothing but lose wars.

Look at the Spanish, basically Moorish down to their blood.

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Politics are theater for the slave class, merely Jewish soap opera designed to convince the non-Jews that there's a peaceful/political solution. It's really that simple.

Only 2 things really matter before anything else can get fixed:

1) all zionists (Jew and non-Jew alike) need to be deported or hanged for treason (Israel sells US secret military tech to China and that makes supporting Israel treason) even if it takes a civil war;

2) all Talmudists and their advocates and collaborators need to be deported or hanged for promoting crimes against children (the Jewish sacred Talmud tells Jews that they can fuck kids AND the Jewish sacred ritual of the circumcision is forced genital mutilation of 8 day old male babies).

Proof that Israel sells US secret military tech to China here:

Proof that the Jewish sacred Talmud promotes pedophilia here:

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This one at least gets it.
Politics are for people to make them think they are changing something while globalists are just doing whatever they want. Just like Trump he supposed to be alternative and turned into Zion Don that instantly tried to fuck over everybody with vax and now wants to protect jews even more. KEK.
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Because being European doesn't connect us at all, Italians have nothing to do with the Irish or the British or the subhumans from the east, trying to blend us all in the same pot is a USA thing that is HURTING US, it's hurting our youth that instead of embracing their traditions just moan in pain and alienation.

By focusing so much on what we have similar, something superficial such as skin color, we are losing sight on what make us strong and unique, we are losing our own culture and traditions to this homogeneous USA garbage "culture" it's making us weaker.

We should fight to protect WHITE PEOPLE that's silly and it's bad optics, we should strive to protect our legacy and culture, no one can be against that, not even the most retarded of libs.
Lmao i would break every single bone in your useless manlet body with my right arm bound behind my back. Also being an Italian and judging other people for being bad at warfare is incredibly hilarious lmao.

Take the sexdoll pill. Gentlemen, women have betrayed us, lets buy sexdolls and tell women to fuck off. We don't need them. They need us.
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>I am literally buying one right now
Prove it, shill.
Isn't that the midg that got butthurt andthreatend to sue us or something so a lot of users kept making threads full of posts about graphically describing the horrible things we'd do to him for teh lulz until he eventually stopped feeding into us?
>not yet but i just ordered one, will get it on monday
No you didn't. You're a Jewish d&c shill.
no matter how unpleasant women become, owning a sex doll willalways be pathetic.
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If I didn't live with my parents I'd get it. This one looks good

I have believed so cuz their women said so.
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Mine does, yours don't.
If God is real, why is your civilization collapsing

Aaaand here we have the fake Georgian and deranged anti-Christian tranny being exposed again. Good grief. Why do you waste our time with your pathological lying, pagan tranny?

One of the girls is a fashion model. Both are highly accomplished, One a medical doctor, the other a multilingual political scientist working for the government. But of course, as homosexual tranny and pagan, you will find them "ugly". What a joke.
It is predicted in Revelation, low IQ nutcase. It is fulfilling of prophecy. So with "your" civilization. What are you? A rabid anti-Christian Muslim or a rabid anti-Christian Jew?
>accomplished women are good
They are ugly hoes attempting to hide their goblin faces with lip filling and makeup and you think they are attractive.
Good woman is all natural obedient virgin that you breed.
I am not pagan, I believe only in facts.

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So unlucky that these Boeing safety inspectors keep dying!
Praying for the president of the company, this must take a toll on worker morale


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I've been looking at recent posts from leafs and they're all talking about fleeing Canada just because Hindv Bvlls decided to colonize it.

Hey, aren't you the same whites that conquered the world and invented everything? Why can't you fend off Indians? Are you... admitting that we're superior?

>N-no it's just because we uh...
you what? you can't fight us?

yeah. that's what I thought pigskin. Now sit the fuck down and stop complaining. Aw, look at whitey flee. Look at him run. Bye bye now!
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time to eat, goebbels
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like a broken record
>fake tan fake blond

Mid af and he still pays for that lol sad
Also I can spam 100000s of TikTok’s of Asian woman wanting white men lol meanwhile u will run out and start spamming black men

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Imagine living in a country where you can’t carry this. Even as a non felon.
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Damn. Are you Bongs really that poor? I always thought the British had money.
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I have no idea I have a cheap fiskars folding saw and an old wood frame bow saw. I just like posting expensive shit.
i have both of these, really convenient. replacement blades are affordable and can be resharpened. considering buying the havalon talon fish, too
>What kind of maniac thinks about nothing but self defense all day every day.
The majority of my older relatives carry pocket knives that are neither intended for nor suited for self defense.
>And even coins silly terms such as "EDC"? I mean for fuck's sake, just say it's your daily knife or something.
"EDC" is shorter than "the knife I carry every day" and covers other objects like your phone, wallet, etc.
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Are you okay?

