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Welcome to /k/, 4chan's weapons board. Our board centers around weapons, armor, and other myriad military technology. While guns are the primary topic, threads involving any other sort of weapons, from swords and knives to tanks and jet fighters, come up frequently as well. If you're new, we suggest reading the sticky at http://amagicalplace.wikia.com/wiki/Sticky to get acquainted with the board's subject matter.

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/k/ is a board devoted to weapons and military equipment.

Discussions about politics or current events belong on /pol/.

Do not post threads about gun control. They belong on /pol/.

Troll threads will be deleted, and those posting troll posts will be banned.

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New here? Read this

Want to hunt? CFG Hunting license info:

Want to buy something? Recommended /cangen/ vendors list (patched 04.25.2024):

Want to help firearm rights?

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>being a deliberate retard at this point just for (You)'s

is this the fin nigger everyone is always talking about?
>I hear theyre 22 ammo is also shit.
I don't even know what Browning is anymore, it seems like just some arbitrary brand that gets slapped onto everything like truck stickers and guns and sweatshirts and ammo. Federal and Estate have never let me down when it comes to buckshot, birdshot, and slugs.

Dude stop being a faggot now, there's no reason for this level of cope.
I just bought 4 pinned steel magazines
>Not greater than .275 calibre
>9mm = .355
So do you retards lack the math aptitude to determine the bigger number here
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Not greater, as in 9mm is greater than .275 and thus prohibited from use for hunting small game.

Are you some kind of ESL pajeet or what? Holy shit.

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Alright lads, I installed a hi-vis front sight to my mk iv and its come a bit loose everytime I shoot it. Apart from loctite what are my options? Plumber's tape?
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can you post the back of the cartridges? might be light primer strikes..
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These came from a box of that Century Arms Red Army Standard. None of them fired.

Are they a hazard?
no, not really. those look like light primer strikes. you probably have your firing pin adjusted too short.
Oh ok thanks anon. Assuming I get the firing pin adjusted correctly, the rounds should still be usable? And they shouldn't just go off one of these days while in my storage?
nah, the stuff in the back either goes off or not. at this point they are safe. just load them back up the next time you are at the range.

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What are you adding to your magnetically-stirred armor resins today, /k/?

pic highly related
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>nitroden-doped graphene aerogel
are you making a nitrogen doped graphene aerogel
>t. made graphene aerogels for senior design project.
Whatcha hittin it with?
Mostly been using Gamo storm magnum .177 because it's so cheap to shoot. Has about the same penetration as 2A threats (8 layers 30oz plain polyester resin-laminated roving), but the same energy per area as 3A threats (and higher velocity, actually).
boron fiber is the shit in terms of compressive strength
Fuck alladat hitech shit i got a gift card to home depot and a sale on bathroom detailing

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When will this be real?
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it annoyed me how pointless the slaughtomatic was in cp77
>a semi-disposable one might be marketable as a purse pistol for women and suburban leftoids that panic buy when they see a riot in their area
This is my life goal.

>$33.95 pre-loaded disposable polymer one-time-use DAO with concealed bolt and caseless ammunition so the only externally accessible moving part on the whole gun is the trigger.
>The idea behind them is to provide a low-cost, temporary solution for specific situations where typical modern firearms may not be accessible or practical.
>Some simply want to arm themselves for the practical purpose of self defense, and have no incentive to purchase anything but the bare minimum firearm that makes them feel safe.
>In some cases, people might need a self-defense tool for a very short period, like when traveling through dangerous areas.
>Some need to arm themselves suddenly and unexpectedly, and guns that require less financial investment and less training are more accessible.
>Creating firearms that are affordable, disposable, and are effectively "featureless" lacking safeties and other common controls can help address these needs.

