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where were you when the embodiment of pure anime ludo kino dropped?

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Not really. The 1st game was a charming little ps2 gem that was kinda fun. Everything other game lacks the same soul.
i played disgaea 1 for the story and moved on to a better disgaea.
That's loser behaviour when it comes to disgaea desu. I can understand it in many games when you're grinding and fucking around because it's the same music, but disgaea letting you throw on random shuffle when every item world stage is only like 1 minute long at most, and when the soundtrack is full of so many fucking bangers and jams, weak to listen to anything else.
I just find the lyrics sad, and the beat isn't happy enough to pass as a happy song like those jpop songs about suicide and death, which are actually super happy and catchy on the beat.
not saying they are bad or anything, just had enough of them.

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why isnt /v/ talking about this?

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It's never been more over than it is now.
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Yeah I know you love cocks spic.
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has a game you were waiting for a long time ever come out, and not only not been disappointing, but better than you expected it to be?
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You know it.
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she goes around with a transparent skirt, what did you think was the intention?
Imagine the Rosa/Battler/Maria threesome.
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The list of drinks bought today is in the GM Office. It's in a combination safe, the code is:

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a solid 7/10
Literally just Dark Souls from Wish
tranny game
70/10* sorry

Who they keep adding filler job to XIV? Blue mage was a mistake.
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>They're tyrants just killing anyone who gets in their way for no discernable reason

That, I can’t deny
He wants to fuck Wol no matter what their gender is
Aloalo Island is in the South Seas Isles.
Canon, my WoL told the scions to go ahead I wanted some alone time with Hydaelyn. Where I plapped her in her weakened state.
Emet's sorcerer fingers typed this post

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Which update ruined Terraria?
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why did that dude turn into an anthropomorphic fox girl
based and redpilled, furtroons in shambles
Been playing on and off since 1.0.6, kind of a mixed bag:
>1.1.x was the only that was totally good because introduced hardmode, basically a free expansion.
>1.2.x Introduced the crimson, which is just a plain better version of the corruption and alternate ores (so throws balance out of the window). New endgame is good, but started the "farm enemy for item" trend Also hunting for Plantera bulb is a pain.
>1.3 Was the turning point, should have ended there, with just bugfixes.
>1.3.3 sandstorms are annoying
>1.3.4 crossover is pretty much pointless, at least is optional.
>1.4.x changes and additions were shit, should've moved on already. Buff for summoners was welcome though.
Why do people make mods like this? These sprites are tiny as hell, you wouldn't see anything anyway.
fetishes are often intertwined with general aesthetic preference. furries like having furry characters in games even when not horny

Why do modern games struggle with shedding that raw engine feel

It plagues both AAA and indies, they all feel like overhaul mods for games you already played and it's hard to immerse yourself in them, it never feels like the world exists outside the assets you can see on the screen

Meanwhile old games all feel custom and unique and suck you right in, and let your imagination run wild, regardless of graphical fidelity
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Some time around 2013 the industry adopted a universal rendering pipeline / PBR workflow allowing any asset to be dropped into any scene in any condition for any game and "just work".
This is the same for physics too, you won't see those sharp old school movement any more because physics logic themselves have become standardized and abstracted away into a set of "realistic" APIs for developers to minimally interface with.
It definitely gets harder once you learn about it but after some time you realize there are games you can meet halfway for that immersive feeling, and games that don't lend themselves to immersion at all regardless of how much you try. I was playing Yellow Taxi Go Vroom and while it's fun, I had a hard time seeing its world as anything except assets in Unity, whereas Sunshine and Wind Waker with similar tropical settings, which Yellow Taxi is imitating with its retro graphics, feel immersive to me even though I only first played them recently.
Controllers and controle schemes being standardized hurts the most I think. I can pick up any FPS game and instantly know the button layout and mechanics, which then pushes you to pick up the one with the largest player base as opposed to any gimmicks, story, or graphics. Platformers too all basically have the same layout, though at least their gimmicks are usually more impactful.
Fucking Gears of war got a lot of attention just for the active reload. That hardly changes anything but gave it so much identity.
cartoons have suffered from this far worse than video games. go watch any cartoon made in the last 20 years, then go watch the first episode of Tom and Jerry. it’s practically the Mona Lisa in comparison (artistically).
I love the buggy mess that is sunshine, delphino plaza is such a great hub world.

