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/r9k/ is an imageboard where there are no exact reposts.

1. If you attempt to post something unoriginal, it is not posted, and you are muted temporarily.
2. The time with which you are muted for doubles with each transgression.
3. Each mute time is 2^n in seconds where n is the number of times you have transgressed. So, your mute time doubles each time you fuck up.
4. Backlinks, eg >>1, are not viewed by the robot. So "lolwut" and ">>2 lolwut" are the same post, in the eyes of the robot.
5. Gibberish at the end of a post to force originality may result in mod intervention (no BLOX posts please).
6. Images are NOT included in the filter, only text.
7. Your mute count slowly decreases over time.
8. You cannot post a picture without text.
9. Unicode is blocked. Sorry, too many exploits (Cyrillic letters, etc).
10. Posts require a certain minimum amount of original content in order to be posted.
11. Post sane, real content, well thought out replies, and mutes are unlikely.
12. The original algorithm was designed by XKCD:
/r9k/ has no topic, but unlike /b/ Global Rule #3 is in effect. In addition, advice threads and camwhoring/hookup/"rate me" threads should go on /adv/ - Advice and /soc/ - Cams & Meetups respectively. This includes Discord server threads!

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Do not post pictures of yourself on /r9k/.
Do not post threads asking for pictures of other users.

All "rate me" and camwhoring threads belong on /soc/.


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Hey R9K, it is currently 4 am here in Israel, and I can't sleep and I'm really bored, so I thought I might do a little ama
so uh yeah, ask me anything, and try not to be too mean, I'm not expecting total friendliness but lets at least have a civil comfy thread
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is that all the questions? should go and try to get some sleep?
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then debunk this map i found on google with 2 sec of searching
All of that land was under the british mandate of palestine, it was neither jewish land nor Palestinian land
The un partition plan which never went into effect due to the arabs rejecting it despite Israel accepting it, the arab armies later invaded in order to eliminate the newly born jewish state
that land was not palestinian, the west bank was under jordanian control, and gaza was under egyptian control, palestinians had no self determination, the land wasn't theirs
the first time Palestinians ever gained self determination and their own land, due to agreeing to negotiate with Israel rather than choosing violence
It does not show the years before 1946, which would reveal Jewish territory lost to various empires.
yeah but why did you stay after you won the war?

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>tfw no retarded gf to save me the red one
I drank energy drinks when i was 12
I can be urb. Gf
Wait im not a womwn

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Anyone else thinks "going out" is a very biologically driven female thing? I know there's a cultural aspect to it but I think it exists because of women's natural drive.

Men might want to go out to places specific to his hobbies or interest whereas women just wants to "go out" and "experience", doesn't particularly matter what, anything is better than not going out for women.

Same with traveling, women don't seem particularly interested in going places not gone before but hyper interesting in going places and traveling in general. This is not limited to younger women, every women at all stages of relationship is into "going out".

The obvious possibility is that since getting pregnant has a cost, she needs more choice so "going out" and "traveling" makes her selection options wider. Men doesn't have similar issues as sperm takes few minute to regenerate so driven to fuck anything that smiles, don't have to select for genes, just a number game.

Or is there a better explanation? I rarely interact with humans outside of internet so I could be wrong.
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>body size difference between men and women suggests we're a species where both genders play a role in mate selection
I don't get it, how does body size difference imply that?
so you were just spazzing out, I thought you knew something I didn't
>he unironically doesn't know even the basics
Idk it seems like staying in is a historical anomaly because of modern technology and culture. Going out is normal for both genders.
Evolutionary speaking, men are wired to defend and guard. Women were foragers. They roamed around collecting berries and shit.

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Growing up edition

Previous thread : >>77365511

>What was your childhood like? Were you a good or a bad kid?
>What about your high school years? Any embarrassing memories or phases?
>At what age did you start coming to 4chan?
>How much have you changed as a person in your life? Do you consider yourself mature for your age?

>What is this thread?
A place for biological women to talk about their lives. It's not complicated.
>Why aren't you on Crystal Cafe?

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>standards: he shouldnt insult me

>see? already to high
That's not too high. All you gotta do is find a guy who's passive aggressive like you. That way you can hurt each other endlessly without uttering a single insult!
maybe for you, but this is the first time I'm interested in a game like this. Am I opening a Pandora's box?
im literally backtracking so hard right now and i cant put a finger on what youre talking about. did you take your medication recently? are you having one of your schizophrenic outbursts again?

>Hi scaranona! How are you tonight?
im pretty fine when im not thinking about my steadily growing and growing to-do lists. im kind of scared to open them knowing it will hurt seeing everything i missed out on.
>It makes sense that the person who keeps trying to bully Scaranona was a moid.
who was bullying me? i dont really pay mind to that stuff. trust me when i say, i dont care about what any moids petty criticisms of me are.
>working less and taking two nights off instead of one
more resting and less overexerting yourself always helps.
>I hope you two get along great at your job
I hope he doesn't get the job kek. I know tomorrow I'll be less angry and change my mind, though.
I actually use these words on purpose to filter out sensitive retards like you who can't engage with another person unless they're being linguistically coddled

It's going up both of your butts edition

Generate your very own waifu using any AI generator you like.
Let her talk to the other waifus ITT.

https://rentry dot co/waifu-local-guide


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Saeriah with a cape again

Goodnight Nicoleanon!

