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If you live in the US, this chart is your best place to start looking. International posters outside the US may have region specific options not shown here!
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Need a VIN checked? Search the catalog (https://boards.4chan.org/o/catalog) for an existing VIN check thread before making your own.

It's Friday. What are you guys working on this weekend? Blog posting encouraged. Wrenchlets need not apply.

Previous Thread:>>27534353
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Neighbor asked me to have a look at their 2012 Volvo XC90, as it suddenly had the "Anti-skid service required" message show up, aswell as the same message for the rear parking sensors. Only fault-code I could find related to this was a communication failure with the DEM (differential electronic module).

After some googling I found people having had the same issue, with the culprit being the rear electronic module (essentially just a glorified fusebox). After some multimetering I found that there indeed is no power to the fuses going to the DEM & rear parking sensors. With the module itself being damned expensive & the fuses having constant power I opted to put a fuse jumper in each of the two and connect those straight to the positive point going into the module. The anti-skid & parking sensors now work fine, but I expect further failure of the rear module at some later point

>1000 for a shade-tree brake job & oil change
Hell, for the owners sake I hope that then includes pads, rotors, complete bleeding, and oil + filter
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>With the module itself being damned expensive
disregard this I suck dicks
Pads, new fluid, tire rotation and maybe rotors depending on their condition. Oil, filter, air and cabin filters and checking over the basics.
Silicone is nice. Flexible, lasts a long ass time, stretchy and seals well, resists lots of chemicals. I mean rubber has worked ok for automotive, but so many other applications, silicone is preferable to rubbers and other plastics and it’s always a cost thing, like the cheaper models have some PVC crap and the premium uses silicone.
>I went to take the front end off an old f350 at the scrapper, 27mm lug nut crossthreaded. Next!

There are many ways to slay a nut and you can leave the wheel attached (I have) for later slaying at home or even in the parking lot.

I keep a Ken-Tool lug wrench and a long cheater pipe for jobs like that and would bring it next trip if needed to snap the stud. If they don't allow angle grinders drilling the joint between lug and stud then splitting with a chisel (I weld handles to mine) is one of many options. I also have a small oxy-acetylene torch set I use to shorten surplus steel to fit my trailer and those easily was off lug nuts.

Self and bro use a garden wagon for salvage runs and pack it with just the gear we expect to need and hide additional gear in his Suburban.

Keep an eye out for long straight pitman arms as they make great striking wrenches if you weld an impact adapter to them. I shove an extension into the adapter to hold the wrench straight and keep my hand out of danger then use a hand sledge (or my bro with a larger sledge).

new edition
put /dbt/ in the title edition

>Motorcycle bingo
>Twist of the Wrist 3
>pop a wheelie i pop a boner
>Too Many nobikes
>scooters / EVbikes dont belong here
>take the warning stickers off your bike
>take the anime stickers off your bike
>don't buy chinese motorcycles
>don't squid, even in summer, wear ear plugs
>pass the MSF course

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>Royal Enfield and a BMW.
got it thanks,
Are you 16?
> CB500X
This one also feels bigger than necessary. It isn't even warranted by the engine size, I believe CB500X could easily be made slimmer and lower without sacrificing much of its performance.
Typing this I realize that I'm really not into ADV bikes, I'm into scramblers derived from ADV bikes, just like my slr or poo scram.
ADVs are just what scramblers evolved into
Yes, I want ADVs to devolve. It isn't supposed to make sense, but it is my preference.

does anything come close to it?
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Betting that the transaxle is the weak point
>doesn't cost £900k for an engine rebuild.
it costs 750k annually to maintain the car, so idk if that's any better
why does it have to be one or the other? i think of hypercars as simply closing the gap better than a supercar.
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too bad the boomer who made it won't ever make the car prove itself on a track cause he's too scared of getting BTFO by ancient pushrod cars.

pic related has none of the fancy material and would still hand that car its ass for a fraction of the cost.

