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What would Looniversity be like if the characters were written accurately as the college students they are claimed to be?
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A lot more drinking and driving episodes
Maybe in the original, Looniversity Plucky definitely fucks and easily could top both of them at times. He has an advantage over them plenty of times with their dynamics changes
They'd be brainwashed and protesting for Palestine. Yet another case where real life is funnier than this show.
>Looniversity Plucky definitely fucks
Looniversity Plucky is even more pathetic and tryhard than the OG. No way he fucks.
TTA Plucky has forced himself onto every boy in the school. Looniversity Plucky’s only done it with 2-3.

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Why did she do it bros?
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Immortal will become a punching bag/slave/fucktoy for the Viltrumites. He'll definitely go insane much faster than in canon.
I read a vampire story of a vampire kid getting discovered by a killer pedo. In this one vampires don't gain any special powers until they're very old besides pseudo-immortality from blood drinking. When the kid revived the pedo cried that he'll have a forever angel to fuck and kill forever. I'd imagine Conquest and Immortal being like that.
>I am very low T
We know anon.
>being a porn addict means you are high t
And other delusions kikes made you believe in
Genuinely depends on how hot she is (which I guess applies to women too) if someone hot was riding while im sleeping I wouldn’t mind
the writer was shock jocking

there are multiple instances where mark grayson did violence or had violence done to him that was orders of magnitude worse, and he did not cry. his emotional reaction was out of place and insulting to the intelligence of the reader

furthermore, he was not legally obligated to take care of offspring.

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Toonami Drinking Game

Naruto Story

Tweeting Info

Toonami Bumps

New Shows
Ninja Kamui - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_gtfZkGCGcQ
Uzumaki - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRrqvjjKlOs

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When does the big titty girl show up?
dying light the guy with one hand surrounds his citadel with zombies and uses loud noises to rile them up
I find it most media, it seems fine UNTIL the protagonist show up to fuck things over.
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>show goes into hiatus around the same episode as in Japanese
>when it finally returns one month from now it'll enter the shittiest arc of the show

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Which characters will end up being revealed the opposite gender of their digital personas? The creator is trans, so there is bound to be one. I'm guessing it's gonna be Jax.
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Do you think that Ragatha is a mother in real life? She's at the age where most women have children and she treats everyone around her like a mom would. Everything about her screams "mom" to me.
I think that it's a project meant to prolong "life" of the user. In reality, the world has gone through armageddon and whoever remains will suffer a slow, unpleasant death from starvation. The circus accelerates thinking millions of times over, so that by the time your body actually dies of thirst, you're ready for death.
I think if she were an actual mom she wouldn't be as calm as she is
She has probably forgotten she has children irl.
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I just love her so much man.. I wanna help her out as much as possible.

What makes Hungarian girls like Kriszta and Jucika so appealing?
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prude faggot. go move to the middle east.
wtf sage freehaven in a cartoon
or search newguy rajza jucika
pic unrelated
More like search newguy1091, but I got it eventually.


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What are some ongoing series that you’ll be picking up?
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It's definitely got a 70s/80s vibe. Very Enemy Mine but also kinda ROM.
You serious??
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Went to my usual store later in the afternoon than I wanted to go because I got held up running errands. When au got there most of the table was cleared off besides some bland indie shit. Went to another store about an hour away with a four book limit and got Power Rangers, Monster High, and Pokemon for my nephews and niece and Gatchaman for myself. Ended up buying some $20 card game that I'll keep in reserve as a birthday/Christmas present for later in the year. Not the best FCBD I've ever had, but it was nice to get out of the house.
At least the Robotech/Voltron crossover saw print. That was great.

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>only personality is being a childish asshole
>torments gangle, says something sarcastic and snarky, rinse and repeat
>ragatha is sick of his shit but never stands up to him
>doesn't even fucking show up for kaufmo's funeral
So like, what is his character? Do people really only like him because they want to fuck him or something? The merch and official art makes him seem like one of the official protagonists like Pomni, yet he doesn't really contribute much.
Pomni and Ragatha have the most development out of the team, and even Kinger had some slight growth. Jax has had nothing.
I can only see something happening like the rest of the team getting sick of him and trying to kick him out, he just feels so one dimensional and expected.
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Just let a character be mean and fun.
It allows funny scenarios to happen. Go watch Teletubbies or something if you want coddly googoo gaga shit or go watch A Silent Voice if you want perfect character development fantasy
it's BECAUSE he's an unapologetic asshole that makes him stand out among the main cast. i think it's pretty entertaining honestly
to be fair, he might get his comeupance if the wagie scene in the trailer is anything to go off of
>So like, what is his character? Do people really only like him because they want to fuck him or something?

