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This board is dedicated to the discussion of history and the other humanities such as philosophy, religion, law, classical artwork, archeology, anthropology, ancient languages, etc. Please use /lit/ for discussions of literature. Threads should be about specific topics, and the creation of "general" threads is discouraged.

For the purpose of determining what is history, please do not start threads about events taking place less than 25 years ago. Historical discussions should be focused on past events, and not their contemporary consequences. Discussion of modern politics, current events, popular culture, or other non-historical topics should be posted elsewhere. General discussions about international culture should go on /int/.

/his/ is not /pol/, and Global Rule #3 is in effect. Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates. Blatant racism and trolling will not be tolerated, and a high level of discourse is expected. History can be examined from many different conflicting viewpoints; please treat other posters with respect and address the content of their post instead of attacking their character.

When discussing history, please reference credible source material, and provide as much supporting information as possible in your posts.

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The best ideology ever. it's going to come back bigger and stronger than ever before.
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If you aren't a Maoist-Third-Worldist, what the fuck are you even posting about?
It's revisionism.
See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7KjQcgMUWXA
Marx pretty much never believed the capitalists would give us good healthcare, 8 hour work days, unemployment benefits, and good working conditions. Most of Marx' goals in the communist manifesto have been fully or partially accomplished. And the goals that are not met in Western countries, like centralization of credit, turned out horribly in the Soviet Union and China so that no sane individual is going to start a revolution over going back to one state bank again.
Marx would have been probably more upset that Philips sold ASML and TSMC than the working conditions and tax system and shit.
>Marx pretty much never believed the capitalists would give us good healthcare, 8 hour work days, unemployment benefits
He's right, this is socialism

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We should socially ostracize people who don't spend money. Everyone should do their part to stimulate the economy.
If you don't have money to spend, we should just print them and give it to them to spend. This is why UBI is such an ingenious idea.
For some reason, people struggle to understand the idea that UBIs will mostly be spend on taxable goods and services anyways, so its not even a net loss to the government. Its literally just subsidizing the economy like the government already does except this time it'll actually benefit people that aren't shareholders.

But of course retards also think that's communism or somesuch shit
We should just jumpstart CBDC, so they can electronically limit the how long the fund is valid and where they can spend it. I for one welcome the coupon economy.
We already have EBT, which is almost better since it ensures people can only spend the money on food

Here is an analysis I've heard from a couple people. Basically the papal court was full of apostates back then and there was humanism, paganism, and also the idea that man could be good on his own without a redeemer and that grace was just a thing and didn't totally transform you, that we could seek God on our own and behave well on our own. There was also tons of corruption around and Machiavellianism and the idea that God would not judge you in the end.

Then the reformers revolted against that but then brought the idea that you could interpret the Bible any way you wanted and then it lead to people denying things like the trinity or saying you could do all the sins you want and be fine. They broke into tons of sects.

After this, the enlightenment happened and people turned secular because they saw all these interpretations contradicting each other and thought that it was stupid so they went atheist or deist.
Yes just as when you take a shit you often pee at the same time, so the poo poo causes the pee pee
Very accurate description of the Early Modern Age
Savonarola was the trve reformer
What are the significant facts of Khazak history .

Was 2013-2020 Putin peak Putin? When it genuinely looked like Russia could contest the West?
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>Imperialism is when you don't let the IMF impose predatory loans on poor countries
Thank you Sgt. Pedro Gonzales McNoforeskin.
>Moldy AKs is all it took to break the American world order
>There are strong cultural, strategic and economic reasons for Russia to invade Ukraine.
1. The theft of public and private Russian money in banks and assets and their removal from SWIFT has turned all non-Western nations against the West. It might not be a tight-knit alliance but they know they could be next.

2. Birth rates are irrelevant in the present.

3. NATO is weaker than ever. Russia is manufacturing several times more artillery and ammo than Europe and it's soldiers are gaining experience while Europe's and even Americas are in a recruiting crisis.
He is contesting the west, Just look at all the wonder-weapons that would let Ukraine reach the A-A line like their banderite and Nazi grandfathers were meant to rusting in front of the western embassy's in Moscow.

