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The /mu/ Wiki:

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Check the catalog before making a new thread >>>/mu/catalog

Personal music/band projects should go in Bandcamp/Soundcloud general threads.

>If the Feels brought you here, search in the catalog before starting a new thread. If they aren't vaguely music related, go to >>>/r9k/

Do I need to be a fag to enjoy this band?
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lmfao got him
Nobody thinks of fucking fleetwood mac as a gay band dude, it's normiecore.
>>121713593 and >>121715394 are right though, it's momrock. Fine if you have other tastes too
>fleetwood mac
what's some more /momrock/?
If you like the band, yeah, that's totally homosexual
If you just like a few songs, that's perfectly straight
Elton John 100%. Just because my mom likes him a lot

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He really wasn't that good.
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Jerry was the genius of the band, and they sounded as good as ever with Layne's replacement, but Layne was obviously very good.
Not music
He was phenomenal in his best days, he sounded like a force of nature. Listen to the live shows in their early days, his voice thundered over the whole sound stage.

But without Cantrell's great songwriting, he would have been just a notable vocalist.
Though frankly their style wasn't very original, they were basically a Black Sabbath revival band with a much better singer. What made their sound somewhat more unique were the vocal harmonies, that was their signature sound.
he looks like jake paul

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no one was posting 2018 arins in 2018 be real
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you think lisa cares?
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wife liz
Hopefully they will die soon
holy shit finally
live version of billlie nevertheless with the haram/suhyeon finale
waited for ages for this to happen

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Post pop music that's not for fags
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I mean it references the murder, but the way you put it, it almost implies that the song sort of celebrates it, which I doubt very much. What indications is there for that kind of a reading in the first place? I do agree that the song is ironic in a sense, though. In one interview he mentions that while he agrees with some left-wing tendencies, he finds the american left's obsession with human rights and idpol kind of dumb.
Cop Killer is satire
the (bow bow bow) is a silly sound effect that reads to me as making light of it, like he's imagining him being tied to the fencepost and shooting at him. at the very least it's irreverent and making light of it
>while he agrees with some left-wing tendencies, he finds the american left's obsession with human rights and idpol kind of dumb.
I feel like over the past 10 or so years the right wing has embraced those elements more and more. Appreciation of art, intellectualism, moving away from dudebro politics, anticapitalism (but actual anticapitalism), talking about the death of third places and such.
nothing you said has anything to do with idpol or human rights. there's a rich history of far-right intellectualism and art, even though the arts have, in modern times, been associated with the left there's no reason that should necessarily be the case

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Chudkilla edition
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Hector and McDohl are our powercouple.
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rate my SHIT you stupid BITCHES
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>>favourite colour
>>favourite Slayer album
>>favourite Metallica album
>>favourite band shirt you own
>>do you piss in the shower Y/N?
Unironically don't like colours, but if I must pick, the colour(s) of sundown
South of Heaven
Ride the Lightning
Destroyer 666 Wildfire tour and Never Surrender tour, pic rel
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Ehnahre like Jute Gyte are a band that only become better with more blasts. I think The Marrow is their best work.


0/10, total worthless garbage.

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So are these diss tracks based or cringe?
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>It's just two grown men pushing 40 writing mean poems about each other.
Would be nothing wrong with that if these men broke the 110 IQ barrier. But they are black, so, you know.
It's entertaining enough.
I think Euphoria is the best of the tracks. Drake is still living off that one win on Meek Mill so he tries to control the narrative and conversation, but it's failed the last two times with Pusha T and now Kendrick. Kendrick dropped his track 30 minutes after and went after his entire family. Views wise, he's winning and people are talking more about that than anything else. Nobody is talking about Family Matters anymore because now people want to know if Drake has a daughter.

Considering Drake made an entire rollout for Family Matters, he probably doesn't have much left either.
Kendrick making the argument to Drake's mom that her son should die for the greater good sent my sides into orbit. Was worth all the cringe for that.
I really like them, they bring back the feeling of improvised street battle rap. Even though they're as coordinated as can be. Sadly it's pure marketing.
Based on cringe

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>Taylor Swift Claims Record Top 14 Spots on Billboard Hot 100, Led by ‘Fortnight’ With Post Malone

Eroica edition

>How do I get into classical?
This link has resources including audio courses, textbooks and selections of recordings to help you start to understand and appreciate classical music:

Previous: >>121666413
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Where, I don't see the mutually exclusive non-sequiturs, I'm looking around and can't see them.
Lol no. Mahler is an unoriginal hack, Debussy was the leading composer of the 20th century.
Mendelssohn was the only good jewish composer.
>Debussy was the leading composer of the 20th century
Lol. Lmao even. He ripped off Satie and they both may have ripped off Fanelli.
exceedingly foolish

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eli pitti
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izone is the most industry-disrupting kpop girl group of all time

ador and hybe are at war now thanks to izone

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I love her
i will now purchase your adidas sportswear
>le ebnin deftones maymay
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>now that she's 18
this is actually disgusting. She should be selling burritos at construction sites out of the back of a blown out tacoma. Are zoomers really this sexless?

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Draw a musician, other anons guess who it is.
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Is that spot em got em?

Got me with MLB dashow lmao
Florida rappers
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imagine being this butthurt because some people don't like the same shit as you
T Bone Burnett?
coondick lameMonkey

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>gets kicked out for alcohol abuse
>starts his own band with a better debut
>after debut writes one of the best metal albums ever recorded
>writes an ok album imo after the masterpiece that is peace sells
>somehow, after a somewhat arguable mediocre 3rd album, he writes another one of the best albums ever recorded. Some argue the best metal album ever
>then writes countdown to extinction which is honestly a more interesting and better composed album than the black album

this is honestly one of the best metal story's ever, after he got kicked out he could've settled for less and died of a heroin overdose but instead he gave us some of the best music ever recorded, even some of his later albums are still worth checking out like united abominations, endgame and dystopia. shame he sold out later on but thankfully got his shit together and started writing decent albums again.
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james riffs are just far too simple compared to what he wrote earlier, I mean even when dave mustaine trys to sell out he still manages to write more interesting riffs and they still manage to be catchy at the same time, also the solos are top tier and drumming is pretty solid, yes vocals for megadeth were never good no one will argue against it except contrarians but honestly the songwriting itself by that I mean the lyrics he is singing are pretty cool as well
I feel like they're not really anything other than just bay area thrash though, nothing really makes them captivating now that thrash isn't even close to cutting edge.
>lacked the techincality of riffs and melodic solos of Megadeth
>lacked the commercial appeal of Metallica
>lacked the edginess of Slayer
>lacked the fun of Anthrax
they were just "good enough" and not much more
killing is my business has mechanix, rattlehead, the title track, and last rites that mog almost all KEA songs

>They should stop writing new songs

honestly yes and no, I would agree with metallica and some other bands like anthrax because they obviously lost all talent but the thing about megadeth is that dave somehow still finds a way to spice it up, when he sells out it's fucking awful but Endgame is a fucking amazing record for it'd time, also Dystopia was a big surprise as well
You can't enjoy simple riffs? Some of my favorite songs and classical pieces are built around simple motifs. I'll admit Lars' drumming fell apart around the black album.

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Either way he should be executed so he’s not a burden on taxpayers.
I guess 3 year olds are already grown in blax cultcha
>rappers will defend the guy
Do you feel the same way about DUIs?
>can't tell a difference

Nah, you just dumb.

yet more proof that this whole "beef" is just a LARP for all the suburban wiggers who desperately wish they were black. "body shamer" btw
Blacks love anime

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