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The new /sci/ wiki

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Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.

If you want help with your homework, go to /wsr/ - Worksafe Requests

I'm thinking of going back to college to get my Masters degree but it's been well over a decade since I graduated, and to get into a Masters program I need to pass the GRE. Let's just say that my math is a little more than rusty. I can't even remember how to do simultaneous equations.

Are there any great texts out there that can give me a run through of basic algebra to the higher maths such as trig and calculus so I can pass the GRE? I don't know of any comprehensive math textbooks, they usually just target one are or another.

I'd greatly appreciate any help and recommendations that you can provide.
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some are starting to require it again next year I think after the backlash.
>basic algebra to the higher maths such as trig and calculus so I can pass the GRE
when I studied for the GRE I just opened some old GRE tests and go back from there. shouldn't be that hard to learn tho. GRE quatiative is the easy part, the verbal is harder.
I'm proficient in verbal. I suck in the math department, it takes me too long to figure out the equations and it ends up costing me points. Verbal is a piece of cake compared to mathematics.
Just find any course on linear algebra and calculus that is openly published and do all of those. That will probably cover most shit, depending onnwhat you're aiming for.
t. currently retraining my calculus. Fucking integrals.
You could try MIT OpenCourseWare. I haven't tried it myself, but I've heard good things about it.

>falling for the grad school meme
If you need school to learn, you're NGMI. If you need a master's degree to get a good paying job, you're NGMI.

t. making 6 figs with just a bachelor's working a meme job that gives me plenty of free time to self study whatever I want

I want to develop the most complex game that requires logic and reason only to win, What are your recommendations?
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Maybe the player could sort it himself at start. I wonder if MTG would be a good game, if decks were only like 20 cards, and both players got to sort them first.
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Go meta and create your own game. Pick your end goal: make money, make a massively popular game, or just something that didn't exist before.
What do you mean? I don't follow your logic. You have the deck and you have a hand, and you only draw a certain amount of cards per turn, so the deck are the cards not yet available to you.

The game wouldn't play out symmetrically, because the player who goes first would get the first attack, and then the other player wouldn't be able to attack with the same force due to the consequences of having been attacked. (fewer attackers, less HP/strength, etc.)

The more asymmetrical the sides become, the more divergent the optimal play for each side becomes, which makes the game interesting. Both sides know which cards the other side will be drawing, so they can take that into account when deciding what to do.
add N dimensions to chess or rubicks cube
it worked before
Also, a match would consist of 4 games: Two games with the deck that Player 1 prepared, switching who goes first for each game, then the same for Player 2's deck.

is picrel an accurate depiction of the ultimate fate of scyence nerds?
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respecting women 5x5 reps
believing all women 3x5 reps
having a personality that doesn't give the "ick" 4x5 reps
Just beeing urself until failure
Roping after none of the above work 1rep
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>I don't think elderly women are thinking about a new husband when their's die
Okay, some seem to think of their "mental health" first.
The birth rate has crashed in China and North Korea too leftytroon. A few months ago Kim was on North Korean TV crying and begging for their women to have more kids.
Yes, unless science nerd discover the way become supermodels.
>sociopath with self-improvement and good income=deserves tattooed homeless slut with 500 bodycount

why haven't we been back to the moon in such a long time?
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Stay mad. Reminder that you'll never have true knowledge or skill, which is why you have to cope with baiting on an anonymous imageboard to gain some elusive sense of superiority.
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I'm going to respond to your post in exactly 6h. So now you'll be on edge for the next couple of hours eagerly awaiting my reply to post a witty retort wasting another day in front of your computer.
Because there is nothing that currently holds net value there, even less so anything that requires a human to be in a hostile environment. The motivation to 'show the ruskies we can into space too' isn't there anymore because they've lost that lead.
you know, back, like the direction you get sexed in

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>tfw antipsychotics are shrinking my brain, making me dumb, and there is nothing I can do about it because episodes also damage the brain.

At least they got me on a regimen that isn't making me anhedonic and angry all the time.
Have you tried exploring diet modification such as keto paleo?
Manic episodes?
Epilepsy episodes?
Angst attacks?
WTF anon, be clear.

Good chance antihistamins + CPAP could be a better long term solution, but god fucking damn you aren't suppose to be taking SSRI without completely breaking apart your daily habits.
Religious and spiritual OCD and other assorted "paranormal" experiences from my past like being possessed.
Is this the guy biome meme? Where do I get started?
Gut*. Apparently my phone doesn't know the word gut. Maybe it is too fatphobic

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talk maths
old >>16113803
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I'm too far into my degree to do that.