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Come home, former Helldivers.
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I’ll play. I’ve also not played in awhile
Oh lawd we in for it
If you want to play at a lower difficulty I can lower it. There's nothing more I need to complete.
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I lowered to hardest.

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Yeah Brawling was a neat way to get porn gens
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Yo noob, try this for Rouge
>gouache and ink, impressionist brushstrokes, heavy motion blur, Rouge the bat from sonic adventure 2, white fur, big ears, blue eyeshadow, glossy pink lipstick, green eyes, black bat wings. white gloves. dark blue jacket with blue polo shirt. khaki pants and brown belt. grabbing her belt buckle and staring ahead. standing in front of a plane at a rural wheatfield plane landing strip at a silver hangar bay. two guards wearing baggy fatigues protecting her behind with rifles
did it with squatting like a cat

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>try playing around with fungal shits since it sounds fun
>oil into toxic rock so the robots now all bleed stone
>snow into whisky so the 3rd and 4th area are going to completely fall apart
>blood into diamond, like the first one but worse
is fungal shifting a complete meme and not worth doing at all or am I just unlucky?
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i use SAWS and i use ELECTRICITY and i've been dying all day
you can always eat glue if you can find the spell in that case. I just had to do that actually to save my sun quest run
The amount of homework they've crammed into what, on the face of it, should've been a very easy game to enjoy.

It's like if notch forced people to keep playing survival only and made it so you'd get fucking raped unless you learned how to program with redstone.
Notch *almost* made that, actually, with his cancelled game that was going to revolve around coding shit to do things.
>keep getting to and dying at the hiisi base
I used to be good at this game, back near launch...

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someone got the art book early https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMFdiDhDLis
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Dans been compromised recently people love to jack him off but he’s behind why the Horus heresy dragged on so long and introduced all the bad lore in 30k.

He actually very much doesn’t care about the lore of 40k or stuff written before him. He just writes what he wants to.
Disgusting. Sage.
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Ayo the gene seed was invented by Dwayne Astartes Washington and the moon niggas and the Emperor stole it an sheeeit an wrote da history different thunder warriors couldn't even wash they own ass until they learned it from the Afrique hives who was never beated but wiped out by chaos (the emperor let it happen)
some of the TS models they showed off do look nice, at the very least we will probably get some horrors and flamers, along with a greater daemon boss fight
They were removed ages ago. Asmogold just brought it up for views.

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What games have excellent immersion and atmosphere?
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>Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines
Looked it up on youtube and the videos say things like "A Flawed Masterpiece", is it worth playing or is it aged and flawed like they are saying
It is absolutely worth playing. The flaws mostly come from the game getting rushed out the door with bugs, so you will need a fan patch like WESP's to run it.
How is constant menuing excellent immersion again?
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Once of those rare instances where it's gotten better with time- all thanks to a dedicated modder who patched the game to working order and is still modding to this day (up to you if you want to play with his latest patch, lots of people just want to stick to as vanilla as possible) but basically you can just get the GOG version which has the patch included.

Also, UUUUuuoooOOOHHHH Jeanette.

Who is getting Sakaguchi'd for this disaster?
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>I literally couldnt care less
You ought to. Low sales can effect you not getting another game, let alone a good one. 15 didn't get all its DLC. Same could happen to 7R3.

>fun combat
>great visuals and character models
>good voice acting
>plenty of optional side content
>incredible OST

I liked the game and Remake as well. The story gets a little wild in some places but it still majorly reminiscent of the OG story beats. I definitely understand the hate the story gets, but it's still a fun game over all. I don't give a shit about sales one way or another, but I do hope it sold enough to get the third game made and released with the same amount of content and effort that was put into Rebirth.
Let's think about this logically, FF7 remake sold 7million, had a loads of assets for part 2 already made, part 3 already has the vast majority of its assets made, they've kept like 80% of the same team for all 3 games, 3 lots of sony exclusivity money(I assume for part 3_, EGS exclusivity money(I pray to God just for intergrade), yet people still think the FF7 remakes are flops?

Do you retards even know the definitions of word you use? Fucking. Morons.

