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old >>35657300
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It's over.
I’ll tell you something right now id rather burn my whole life down than listen to one more second of all this bitchin and moaning
post hole
Are you gonna video it when you lose your virginity?
is there such a thing as too thin?

What did Musky mean by this?
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woah... she was so based
If there was rib cage surgery that worked, he would have gotten it.
There is almost never "proof" someone is a repper, it's inherently a speculatory game
Then why assert it as fact? It is pretty dishonest to do so. Voice your speculations, then move on. Also, I would appreciate it if you answered the question.
What you get is what you see, oh
Don't be fooled by the rocks that I got
I'm still I'm still Jenny from the block
Used to have a little now I have a lot
No matter where I go I know where I came from

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The transgender movement is not demonic and they don't hate Jesus Christ - Oh wait!
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wait sorry maybe that was a kneejerk reaction I don't even necessarily disagree with the sentiment from an abrahamic perspective
I don't need to. Delusions tell the truth as well. Well, they can. Not all delusions are truthful, some are lies. One can distinguish between true and false delusions from how they appear. If the delusion is coherent, does not sprout into all kinds of random directions, it is probably true. If the delusion makes you speak in tongues, if it hops around from topic to topic, it's probably false.
Knowledge of psychology helps, as does a deep education on a wide array of domains of knowledge.

Also, it's really easy to just focus on breathing, eating, sleeping and other material things and keep one's inner mind to oneself so as to not appear insane. If you pretend to be a normie in situations which necessitate that, you're Gucci. If not, someone will notify the white jackets eventually and give you a forced vacation in a mental hospital.
Is it supposed to look like he's digging into his butthole?
>do everything you possibly can to drive and alienate certain groups of people away
>use the bibble as an excuse to do whatever the fuck you want to in this mortal coil via randomly interpreted verses you pull out of your ass whether its forming doomsday/death cults, fucking everyone around you over for material gain, or the godforsaken brainrot of evangelicalism and the prosperity gospel
>uh wtf how come people no like us?
People don’t like you because of satan or whatever, they don’t like you because you’re an ass hiding behind scripture that kvetches about everything. .
Satanic larpers are so retarded I wouldn't even care if christians decided to burn them again. I can respect christians because at least some of them actually believe in what they say.
Cowards despise honesty.

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Is laser worth it? Or is it just a waste of money if you’re a poorfag
100% worth it if combined with hormones for permanent reduction up to effective removal ie on the upper body and legs (face and pubic areas and pits and stuff might need upkeep from what I understand I still have some residual stubborn ones on the upper lip after a bunch of sessions), might even be without but wtf you doing then
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I thought laser isn’t permanent?
This is my upper lip after not shaving for 4 days so I was hoping laser would work
I'd say reduction is definitely permanent, complete "removal" however is very much a YMMV thing and depends on the individual area and your individual body

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What are you supposed to do if you can't have a family and you're too old to aimlessly fool around with friends because they all have kids now? What am I working to get promotions for? A nicer car? A better apartment?

>t. 30 year old homo (bi fag really but I'm not eligible for women)
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I'm not goku, sadly.
whatever you want
idk I can't have kids so I'm just in it for the ride I guess
goon/rp for your onlyfans $$$ and spend it on hobbies
I'm gonna need another shelf for my figma collection soon
Comments like this make me miss doing OF
I was able to get so much manga and anime figures. Plus be all my friends sugar daddy when we went out.

Is it possible to be a boymodder/trans man chaser? How do you know the signs? What kind of people are they interested in?

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Are stainless steel fingernails fembrained or malebrained?

Any sort of fingernail decoration is fembrained. Maybe if you're a femboy but even then a lot of even the most flamboyant of male bottoms balk at that thing unless they're pressured a lot.

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what kind of relationship do you want anon?
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Sensitive guy or girl that has nerdy interests as me and doesn't care about gender roles, that's it. If we're compatible I see no reason not to date you just because of your genetalia
18 year old girl/guy who will do what I say and give me sex when I want it.
Being loved is unrealistic I'm not useful in any capacity
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I just want someone who will help me. I don't want to be taken care of, I just need help. I want someone reliable, someone who will love and support me. I wanna feel safe with someone. Feel like I have a home
It's nice when there's just endless unconditional love

Discuss the horny here
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here's a pic if u guys want (sorry if ive shared it before)
unsee cc/album#2ABfXjHGxEnA
pls dont misgender me thx
you should drop your discord
would be fun to tease you while you try to do your homework
More of those tips, it'd be hot if you grabbed one
uhhhhh idk i dont know why i would it seems kinda weird like i havent thought about it before it seems kinda embarrassing as, like a sexual thing, why would i do that. but i do feel a bit weird thinking about it now so i d k...