I have self-studied some measure theory but it would have been nice to take the class.
What's so great about measure theory?
Especially compared to abstract algebra
If you do anything at all that uses integrals anywhere, it's essential to understand. Measure theory is the foundation for the modern theory of integration and absolutely necessary for understanding topics like probability, Fourier analysis, linear operator theory, PDE's/ODE's, Bayesian statistics (you can kind of get away with Riemann integrals for most frequentist/ML methods, but once you've involved Bayesian priors measure theory becomes basically mandatory if things aren't linear and Gaussian), convex analysis, etc.
Is it enough to self study the basics like lebesgue integration and similar basic concepts?
Or do you really need an in-depth class?
What's with all the coping? No one said it's at a reduced level or crammed just for the sake of it. I learned a lot and so did my classmates.
I'm curious what you deem `the proper material'.

If gold has a proton and neutron calculation of protons to neutrons of about 66% and plutonium has a calculation of 65% and if copper has a calculation of 82%, then we could fusion hydrogen to gold and plutonium to make a new electric carrying metal.

First we use a vacuum to pull the atom apart in a state of hit fusion to excite the particle, then we create pressure to fuse it together again in a state of hot fusion to add protons to the atoms.


We could also generate hydrogen in a similar fashion through suction and holding electricity either pressure to create atomical substructures with dark energy.
>a vacuum to pull the atom apart in a state of hit fusion to excite the particle
based retard
>we could fusion
>use a vacuum to pull the atom apart in a state of hit fusion
>create pressure to fuse it together again in a state of hot fusion
>generate hydrogen in a similar fashion through suction
>create atomical substructures with dark energy


Careful there, Yakub. If you science any harder you might accidentally create White People
>be from x
I already can see the white people. They are ghosts that are turning physical. I have seen some of them on the street. They are greys. They pop into reality.

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I'm not a biologist so I don't understand the intricacies of DNA(and I doubt the people who spam this constantly do either) but what does this mean;
That only blacks have archaic admixture or that theirs is a mystery? Because if it's just the latter that means the spammers are equal amounts of sub-human as well.
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>There are some arguments to be made that the Euroasia interbreeding actually involved a superarchaic population as noted here:
How was that possible with a 2 million year seperation, when it was hard enough with Neandrthals that were far closer in time?
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Judge for yourself.
also no to erectus ancestry unless you're lumping all of African heidelbergensis / rhodesiensis into one giant taxon for whatever reason

I'm not and didn't indicate that by my post.

>The ghost ancestor paper doesn't at all indicate the mystery hominin is erectus, African erectus/ergaster was long gone by the time when the ghost ancestor emerged

If you're going to be tedious about the Erectus lineage and the (multiple) introgressions of mating and DNA mixing--there is no point to this conversation. There was no single point where some random sapien bent an erectus over a rock, like Clan of the Cave Bear, and gave rise to Africans. Homosapiens fucked a lot of hominid variants, multiple times, over thousands of years. It's going to be muddy, a venn diagram with 12341234 circles not a straight line. But at some point we have to categorize them to have a conversation. I mean--without looking it up--how many in this thread would say that Africans have Neanderthal DNA? That's European lineage right---well no---0.2%ish in some Africans because after we fucked the Neanderthals a bit 200k years ago, some of those hybrids walked back down to Africa and fucked there too.

>According to Omer Gokcumen, assistant professor of biological sciences, University at Buffalo College of Arts and Sciences.
Based on our analysis, the most plausible explanation for this extreme variation is archaic introgression — the introduction of genetic material from a ‘ghost’ species of ancient hominins. […] This unknown human relative could be a species that has been discovered, such as a subspecies of Homo erectus, or an undiscovered hominin. We call it a ‘ghost’ species because we don’t fossils.

Seek help, you're radicalized. The fact that the idea that Erectus was (possibly) a heavier part of African ancestry than say---Oceanic populations makes you jump to this conclusion says more about you than anyone else talking out the science.

You are the yang of pols ying and both of your (populations!) are useless to real discussion.
ergaster was extinct by 1.4 mya. the admixture event occured 60kya, and the bulk of introgression occured from a species traced back to ~600kya. Did you read the science advances paper? There is moderate gene flow that occurs of course, but this isn't that, it's an admixture event, for this unequal introgression of a significant component of archaic dna these populations went from once isolated to no longer isolated, otherwise we would've just seen extended, gradual gene flow. Read the durvasula paper again, it was not ergaster.