Let's wait for part 3 and the "triple pack" or whatever the fuck they will do.
PC fats better buy fuck loads of copies when it comes to steam next year
snoyjeet tranies defense force working overtime lmao

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>got ack'd by his immune system attacking his brain
Guess being retarded enough to chop off your own dick makes even your own body cut to the chase.
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nah, i'm going straight to hell
He got 9 years. However, most prison sentences are cut short with probation. He'll likely serve 3 years or less.
KEK that's mean

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Most successful gaming boycott to date, we did it again fellow Gamers™!
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Never was.
Explain without sounding autistic
chud crybabies lose again
The change hasn't happened yet. People will for sure still play it until the PSN lockout, and even then I'm sure a good number will just make an account. You'll see a dip then. No idea how big or small it'd be
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I got my refund (100+ hours). Fuck em. My squad i play with is absolutely fucked since half of them can't even make fucking PSN accounts. What a shitshow. Hopefully this mess gets fixed so I can buy the game again in the future.

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The pay pig reveals his final form lmao
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Third worlders pirate out of necessity all the time, what the fuck are you talking about
When you treat brands as religion you start defending them as such. And yes Apple was the biggest example of that starting.
Please stop making the rest of us look this retarded.
>it's not fair to pay for the game since someone else got it for free
I wish this logic existed in real life. Everyone should have a higher standard of living by merit of someone else having a high standard of living.
It's by design. The brainwashing is so deep it'll be impossible to ever really get out.

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So we can all agree that STRfags are pussies that play the game on easy mode, right? Muh oonga boonga one hit kill, all the while being basically impervious to damage! Meanwhile DEXchads are making do with chip damage and an nonexistent health pool because they actually trust their own skill.
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>easy mode
Weird diction
where do I get those reskill thingies from? I ran out...
STRfag larping to make DEXfags look bad
DEXchads, we can't stop winning
Stat procs + black flame are the real easy mode since you can do endgame damage on base stats and upgrades.
I'm not a STRfag I'm an INTfag you DEXfag.
And yes I enjoy holding down AZURE and ripping a boss to shreds in 5 seconds or less.

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>It was an actual nothingburger
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Ps5chads stay winning. BRB gonna go play the string of exclusives I got in the past few months while every other platform is in a drought.
It is.
You will never be a woman tranny
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>pcfags when the new fotm sloppa says in the store page they need an account for a service they don't want to sign up to
You can play HD2 without an account, so why wouldn't I be upset that I need one now.
It's like saying that needing an email to set up windows is okay. I never needed one before, don't force me to do it now

-Bamco Killer Instinct
-HiFi Rush story DLC
-more BC titles/Dreamcast BC
-Xbox Kart Racer
-Banjo Threeie: Bottles needs New Glasses
-GTA Conker 2
-"bringing more than hype, bringing games (to competitor's consoles)"
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Nuts and bolts was threeie
All games available pn PS5
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This is a fucking video to some fat fuck on N64, named Boggy2988. Now, I'm tired of this fat fuck popping up on all my fucking speedruns when I'm looking for a fucking 100% world record time. I don't give a fuck about the aftermath from any of you Boggy kids that feel sorry for this greasy fuck. You fat fucking disgusting hide smelling. Gout. Coca-cola drinking. fish oil bathing. tuna gargling. Jiggy thieving. 'Bottles' snout having. white Gruntilda looking. SealStop eating. McJinjos gorging. Conga arm having. Non-seaweed eating. Cook on a Mumbo Jumbo grill just to drink out the drip tray. Gobi hump. Hungry Hungry Hypercarnivore. Igloo. Pretending to have a fucking thyroid problem. Walrus/Free Wozza. Part Sub. Yokazoona. Clanker. Klungo. Kelp Dodger. Ice Chair Crusher. Bubblegloop. Go to Salmonway but put everything on it. Sir Slush the Snowman. Happy because Jolly's is back in business motherfucker. I know there is gonna be alot of furries out there calling me a bully. Well guess what, I'm not. I just don't feel sorry for fat fucking polar bears especially fat fucks who sit there all day, gorge and eat, and get stream money for doing absolutely nothing but sledding, while a bunch of sorry shits like his unattended kids starve in their home. You don't like what the fuck I'm saying, then fuck you.
Just type -“Boggy2988” when searching.
I have to use this for several searches because kiked algorithms pushing trash creators constantly
Hey check what Sony did, I bet we can do worse and they'll eat it up like good npc bitch.

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