My dream is to produce a viable firearm that retails for equal to or less than the average hourly wage in the US, which today stands at ~$34. If I can sell them from vending machines I'll consider my life complete and probably cum to death.
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biggest hurdle is the caseless ammo. The folding gimmick is already doable.
Because of getting killed?
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Guns are already 3d printable enough to get around the pain in the ass bullshit
The printed polymer cases is the next thing I want to see

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Posted weeks ago about how autoshotties were the way to go for anti-drone warfare, completely validated. The BTS-12 is now in service in Ukraine, presumably issued to a couple soldiers per squad alongside a main rifle.
Some things to consider:
>8.1 lbs, about battle rifle weight
>5 or 10 round box magazines
>bullpup, meaning longer (18") barrel for tighter shot pattern while remaining APC friendly
>semi-auto, no recoil dampening mechanism, significant training required for accurate follow-up shots
However, another line of thinking goes that something like the AA12 as a squad support weapon would work better:
>expanded ammunition capacity, 20 or 32 round drums
>full auto with highly effective recoil dampening system, able to put more accurate lead on target faster and with less training
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Try shooting at streetlights, road signs and traffic signals to gain confidence, also it's free.
>The BTS-12 is now in service in Ukraine
I seriously hope it's not. What a total piece of turkish garbage.
These things are going to break before they even get done with training soldiers to shoot with them. These are guns with a 3 digit round count life span. No fucking way these things go to the front line.
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This thing is better than turkshit, its chinkshit, and its still awful, it inherits that gangly type 97 striker spongebob trigger, bullpup semi auto shotguns just arent practical for anything other than light security

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What's gonna happen tomorrow in Ukraine when F-16s become operational?
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every day is earth day in best korea
It would be kino but no

Nothin' there but hinge heads and debutants.


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Terrorism Deterrence edition

Previous: >>61464388

Lying about criminal history = BAD
Lying about medical history = GOOD
Marine Corps = BASED
Intel/Cyber = POZZED

>Free ASVAB Practice Tests

>Fort Jackson Army Basic Training Guide (Nov. 2020)
https://pastebin.com/yg972vRE (embed) (Short version)

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Hi guys I could really appreciate your help. I’m 29, in great shape, and want to join as a Marine Officer. I have 3 semesters left in or so in undergrad (classics major, with a 3.5 ish GPA). Pretty sure I can raise it to a 3.7ish before I graduate. I hear there’s a way to start the process by going to Officer Candiate Course over the summer, do you think it’s too late, and are there other programs in different seasons? I want to turn my life around as I’m living with mt Father and Brother and it’s taking it’s toll. I wanted to join as a JAG officer, but till due to the time constraint I probably won’t be able to take the LSAT before leaving the house.

Could really use some guidance with my MOS selection, because I’m thinking about Infantry Officer, but am worried about my job prospects when I get out. Because of this, what do you think about Intel? I know I’ll have to get an age waiver and retake my asvab (took it like 5 years ago when I wanted to join as enlisted and scored high enough).

Does anyone know the process of going to OCC and any advice about my MOS choice wild be sincerely appreciated. Thanks /k/.

>>pic not related
Well, look at a global shipping map. The Houthis sort of put a crimp in the piracy gig. You could be a cop in a high crime city in the US? You will probably get more gunplay.
If you really want to do the thing, go USMC Infantry Officer. Pretty sure you just go OCS then go to the Infantry Officer school. Keep in mind, it is very physically and mentally demanding. Go talk to a USMC recruiter and tell him what you want.
>1: 1A1X2 Mobile Force Aviator
Never heard of it
>2: 1A1X3 Special Force Aviator
Potentially cool, potentially Cannon Air Force Base
>3: 1A3X1 Airborne Mission Systems Operator
>4: 1A8X2 ISR Operator
>5: 1C1X1 Air Traffic Controller
Big money on the outside
>6: 1C8X3 RAWS
>7: 1D7X1A Network Systems Operations

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Thanks for your response. What do you think about my thoughts about my MOS effecting my vocation when I get out?