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QTDDTOT because there isn't one and because this is a stupid question:

6.9 lbf ft - yes it's the workshop manual, but this won't crack the battery casing right ? Feels like this thing just keeps spinning but I guess it's compressing the little pad the battery is sitting on until it can't. Or should I shoot for a little less.
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I don't see how it would be your fan clutch. Your engine shouldn't stall regardless. The RPM drop is probably just due to the same condition -- lack of power at idle.
Is your idle rpm the same as usual ?
I've had one of my project cars have a tendency to dip way too low when stopping. My problem iirc was coils but it could be a lot of things .
Idle RPM and acceleration from a stop was normal.
I want to renew and protect my 91 jeep cherokee, standard transmission 6 cyl 4.0. I bought it used at 115k or so miles and immediately had a garage I respect do a coolant system inspection/then flush and got G-05 coolant in there. Got the oil changed. The water pump according to maintenance records was replaced at 90k miles and before I got it the thing was lovingly cared for by an old man, I bought it from his son who had planned to lift it but didn't have time anymore. I do take it through rough logging roads and over fallen trees now and then but it's only got light offroading duty, I don't intend to lift it. I would like to make a checklist of things to replace or renew that might need to be done sooner than later. So far I've replaced the plugs, wires and distributor cap, sway bar bushings, sway bar link bushings, the aforementioned coolant and the oil change. I've got the supplies for brakes as the next job and I'd like to get to the shocks next.
I'm a wrenchlet, everything I've done so far is based entirely off youtube tutorials. I haven't had any major fuckups aside from stripping one of the sway bar holes and having to tap a bigger hole and put a bigger bolt in there. My questions are 1, what would be the best things to do first for vehicle longevity? and 2, which jobs should I not attempt to undertake on my own? What jobs is it more likely than not as an uneducated mechanic that I'd do irreparable or grievous damage to it? Thanks.
Anyone know that website where you can look up cars and it'll give you things like its specs and track times?
It's a pretty big database, too.

Why doesn't Aston ever make any money? Everyone agrees their cars are spectacular, how come they can't turn a profit like Ferrari and Porsche can?
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>Ferrari does a lot more than any of their competitors,
Not true. Trim? Outsourced. Transmissions? Outsourced. Electrical systems? Outsourced?
The trim isn't, yeah a lot of the electrical is Bosch/Marelli but that's true of every manufacturer other than Tesla. I was only comparing to their competitors anyway, none of them make transmissions (maybe some Koenigseggs).
that sounds really, really retarded.
I don't think Ferrari has a trimshop in the same way Aston does. And Aston makes its twin-turbo V12.
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Ferrari even made Maseratis trim in that era: source, I worked on both ~10 years ago, and all of the trim famously failed (sticky interior). The plastics have the cavallino on them.

Ford should make a luxury Mustang to compete with Cadillac, Audi, BMW, Lexus, etc...
Call it the Lincoln Cougar or something
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Debatable. Sounds like crap unless all you can hear is the intake. Rally cars do not have to sound like crap.

All cars should be named after dangerous animals or natural disasters.

I liked Probes; but it was a terrible name. The swoopy streamlined styling could make a comeback but I'd rather they call it a Falcon, that used to be their baby Mustang back in the 60s.
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Lincoln has done three concepts of exactly that, which tells me it's something they want to do, but Ford has always shot it down in the end.
I'm curious how long the brand has. Lincoln is incredibly starved of any new products at all.
i like probes and thats why id rather they just leave the name alone especially if it would be attached to another generic nucar probably without pop ups.