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>Haplogroup I2a1a2b was observed among several conquerors of particularly high rank. This haplogroup is of European origin and is today particularly common among South Slavs.
>Notably, almost exclusively in the elite were present I2-Y3120 subclades, "very often accompanied by Asian maternal lineages, indicating that I2a1a2b1a1a could be more typical for the immigrants than to the local population".
Why did the Hungarian conquerors carry a Slavic haplogroup? Aren't the Magyars supposed to come from Siberia?
It literally took the Hungarians nearly 1 thousand years to traverse from the forests around the urals to Hungary…
I wish I had an I2a1a2b trans girlfriend
This confirms hungarians as turks. They do this conquer through asian pussy strategy. All early turks did.
The arpad dynasty were Scythian R1a-z93 unless you want to call that slav.

Well, is that true? Can you not be violent to property?
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breaking into peoples houses and messing with their shit is also pretty indefensible
they criticized Israel and its killing spree
That's what the protests are for yes, but that doesn't mean there aren't people amongst the protestors being shitheads
No more than there always are at protests. The crackdown was not because these protests suddenly turned violent because of bad actors.
Property is an extension of the person

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The horrors and atrocities that followed in the Reformation and Thirty Years War is the fault of the papacy. The popes (tragically) were successful in their conflict with the Holy Roman Emperors and turned Germany into a decentralized clusterfuck of warring princes and cities. If not for the papacy, then there is a good chance that all of Germany would be politically and religiously united.

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Is it possible to remove all bias when analyzing historical events? All recorded history feels unreliable to some degree. Pic unrelated
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>Is it possible to remove all bias when analyzing historical events?
No it isn't. Because governments control academia so control what narratives about history get put out. And what narratives will be in indoctrination centers (schools). Governments even control what information gets out to the public and destroys information that is not convenient.
>All recorded history feels unreliable to some degree.
Yes. Especially anything before the 18th century,
>Pic unrelated
Well of course everything is unreliable, greeks and romans lied a lot. They did have historians of their own though, which are about as accurate as you're going to get
You can be the most honest, neutral, and scrupulous historian on Earth and you'd still be working from sources who had their own biases, often ones comically massive by modern standards.
Best you can do is understand where people were coming from and try to grasp where that led to biases in their accounts, or to develop an eye for details that don't quite add up. Big part of the historical method desu.
So study anthropology before studying historical accounts?
Not exactly, a frame of reference is needed. If you're european you're going to have a much easier time understanding history because a majority of relevant history was done by europeans so you can do a lot of guesswork by superimposing your own culture on whatever somebody else was doing to a degree.

Every single Christian denomination follows roughly the same Bible. Maybe it'll have a preferred translation, maybe it'll have additional scripture like Mormonism, but they all have the same basic text as their foundation

The reason Churches exist is because when Christianity was starting out, the average person couldn't read, which meant it was entirely up to trained scribes to deliver the word of God to the masses, and the Church was the method of doing this. Going to church is not necesarry anymore, since most people can read. You can simply read a personal Bible at home and recieve the same lessons as you would otherwise.

I've heard that Jews don't do this because they were victims of a pork-related plague/disease that almost exterminated them, but the most interesting thing is that their Saturnian god was a pig/donkey and they didn't eat it because they considered it a sacred animal.

>Abdi-Ḫeba, who was Governor of Jerusalem about 1430 B.C., states, in a letter to his overlord Amenophis IV of Egypt, that Jerusalem, or “Urusalem” is the city of Beth Ninip and of Uru, the god of war, whose name there was Salem

>Uru or Erra (Nergal) was a disease-demon and god of the pestilence before he became a god of war, and Salem, Shalem or Shamash, was worshiped by Melchizedek under the name Sydyk and has been identified with Set, Israel, Saturn, Adar, Dionysus, etc

>In ancient times, as might be expected from the many caves and caverns found in the vicinity, there was in the district where Jerusalem now is, a temple of Ninip, the Babylonian creating god who let loose the Flood

>To Ninip the swine was sacred, and, therefore, taboo to his worshippers. Ninip, like Dionysus, was a lord of the underworld and of “the spirits of the earth” before he became a sungod, and the rock Sakhra (Sakhra was the mother of the sungod) with the cavern or “well of spirits” beneath it, is to the Jews the most sacred part of Jerusalem. Here they say is the “House of the Lord God,” here they pretend was the Holy of Holies of the temple supposed to have been built by Solomon, and here “the pestilence was stayed”!