The official arbiter of scientific misinformation (appointed by the government controlled by the official Party of Science), Nina Jankowicz, says that the government must crack down on misinformation like sending pictures of empty egg cartons to women. That is “meant to remind [women] that [their] fertility is waning.” And that is “gendered misinformation.”

So there you have it. Couldn’t be any more official. Science now believes women stay at the same level of fertility throughout their lives.

Science is retarded and clownishly evil. Smash science. Kill science.
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i always thought the window for males was larger than for females, especially if you took care of yourself but i've been getting conflicting messages about it. I was planning to start getting kids around late 20's, as many as my income will alow by that point, but if i'm likely to become infertile/have retarded kids by 35 then all bets are off.
>When your """intellectual""" takes are second order /pol/ barf
If there is any failing in the West is the overabundance of these impressionable, doom-gloom idiots.
Think about it for a second anon
The female has the plumbing, and the eggs are made during birth of the women. The plumbing is rigged up and is operational by sometime in early puberty, where a ovary(egg) is spent for each mensturation. That has 2 consequences:
1. Only about 500 eggs is spent before menopause kicks in
2. The eggs age, and there is no selection mechanism to kick out less competitive eggs

Meanwhile for Sperm, you instead have a mechanism to make sperm. And there is a selection via sperm health since its technically a race.
The fittest % has a chance of winning the race, but overall reproductive health is still a factor.

This DO make the window larger, but it needs to be reality checked: The point of test tube babies IS that you get to have a selection of the ovary. The sperm race might offset a little, but its still fucked.
The process is also cumulative, meaning age of father vs age of mother. And since marrying a older man is more likely in most cultures, it is what it is.
Some of the people who ever lived were autistic, so you definitely can father children old.
Why does this board refer to science as if it's one big autonomous hivemind brain?

Actually, scratch that question. I already know the answer. The people here are retarded like on every other board.

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If cymatic plates and sound frequency can alter the state of matter, why can't we make a ship or vehicle that can fly or float based on sound? Is it possible for sound waves to induce flight? What is we made a cymatic plate ship? Would this allow for hovering/flight?
Well why can't you if you can make cymatic plates and sound frequency alter the state of matter? You should start a business instead of shitposting on the internet.
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Banned by the deep state in Area 51.
It is possible and 'has been done' in principle, on a small scale and not with retarded connotation of a vehicle (im somehow convinced youre implying a certain physical scale and range of said vehicle here). Also the mechanism wasn't contained in the levitating object. This too does not pose a problem to the principle being proven.
So yeah, it works, can be done.
But why would anyone do insanely inefficient, control intensive, delicate and emission heavy things to achieve mundane tasks ?
As of 2017 around 5,784 patents have been suppressed by the cia alone
so maybe but...

I was watching Fox News's show Outnumbered and they were about to discuss this scientific news about how AI can make you believe that you're another person. Stupidly, OJ Simpson had to pass away at that exact moment and so they covered that instead of that news about AI... as if I give two fucks about that fat, old, washed up, murderer. It's a travesty because they never got to discussing that part about AI.

So I have no idea what they were talking about. Do any of you /sci/ people know anything about AI making you believe you're in somebody else's body?

Anddo you think there will ever be a day where we can transfer the conciousness of one person into another? Say you have a comatoes patient that is brain dead but with a healthy body and another patient who has a terminal illness and doesn't have much longer to live, could they transfer the mind of the dying patient into the comatose one as a sort of "body" donor progam?

And just for fun, if you could be anyone else other than yourself who would you be?

>How 'swapping bodies' with a friend changes our sense of self

>Some people think machine intelligence will transform humanity for the better. Others fear it may destroy us. Who will decide our fate?
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What is an eggballs player?

And who doesn't love eggs?

The mind and the brain are the same thing. Brain transplants are technically possible, but pretty much impossible in practice.
Yet no one has been able to explain consciousness aka the mind.
A TV remote with and without batteries are the same thing.
There is nothing to explain. The brain is just a bag of chemicals, and the mind is the resultant observed behavour of those chemical reactions.