Nice elf!

Nice rack!

Goa night Goa
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>"Anon that gen makes me look fat..."

It kinda does
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Teasing me with that cleavage :F
Sexy Goa
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Sexy elf bride waifu

Also I'm surprised that Sexy Goa was an original comment

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It's actually fucking over
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Just so you know, any online test is worthless. They heavily inflate people's scores.
Never actually taken any of these online tests but I'm at least 127+ because they kept throwing me into the gifted classes. At this point I don't want to know because I'm worried its gonna be alot smaller than I want it to be
Some do, but reputable tests based on things like raven's progressive matrices (which I think is what this test uses) offers a way to do cross-cultural IQ assessment without the need for pre-assumed knowledge. Ravens progressive matrices correlate extremely highly with other IQ tests so its considered a credible IQ test. But with IQ tests they're 'normed' on a large population that takes them. It's been said that these particular tests are actually offering lower scores because the Internet community who takes them tend to have higher IQs so scoring '100' needs more correct answers than if a larger sample, general population were to have normed the test.

If you look at communities that are interested in IQ testing they also respect these kind of matrices tests as valid.
IQ can't really be increased tho
Well, I might as well just fucking kill myself. I'm a fool to think I could ever mean something valuable to this shitty world.

quickly-make-the-new-thread-so-some-faggot-doesn't-hijack-the-OP edition

Thread for the boys, no women allowed. You have the rest of /r9k/ to be an attention whore.

How was your day lads?

>did you work out today?
>what vidya are you playing this weekend?
>are you going anywhere? touch some grass?
>pulled some bitches?
>career prospects

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>5 push ups
I have it too easy
Bros, I was having sex with a foid and she had an orgasm. I was so disgusted that a woman was feeling pleasure that I stopped and walked out of the house, which sucks because it's my house. Now she has my house. What do I do?
post Damon Salvatore. i worked out today.
>did you work out today
No, but so will tomorrow.
>what vidya are you playing this weekend?
Factorio till sunrise
>are you going anywhere? touch some grass?
I did, actually.
I walked around downtown through various flea markets and pawn shops.
I bought an old "portable" crt tv, probably looked like a retard lugging back to my house.
>pulled some bitches?
Don't wanna.
Photography and ham radio.

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What the fuck is wrong with you people?

get your fuckin shit together

Was any of it real?

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2 femboys, each one sucking one of my balls and one femcel licking and kissing my anus

I am living like a king
I don't really like you OP
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>I don't really like you OP

A Sigma doesn't lose sleep to a beta's opinion
And then he woke up

>I like you guranon, even if you're nuttier than your mom's butthole
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i want to be like you one day, amefag

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Any advice for a 24 year old kissless virgin? I have a full time job, working odd hours, in a male dominated field.

I'm Anglo-Saxon, blue eyes, white skin, 6.25" penis, and I have over $100,000 USD in savings.

My problem is that I look very young for my age (people usually tell me I look 16-17). It's not a hormonal problem, as my libido is through the roof. Unfortunately I can't grow a beard.

I still get nervous when talking to women, and I have no idea what angle to take in order to seal the deal. How the hell do i get laid?

Trannies and homos: Fuck off

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he's finally taking a plane to see me in a few months and getting a hotel for us :3
I'm a cis femanon btw not a gay male
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No I asked what did she think thought the butt was for
I'm the guy who first asked about creampies due to my fetish about them. At least swallow some cum fembot.
Calling it now OP gets blocked before the e bf arrives in CA
who tf is dis LMFAAAAAAAOO
hey man, fuck you
I'm already on this shit

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ive been having more and more tranny thoughts lately? how do i make them go away? i dont want to be a disgusting troon.
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>it's just a fetish
yeah just less PORN
maybe a little less self-inserting as anime girls idk
if you're (almost) completely normal as a guy then you have no reason to become a tranny
these are actually good pieces of advice. thanks.
Transitioning won't change the way you or anyone else in the world sees you. We all know that changing sex is impossible.

Dysphoria is real and deep pain, but you will find more inner peace within yourself and in society if you are just a quirky person than if you are trying to force people to think about you in a certain way. People don't like to be forced to do things and are more willing to see you for yourself if you're carefree and fruity than if you are forcing them a whole backstory on how to see you.

For those who transition, having to justify your identity every time you speak to a new person is miserable, and annoying to them too because it means every first interaction becomes a trauma dump.

You can be yourself as yourself, being a man doesn't mean you can't be cute. Also, watch less porn and go outside more.
>idk i just like cute girls and stuff and i imagine wearing cute outfits and stuff as a girl sometimes
So you want to be the object of your attraction, which means you are a fetishist. There is nothing womanly or feminine about you. The world doesn't need more disgusting autistic maladjusted hypersexual men in women's clothes walking around in it. Just continue being a worthless man, you'll live
youre honestly right anon thanks

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