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Post your 4x4

Pavement Princesses and Mall Crawlers allowed. Blog posting encouraged. AWD ≠ 4WD. Do you have a solid front axle, or are you an IFS larper?
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Fake n gay
Are you the guy in that video drinking his latte at the coffee shop while the other guy got stabbed and was bleeding out on the ground 5 feet away?
No idea what you're on about. Just post offroad stuff and move along.
Kek yes

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Yes. In the middle of nowhere we install ticket machines so you don't even dare to park your shitty vehicle for free.
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i would smash through it with my truck
Its the South Downs, a famous mountain range in Sussex, England.
People often get altitude sickness going up there unprepared.
England doesn't have mountains lmao
Yes it does in Wales, Scotland, and Sussex by the Sea
>one of the most pristine, beautiful landscapes you've ever seen in your life
>must be in eurofagland
I gotta get out of this shithole (america)

>Land Rover
>Aston Martin
>London taxi
Half chinese

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>Zoged societies are....
Stopped reading right there. Obvious retard or troll alert went off
Huwyte "people" are over

Huehuehuehue just leave us your women (the 1% that aren't obese)
>This is the moment where you produce the "Ahmed Munir" inspection plate and think you have made a point
that literally proves his point you coping retard
>that literally proves his point you coping retard
Explain how one man on a production line "makes his point". Have you ever actually seen a car being built? No? I have
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In fact, here's a picture of the Vantage production team. You can play "spot the Indian" but you won't get a particularly high score

Privately owned retired race cars. Would you entertain the idea of having one in your ownership? Most were fairly abused during their lives. And require low-volume parts and constant contact with former team members to keep them alive.

Pic related, its hers and not yours.
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I would if I cared. Wrenching is easily solved and no one who isn't a mechanic can legitimately call themselves an enthusiast because that includes knowing how things work.

Of course I'd retrofit heat and AC and sound deadening, which is also not hard, if I intended to drive it seriously. I'd also detune the engine for better street manners.
>you can get a useless tube frame roller with an engine that lasts 10 minutes for £30k

wow master of investments
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Technology has a cost. Simplify and add lightness.
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I've bought 3 so far (e30m3, e46m3, 964)
unironically better maintained than street counterparts - the 'abuse' is typically 5x 20min track sessions a dozen times a year
easy to retrofit back to street spec - especially from classes that allow a bolt in cage
often 2x cheaper than an equivalent street car (often come with spares/etc you can resell)
What do I care if Arya Stark bought an Audi?

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polish polish polish polish polish polish polish polish polish polish polish polish polish polish polish polish polish polish german
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>4 gen F body, both V6
nigger are you even trying
Polish like the sausage
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Turtle wax.
Did the Coupe yesterday. The Grand Prix just got washed.
>nigger are you even trying
i'm broke boy,I flex on budget. I would buy 3 gen over 4 gen. Even 3.1 120h v6 would be lit FR. Desu i don't want to destroy nice v8 car on shity roads.
Nice TPI formula, love the asymmetrical hood
>Attempting to polish turds

I am NOT stopping in New Jersey
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I always imagine the gas pump people to be like that video of the fat wagie at disneyworld trying to block people from taking pictures/video of their picture on the rollercoaster. I know someone has the webm.
New Jerseyan here, why not?
I unironically didn't know how to pump my gas until I turned 21.
They're not like what you describe though, they're just Jeets lol.
based huwhite gatorade NJoyer
I go to the same gas station every time and get out of my
I hit post by accident oops butterfingers. I don't feel like typing the rest

what is the obsession in the car community about lowering your car ?
i am against it.
it just feels stupid like, more dangerous. and less serious. like some kind of stupid joke cause you are real low to the ground. i dont get it. i was just in a real low honda the other day and i was like this is just dumb.
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you dont post anything but dogshit you flaming cunt
I find it strange that a thread about lowered suspension is hit with nearly the same amount of retarded forced irritating troll bullshit as a political thread
>muh lane switching rycerrr
its like they want to make it as unusable as possible wherever you are
just kill yourself loser
^lane switcher
^currently stuck in traffic while everyone is passing him
kys stance faggot

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today i test-drove a Toyota Camry and a GR Supra. i have to say that the Camry is way more fun to drive.
which camry and why did you think it was more fun?

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