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take that climate freaks


he said EV (el Vehicle) pollutes 1850 times more while driving 1000 miles than what happens if you drive 1000 miles with gasoline

tire wear was calculated into the equation

he noted that the tires of EVs, due to their added weight, will also emit more microplastics into the air

particle pollution from EVs can also increase the risk of health problems,

>including heart disease,

cough, lung disease and, in extreme cases, can even lead to hospitalization,

>cancer and suddendeath.
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>why not make the tracks out of magnesium then?
You will trigger a Zombie Outbreak (prions)
>If every vehicle on the road were replaced with EVs then you'd reduce tire dust
nope. that's never how it works. It would increase them instead. Jevons Paradox and all that
you are not using the same argument that trucks pollute more whenever anyone is considering buying one instead of a regular sedan or something.
ICE vehicles also pollute way way more brake dust. what do we do with all that brake dust anon?
I do think they pollute more and people often buy bigger vehicles than they actually need. I don't support people buying excessively large vehicles and I'm generally disgusted by impractical modern trucks that have cabs bigger than their truck bed. But I also live in the real world and I understand that people can and will buy bigger vehicles than they need no matter what I think about it. In the end, each person buys what they think they need even if you don't agree with it yourself.

The question is: What would happen if every ICE owner instead owned an EV?

My answer is that people would have an EV equivalent to whatever they have now, because someone who buys an ICE truck or SUV would also buy an EV truck or SUV. I say we need to face the realities of what the world would ACTUALLY look like if only EVs were available and what that would mean for everyone.

Your answer is that every single person would have the most efficient EV possible, because that's the idealistic concept that best suits your agenda. You don't care about examining reality, you care about making an idealistic little spreadsheet based on the fantasy of every person owning a little EV coupe or whatever.

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>$6.1 billion for art students
>$0 for science students
how does /sci/ react to this?
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It makes sense. Art students are failures as humans and need all the help they can get, whilst STEM students are held to a higher standard.
This. They really need to pull the plug.
The problem is lefty retards will complain that the medicine tastes bad before it has time to work.
Ending govt subsidized loans will have the effects:
>most kids won't be able to pay for college (and will probably be better off not going)
>cratering demand will force schools to cut the bloat to get prices/costs down
>lenders will really care about merit and degree choice when lending in order to reduce risk
>colleges will start caring about employability and high schools will start caring about merit in order to appease lenders
>employers can start lowering their credential standards (since they mostly list high credential requirements as a crude way to cope with the lack of quality control in the current environment)
>the whole problem sorts itself out
>the same retards are working at starbucks in the end sans debt
>credentials actually start to mean something again and we get better results in industry (less duds) for lower cost
All or none faggot
engineering department has ~1.6:1 democrats:republican ratio

arts institute has ~100:1 democrats:republican ratio

He's paying for his base

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I need to know if I should switch to R? Julia? Matlab?
I'm going to do some machine learning with convex optimization, should I go full retard and try to implement my own pytorch solvers?
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What's that whore talking about? Python is the easiest shit to install across all OS. In fact these days, you just install anaconda and run Jupyter, which works out of the box. Or is she doing "data science" by writing in pythons idle?
Python/Jupyter simply for the flexibility and prevalence.

I prefer Mathematica, in all honesty. The front end features slow it down, but it's got some terrifically optimized features for handling large data sets and symbolic functions, and its ability to creature figures and animations puts Python to shame. However, if you want a legit copy of it it costs a small fortune and cracks of it are getting less and less reliable.
never used this, what's the other functionatlies?
I actually has access to it for free through my institution I think?
Well, like I said, the biggest pro for functionality is symbolic operations. You can build and solve complex symbolic equations analytically without having to define explicit values for things the way you do in most other languages. Python's sympy module tries to emulate this, but it's got a long way to go. This makes for a lot of flexibility if you're doing computational physics, you can effectively set up functions or coefficients the way you would if you were solving the problem on a chalkboard and can very quickly plot results or solve analytically without having to run shit through loops or feed things tables of data. It's also got a lot of powerful tools for numerical and differential solving. It's also very well optimized for handling tables of data, strings, or symbolic terms.

In terms of making figures, the learning curve is comparable to matplotlib, but everything just looks a lot cleaner and more professional, especially when it comes to more complex types of figures like 3D plots, density plots, contour plots, etc. It's also very well optimized for handling bulk plotting/figures: Stuff like Jupyter freaks out if you try to make more than like 20 figures, and trying to make manipulatable or animated figures is almost impossible, but it's pretty simple in Mathematica. The whole front end presentation of Mathematica is actually really clean and well-organized compared to trying to run shit through a notepad or even a nicer IDE like Spyder. It's a notepad format which means you can easily divide segments of your code into cells which can be run independently without having to break them into separate subroutines or anything.

If it's free, try it. Like I said, bit of a learning curve, but no worse than learning Python.
>easiest shit to install
I remember it being PITA to setup just to run some game mods that needed it.
You don't dump it the correct folder, the instructions on how to register global variables where incomplete, file type registration was a mess, etc.

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