>Pigs entered into the rites and myths of Adonis, Attis, Tammuz, Set, Semele, Demeter, Rimmon, Dionysus, etc., as well as of Ninip, and were often cast into caverns as a sacrifice. In the cavern at Gezer, which is not far from Jerusalem, many pig bones have been found

>By the Egyptians’ pigs were sacrificed only to “Bacchus” and the moon-god
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None of this has anything to do with the fake definitions and false etymologies you used at the outset of this thread, or the baseless associations you made between Ninurta / Ninip, Jerusalem, and pigs, all of which was proven to be categorically false in the following posts:

Regarding the prohibition against consuming swine, Leviticus makes it abundantly clear why Jews cannot eat it - along with camels, badgers, owls, and a variety of other animals - in chapter 11. I will use the EasyEnglish version to minimize confusion:
>Each foot on the animal must have two separate parts. The animal must eat its food and then it must bring the food back into its mouth. And then it must eat the food again. Some animals eat their food twice and they have feet with two parts. You can eat those animals.
>Some animals have feet that have two separate parts. But they do not eat their food twice. Other animals eat their food twice. But their feet do not have two separate parts. You must not eat those animals.

Examples of prohibited and permitted animals are then presented. Pig is in the former category, due to the fact that it does not 'chew its cud':
>But when the pig eats its food, it does not bring the food back into its mouth. It does not eat it twice. The people must not eat the pig.

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>Yakov – ie. Judaism is to follow and judge the mount of Esav by making peace with Esav and bringing the portion that is left in the puzzle: Torah, the proper vessels in which the Light is to be kept. For certainly the “New Covenant” is made with Israel, with Judah (Jer 31:31) and fulfilled in the Messianic era, when the knowledge of God will cover the whole Earth (Jer 31:34; Is 11:9). So this brings the King Messiah

>Esav and Yakov were already fighting in the womb, and their whole life is a search for reconciliation. Once Yakov overcomes Esav’s spiritual negative energy, what is left is to reconcile physically with his brother. Since Esav stands for Christianity and Yakov for Judaism, it is the reunion of these two brothers what brings correction to the world and destruction to Samael. As it’s written: “Behold how good and pleasant for brothers [ie. Esav and Yakov], to dwell together in Unity” (Psal 133:1)

>Esav and the Peel of the Swine

>The numerical value of the Hebrew word for swine – חֲזִיר/chazir equals 225. This is the same exact gematria (numerical value) of the Hebrew word for peel – קְלִיפָּה/klipah. Since the pig shows an outward purity but hides its true impure nature, it identifies itself with its outside peel. Moreover, in the Hebrew word חֲזִיר/chazir there are four letters. The two inner letters: yud and zayin have the same gematria as the Hebrew word טוֹב/tov, which means ‘good.’ These inner letters are hidden and swallowed up within the ‘peel’ of each of its two outer letters. Since its goodness is absorbed within it, it makes sense that the swine, which hides its inside, is associated with the Evil (hidden) Eye. The Evil Eye is caused by negative thoughts and feelings mainly jealousy
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>Therefore, Esav is compared to the swine (Rashi, Bereishit 26:34). He pretended to be holy on the outside to his father Yitzchak by asking super ‘frum’ questions such as “how do you tithe salt?” (Midrash Tanchuma, Toldot 8). Esav also had an Evil Eye, this is why he brought 400 men with him to attack Ya’acov (Bereishit 33:1), as 400 has the same numerical value as רע עין/ra ayin – Evil Eye (Benayahu ben Yehoyada, Baba Kama 82b)