qott - Do you love america?
qott 2 - does the great outdoors call to you?

previous- >>35654327
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Reminds me of blood pressure meds I was on that made it feel like my head was being crushed everytime I nutted
Hope you can coom soon anon
T brutally redpilled me on AMAB sexual pleasure.
It feels better to fap the more T you have. It feels better to rub it when your clitoris is bigger. It just does. Logical to conclude that rubbing your biopenis feels even better. They got lucky (not the circumcised ones thoughever)
It’s Prozac. So I won’t be cooming for a long time.
What do I have to cope with? I would rather kill myself than be American.
idk if this is true but it seems like an ftm could potentially experience the most sexual pleasure, because of the testosterone and the clit having more nerve endings than the penis or something not sure if that was just a feminist cope though

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As a foreigner, is it easier to be trans in Taiwan or Thailand? What are standards of living and acceptability like?
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I've never been to either, but thailand sounds more accepting, is much cheaper to live in, and has a constant flow of western tourists so I'd choose thailand. I also like their food a lot
Thailand, also you'd be in position of power since your money is stronger as a foreigner
True but you’ve also got to remember that Thailand has a tourism dominated economy, so of course you’re going to hear stuff about sex tourism in Thailand more than in Taiwan which mostly deals in microchip manufacturing and technology. It’s a simple bias affected by what the news or pop culture shows us. Nothing insidious but important nonetheless
I'd move to thailand immediately, if i had the money.

Hopefully once my mom dies and the house is sold, i can immediately move there. I wouldnt even think twice, I'd be gone the same day
life there that good?

/lesgen/, the best lesbian general, is an inclusive general for all sapphics :^) - cis or trans - to discuss being gay as shit

qott 1: are you into feet? if so, what's your favorite thing about them?
qott 2: how would you feel about dating a girl who had a foot fetish?

tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/%2Flesgen%2F
old thread: >>35642016
discord: https://discord.gg/hrbygddw
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i met my gf on lesgen and we love eachother and thats why yall pray on my downfall
depends, which episode
Hang the DJ was very fucked up.
The whole consept to simulate people with AI thinking that they're a real person and then taking away their freedom was just too eerie for me to bear.
Last time I smoked weed (over a year ago) I got a panic attack relating to that thing and it seriously did something to me
girl ass hnnnngggghh
oh I thought that was kind of sweet from an existentialist standpoint, like from an outside observer's perspective look at all these possible variations of you and a prospective partner in different combinations of circumstances and how many matched up despite or because of it all

maybe it's because I'm a fucking robot but I think that's genuinely sweet and kind of like an affirming way to look at a relationship in terms of compatibility at least outside the dystopian presumed framing of
>whoa dude WHAT IF like YOU were the simulation WHOA maybe that's not so different from real life huh whoa

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Zoey Alexandria Voice Actor The Unknown Death Zoey Alexandria Wendorf Dead by Daylight Obituary : Transgender Woman and YouTuber Dies.
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cant imagine being this low of a life form
there is lacking honor
there is cynicism
and then there is whatever the fuck this is
Existence as cruel as fuck
RIP to a real one
I went in to see the thread on kiwifarms and I almost cried
I don't understand how people can be this awful
although might cry later, god forsaken world
was gonna say, that example is actually fairly mild
imagine thinking this is ''transbians'' fault
imagine thinking ''optics'' matter for whatever thing posts these stuff on the internet and murdered brianna ghey and go out of their way to harm transpeople
fucking insaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaane

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prev: >>35655711
clown girls edition
qott: have/would you ever clownmode?

What to do if I am questioning my gender? https://rentry.org/mtfginfo1
What is Gender Dysphoria? https://rentry.org/mtfginfo2

HRT Information: https://rentry.org/mtfghrt
For additional HRT information, please visit >>>/lgbt/hrtgen

Fashion Guides (Videos): https://rentry.org/mtfgfashion
Basic Skincare and Makeup: https://rentry.org/mtfgskinmakeup

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Thanks, this is all good advice I think. I'll have more free time when I finish school, it's just social anxiety has always made it really difficult for me, it's plagued my life. I also live in a rural area, no lgbt stuff around here but there is a gun range.
Because. idk why. its just not who i am
oh cool
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>you didn't bother showing up to the cancelled interview?
>no job for you
it doesn't even make sense
stop this shit lagooner she told u so many times

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do video games cause transgenderism?
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>the 2 most popular content creators for classic WoW both trooned
>play Maplestory in highschool
>troon out because I'm treated better when playing my female character than I ever have been before
MMOs are the most effective form of egg breaking desu
I think anime/manga causes an autogynephile to blossom into a beautiful trans woman but video games? No
But what about the trannies that become weebs/antisocial because of puberty?
I don't think it's that but it's curious how many transgender people are into video games.

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