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Previous >>466988329 , >>466955736

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)

>BREAKING: The Houthis have announced that they are expanding the operation and will now also target ships in the Mediterranean Sea
>#Syria: Al-Mayadeen sources: Explosions were heard inside the American Al-Omar oil field base in the eastern countryside of Deir ez-Zor.
>United States of America: The White House: Washington wants the talks on Rafah to continue
>The documented Palestinian death toll has risen to 34,622 martyrs and 77,867 injuries since the seventh of last October.
>An official statement issued by #Hamas: We emphasize the positive spirit with which the movement's leadership responded when it studied the ceasefire proposal that it recently received.
>BREAKING: The trade war between Israel and Turkey continues


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good afternoon fren and also TKD and yes hamas should stop even going to these damn ceasefire meetings because it's just a waste of time
>christians but still many christians love to lick the kike's ass and boot.
Unlike temple mount, the holy sepulcher is not a Jewish holy place, what is the excuse here?
Same reason they try to steal Armenian church lands - it’s their nature.
Whatever happened to the other pissraeli govt official. Gaentz or something like that. He said that if yahoo didn't take the deal, that he would destroy the pissraeli govt
> He got threats for both options
No excuse, they jusr hate us, but most western christians are too zogged so the kikes don't give a fuck at all about optics there.

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When even is the medical term for this condition?
It's called "Clinical death"
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this is the name of the condition, formally know as phantom erection

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You will never own a home.
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The fucking midwest you mong. After taxes, not before. That's why I said a GOOD wage was $25/hr.
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You shouldn’t be on here on a Saturday, rabbi
that house is nice too. it has a garage also.

1.3k a month is as low as things will go id bet. a duel income household can swing it but that may be a broader discussion.
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>he can’t pay 7% on a million dollar mortgage

Are you… poor?

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>Whites find it acceptable to insult and make fun of Indians and East-Asians because they won't do anything
>Whites don't dare insult or make fun of Blacks or Latinxs because they respond with force
Just shows what kind of cowards Whites truly are.
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that is the best reply i have ever read. you, sir, won the internet.

if muhammad was a child molester, why would muslims be any different. I wish all muslims are as honest as you are
>eats pooafter talking.
>Blacks or Latinxs because they respond with force
jews respond with force. Niggers and Latinxs have as much as power as jews give them
Also fuck your cow dung flag. Go back to shit on the streets
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Who is behind the "you worship a jew!!!" movement? Is the idea that we should be so antisemitic that we should hate Christ or something?

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They only lost 31000 according to Zelensky about a month ago. So why do they now “desperately” need more conscripts from outside Ukraine?
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they need more men to celebrate ukraine’s inevitable victory in 2 weeks
The Ukraine is winning so hard they need more people. It’s crazy.
>Why does Ukraine “desperately” need conscripts?
They're throwing the largest WINNER party on the planet
This is so yall don't bitch as much when NATO goes into Western Ukraine boots on the ground. It's called predictive programming.
because only 300,000 Ukrainian soldiers are holding the front, the rest are just chilling.

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>also men

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When vax-damaged troons embrace Christ on their death beds, what is your response? Do you welcome your brother in Christ and amplify their repentance as a warning to others, or do you simply laugh and ignore them?

The narrative is already forming. The troon community is ignoring his repentance and saying the message is "trans people are bullied to death." This is an opportunity to flex narrative control skills.
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>I hate Christianity
>No you're not allowed to repent and turn to God
Fucking JEW.
Well the thing is that the one who started on the correct path did so for mercenary reasons, where the one who strayed but saw the light before the end are more authentic in their faith. Also, the precise response you gave shows exactly where the heart of the self-righteous one would be: outraged, and not celebrating.
Isn't it predictable how Jews always make proxy enemies for us to fight? They confuse peoples genders, and then it becomes trans people vs transphobic people. They make blacks love crime and then it becomes blacks vs racists. They're always creating the next enemy to hide behind.
Repentance is anything but deflecting guilt for your faults. Precisely the opposite, it involves confessing them first, and realizing they were wrong and you with them.
It is true, with the caveat that the outrage they who were there from the beginning felt for being paid the same day's wage as the one hired to work the field at the 11th hour (1hr's work) belies there self-righteousness. I can't remember the formal name of the parable, but it was in the gospel of Matthew.

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Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

>16k banner 1
>16k banner 2

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Ukraine requested a waiver from the Council of Europe for (formal) suspension of several human/civil rights - https://archive.today/O20yg
>Zelensky: 'Kiev is negotiating with the US for it's support for the next 10 years - https://archive.today/uAMXX

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>Zelensky, Poroshenko, Pavlyuk and Koval are officially declared wanted by russian MVD
YW, the guy who runs it posts here occasionally with a Czech flag
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>doing the X hand gesture signaling wounds
I thought it was wrestling thing
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>It is time for shitposting again!
Das rite
I am Hungarian
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they got tied to crocus or what?

I am the brown future
My people will not bow to your oppression
We will not cower in fear
We are African warriors
From the Zulu
To the Nubians
From the Hadzabe
To the Shona People
We are one
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Muh legacy
>mud cookies
>mud "houses"
Impressive, truly impressive.
You do know you ancestors were sold off into slavery by their African brothers right?
They are still wearing the beads they sold them for.
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Your name is Toby nigger,get back to work

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