>Pig or Prophet

>When the pig will return to chew its cud and its outside will match its inside “this is the aspect of truth the aspect of the letter vav” (Sefer Bat Ayin, Parashat Shemini). Vav is called the letter of truth (Zohar 169a), because vav is the letter, which connects heaven and earth – the inside with the outside. Just as the letter vav means ‘and’ and is used to connect different part of a sentence, the truth can always be verified by the facts to which it is connected, like the Hebrew word for truth אֱמֶת /Emet, which includes the first, last and middle letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Through our dedication to truth, we may achieve deliverance from evil thoughts (Rav Tzaddok of Lublin, P’ri Zaddik, Rosh Chodesh Iyar 2). Meanwhile, while we still sometimes harbor negative feelings on the inside, we have to be a bit like the pig, showing a different façade on the outside than what we really feel within. We are not yet ready to be totally truthful, and tell others what we really feel about them, as this could be rude and offensive. We still need to apply a filter in order to be sensitive to the feelings of others. Therefore, we won’t be so direct as to, for example, tell our neighbor that she is fat. Children and people suffering from dementia do not have this filter. They will say exactly what is on their mind. Perhaps this is why the Talmud states:

>מיום שחרב בית המקדש ניטלה נבואה מן הנביאים וניתנה לשוטים ולתינוקות
>“Since the Temple was destroyed, prophecy has been taken from prophets and given to fools and children” (Babylonian Talmud, Baba Batra 12b)

>Prophets are called נְבִיאֵי אֱמֶת/nevi’ei emet – “prophets of truth” (Sefer HaChinuch, Mitzvah 510, the prayer introducing the Haftorah reading), as they are a channel bringing down the ultimate Divine Truth to the world. Perhaps the reason we no longer have prophesy is that we cannot be truthful and allow our inside to be expressed on the outside as long as the internal feelings of our heart have not yet been purified, and we still have a yetzer hara (negative impulse). However, fools and children who speak their truth without realizing the offending impact of their words, still have a bit of prophetic spirit because their inside and their outside match. Complete prophesy will eventually return to Israel when our Temple will be rebuilt (Rambam, Sefer Hamitzvot Root 14), and our heart will be circumcised and purified. In the future, when the righteousness of Israel will be revealed, and the evil and negative impulse will be abolished from the world, then the impurity will also be eradicated from the animals. “The swine will in the future return to be permissible” as it was before the giving of the Torah (Rav Tzaddok of Lublin, Machshavot Charutz 11). At that time, the purity of our inner thoughts will spiral down to become manifested in our exterior deed. Even today, if we dig deeply enough into our innerness we can find the spark of pristine purity – the spark of Hashem that He imbued within us, which remains eternally pure

>May we be able to tune into this spark in ourselves and others and manifest our internal goodness into the external world!
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Your fucking Jew didn't refute anything, just made Ad Hominem and Straw man. Do you really want to refute me? Cite your archaeological sources against this:

>According to Halivy's interpretation of EA (El-Amarna) 11. 14-15 (which read âlu mât Urusalim (KI) šumuša âlu Bit-Ninib) bit Ninib (i. e. the temple of Ninib or Adar), is another name for Jerusalem

Why are women allowed to do and say the vilest, nastiest, and most evil of things but be excused because they “just gave birth?”
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What are you talking about? Throughout most of history we just drowned women in the river when they got out of line, it's only within the last century we've allowed them additional privileges.
Nothing is stopping you from just drowning women in the river again.
Assuming of conclusions much?
your extra chromosome is showing
No, pretty sure the Y chromosome is the only extra one around here
>what is post-partum depression?

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Whats a good book to start with for learning about the Inca/andeans?
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5. Carta dirigida a Carlos V por Francisco de Chaves: One of the few anti-Pizarro sources. It was written approximately ten months after Atahualpa's capture and one month following his execution. The letter reveals that the conquest was meticulously planned in Panama, including the preparation of four barrels of poisoned wine intended for the Inca king and his entourage. De Chaves expresses his bitterness towards Pizarro for killing his friend, spurred by his friend's comments about the poisoned wine.