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The significance of this development is massive, signals Vietnam, historically in the chinese/russian sphere as far as weapons, is moving towards NATO standard weaponry

How mad are the chinese and russians going to be over this?

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Sensible choice. The US is a better trading partner. The Vietnamese know all about the Chinese. No thanks. Everyone is looking at Ukraine and realizing mobile artillery is the way. Everything capable of indirect fire is doing their own independent targeting using drones.
Vietnam never had chinese influence we were interested in stopping Russian influence, as seen by the chinese invasion of Vietnam less than a decade after we left
It makes sense.
Last I knew Vietnam was in a soft conflict with China over water- if it gets heated why would you want to buy weapons from your most likely enemy?
And Russia can't keep up with their own losses so they're not even an option.
The only war Vietnam might ever have to fight is against China. Makes sense to shift towards the West now that Russia is entering the Sinosphere.
I think OP is trying to say how China feels about western influence starting to fester in Vietnam considering how close Vietnam is to China. Vietnam is affected by Chinese influence as it’s within its sphere of influence

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Why are Brazilians fighting for ukrane?
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Alexei Milchakov v Alex Pereira, make it happen Dana
The French Foreign Legion released their troops to take leave in Ukraine if they wanted to when the war started. Brazilians are one of the most common nationalities in the French Foreign Legion because there's very little to do after you finish your military service in Brazil.
Colombians too. Ex-military get better pay there than at home.

Heck quite a few Canadians, some not even of Ukrainian heritage, just bored Quebeckers.

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What’s the big deal about these?
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>by Vishna Bhadradhumark
lol lmaos
Feking powerful green and white boats. Go dudes.

Still telling fibs, weeb? Shame on you.
>this heavily delayed carrier

17 years for the Ford from first cut to first operational cruise.
Thats different though

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Aborigenes inspecting the M1150.
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Russia does actually play a big part in that. Progozhins internet research company was huge in creating major shill and bot accounts and networks on both the left and right.
That's true, and I should have been clearer. If there's ever a cultural or political point of conflict in the west, the Russians will jump on it, exploit it and exaggerate it. Of course, the Russians are just one part of the equation. Anyone who has anything to gain by exploiting the conflict in question, will use it to their advantage. Our example involves boomers and millennials/zoomers, so an obvious group that would capitalize on this would be the lefties. I mean, they tried this before the Russians got involved, but generally failed at it until they abandoned any pretense of integrity and just copied old /pol/s formula of shitposting and subversion.
Anyway, it goes like this: break down the huwhite hierarchy by pitting young whites against old whites. Blame the old ones for being greedy assholes who destroyed society and took away your future. Push it, then push it some more. Who's going to stop you? Literally no one is going to defend old white people. Build up enough resentment, then push people to your side, whether that's western pseudo-communism, or contrarian bullshit pushed by Russia. I mean, there are other actors at play too, but they're less relevant. It's mostly western lefties and Russians.
Anyway, that's it. The pattern is the same every time.
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>crew inside
>western tank
What a projection.
How did a dead russian end up inside it?

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fresh kino of a Ukrainian squad fighting out of a basement for 14 hours while surrounded

Post a webm
Just watched. Their survival was miraculous.
how did they survive that, bros...... the house/basement they're in seems like a deathtrap
TZD is encouraged.
Shilling your Youtube shit is not ok pls stop samefagging to bump. Make a webm if you really want people to watch it, and perhaps a well made webm will encourage people to click your shitty Youtube link more than extremely lame samefag WHOOA SO COOL shillposts.

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>You're going to die lmao
This doesn't seem like a good thing for morale
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Incidentally given the current attrition rates it will actually be "to the last russian", and there would still be around 2.2 combat capable ukrainians left.
I've realized far too late in this thread that you're just a baiting Russian shill trying to push this thread over the reply limit to slide it off the board. Don't bother replying you zigger faggot.
you can't die if you never lived.
based moderate
he actually celebrated orthodox easter the christian way
know one thing
says many thing

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