Other chroniclers who witnessed the Inca Empire: Juan de Betanzos, Cristóbal de Molina "el alamagrista", Diego de Trujillo, Pedro Pizarro, etc

Later Spanish Sources: Cieza de Leon (arrived just over a decade after the conquest), Sarmiento de Gamboa, Cabello Balboa, Cristóbal de Molina 'el cuzqueño' (not actually from Cusco), Jose de Acosta, Polo de Ondegardo, etc
graham hancock lel
Native colonial sources:

Guaman Poma: A Yarovilca noble, sometimes critical of the Incas but supportive of native causes.
Pachacuti Yamqui: A Collagua noble whose Spanish language skills were limited, making his texts kind of hard to read. His historical account of the Inca Empire has unique insights not found in other narratives.
The Huarochirí Manuscript: Authored by an unknown writer, this document written in classic Quechua discusses the legend of the ancient mountain god Pariacaca, who became a major wak'a in the Inca Empire.
The Dramatic play of Ollantay: It is about an Inca general of plebeian origin who fell in love with the emperor's daughter, rebelled part of Antisuyo against Cusco but was eventually pardoned by the following ruler.
Titu Cusi: One of the last Sapa Incas of Vilcabamba. His writings suggest historical embellishments intended to elevate his father, Manco Inca, beyond his actual pre-Spanish importance. Living remotely in the jungle far from Cusco, most of his knowledge about the Incas likely came second-hand from his father and his followers, so it is understandable.
>Guaman Poma
His "Letter to a King" has nearly 400 drawings, some of the most accurate representations of precontact clothing styles.
Martín de Murúa (I forgot about him in the section on later Spanish sources) commissioned Poma to make many of the drawings in his book

Mestizo colonial sources:

Inca Garcilaso de la Vega: The most well-known
Blas Valera: Though his main works are lost, the very controversial Miccinelli documents, partially attributed to him, are fascinating, among other things having drawings of literary quipus.
Valera is also the suspected author behind the "Relación de las costumbres antiguas de los naturales del Peru," a detailed account of the organizational structure of the Inca state religion, often contradicts other contemporary sources.
Pedro Gutiérrez de Santa Clara: Noted for his observations on pre-Spanish coastal arrivals. During Tupac Yupanqui's reign, he recounts how windswept sailors landed in Ecuador, fashioned rudimentary weapons, and harassed the locals until the Inca Tupac Yupanqui deployed a contingent and eventually granted them land. He also notes that an ethnic group near Atacama was in contact with a distant island speaking the same language.

Contemporary Sources: Ephraim George Squier (visited numerous Inca sites in the 19th century, observed the last Inca thatch roof, likening it to the cella of the Temple of Venus), María Rostworowski (known for her detailed contributions to the study of Inca history), Porras Barrenechea, Jose Antonio del Busto (has a book about Tupac Yupanqui's alleged trip to Oceania), John Rowe, etc.
>Ephraim George Squier (visited numerous Inca sites in the 19th century, observed the last Inca thatch roof, likening it to the cella of the Temple of Venus

>The dome of the Sondor-huasi is perfect, and is formed of a series of bamboos of equal size and taper, their larger ends resting on the top of the walls; bent evenly to a central point, over a series of hoops of the same material and of graduated sizes. At the points where the vertical and horizontal supports cross each other, they are bound together by fine cords of delicately braided grass, which cross and recross each other with admirable skill and taste. Over this skeleton dome is a fine mat of the braided epidermis of the bamboo or rattan, which, as it exposes no seams, almost induces the belief that it was braided on the spot. However that may be, it was worked in different colors, and in panellings conforming in size with the diminishing spaces between the framework, that framework itself being also painted.

>I shall probably shock my classical readers, and be accounted presumptuous, when I venture a comparison of the Azangaro dome, in style and effect, with that of the cella of the Temple of Venus, facing the Coliseum, in the Eternal City.

Communication via sarcastic irony is a symptom of insecure wannabe-nonconformists fearing to be genuine and therefore vulnerable.
For me it is a genuine expression of my 'tism.
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why the fuck would anyone want to be vulnerable that’s pussy shit
nobody respects the vulnerable

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>Jesus is the real son of God. Look at the prophecies! You can't just make all of that up!
>He's a false prophet, don't believe him because he's a heretic!

What is so wild about the hypothesis that the writers of the NT just made up most of the stuff and "fulfilled prophecies" because they already knew about the prophecies since they all studied the OT?
>But believers don't ju-
>*kool aid*

Is it really that controversial, or rather, refutable by apologetics to deny that the whole thing was just made up?
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>don't do evil things unless it benefits us
Not even the kool aid fanatics could let themselves be eaten by Lions
It's way more active to resist being torn apart by beasts than just drinking poison
What an insanely stupid post.
Real martyrs die in gore
Real men die in battle

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