>All the males are either idiots or dickbags

Oh goodie, modern cartoons everyone, is just gonna be anothet Bojack Horsemen dont you?

You guys suck.

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Who are some villains that don't get a lot of recognition?
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>magneto and rightclops leads to krakoa

you are the problem
-the Basilisk. a Morbius villain
-juggernaut, he should be in dr. strange comics because he's powered by cytorrak
-xanto starblood, because he'd be a villain for any life form that's unique
-dark beast, he was the only antagonist for x-men i've ever taken seriously because the only reason he's in 616 is because it actually tried to "win the game" by getting to the m'kraan crystal
-stardust is just too cool not be be a major antagonist for beta ray bill and others
-emplate ought to be a major antagonist for threnody, if but they would have to make threnody a more prominent character

i often wonder why illusionist villains don't team up with different mediums of deception. mysterio has technology, why doesn't he team up with judas traveler to pull off major deceptions? they could even have shapeshifters with them like mystique and pull off major heists against both heroes and villains
scuse me

only antagonist for x-mAn i ever took seriously
>just magical gadgets

seems underwhelming. she needs to drink a potion or something that makes her a magic version of a super soldier, and doesn't seem dangerous is she isn't an antagonist for midnight sons and dr strange as well
>i often wonder why illusionist villains don't team up with different mediums of deception. mysterio has technology, why doesn't he team up with judas traveler to pull off major deceptions? they could even have shapeshifters with them like mystique and pull off major heists against both heroes and villains
I dig it

Now that Death Battle is ending, what was your favorite Death Battle?
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Having people that are intentionally writing bad faith fan fiction in order to get their characters recognized on a dog shit wiki for power fapping goes against the original intent of said power fapping site.
Plus it's really funny.
Don't gotta samefag.
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Okay fag.
I remember a time when Harry vs Aragorn was a popular debate, and realistically kid with teleporting and what is effectively a gun should be able to kill a guy with a sword and minor healing magic.
>inspect element
Uh oh.

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Give us a raise, loser
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Honestly, I'd say the only time Benson was unreasonable early on is when he ate their fukken ultimeatums.
Childhood is idolizing Mordecai
Adulthood is realizing Benson makes more sense
Maturity is admitting Rigby is the ideal human being
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>Fuck off, Benson
>It's time for you to fuck off
And don't forget to tongue my asshole while you're down there. Get to work boys. I won't tell you again.
Enlightenment is knowing my mom jokes are peak humor.
They easily had the coziest lives to kid me, made me want to work in a park and goof off in a golf cart when I got older

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Which one do you prefer?
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Tomorrow's Cinco de Mayo, hijos de la Chilindrina, so you better keep this thread up
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Okay i

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Post cursed /co/ images.
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>you ever see a grown man naked?
Dont' forget the Princess Sally one made from a real human skeleton
What I want to know is what would’ve happened if he did it anyways? Would Disney goons come by and smash the stone? Probably not but it would’ve been funny
I knew you referring to this, anon. The other anons are just stupid newfags

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>humans were getting to like.mutants so i decided to genocide mutants to create apathy
This makes no sense and has never happened. People who want genocide create tension and blame the minority.
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no such thing.
Cable's words. Muties were enslaved and humans/hybrids lived peacefully
I'm glad I'm not the only one who didn't get what he's trying to do. The genocide is gonna make more people sympathetic, not fearful. This only made a super powerful mutant mad.
Bastian's a moron. He released that video of Xavier to make people mad at mutants while also murdering hundreds of them.
I didn't get his logic either. Persecuting a minority is how you get "Mutant Lives Matter" protests or how they get a holiday all to them called Mutant Pride Month where companies pander to them non stop. When he bombed Genosha, there were no protests in the streets from demanding justice for all those dead mutants. At least, the news wasn't covering any. I mean, a majority of mutants have human parents and families. There's no way at least one family was demanding justice for the death of their mutant child. Instead we see Sunspot's mom... Wtf?
This is a show written by people who think "white American Christians" want to happily get rid of minorities. Val represents well the liberal woman who will willingly join the protests and hopes to be lauded as an "ally".
In case the "Magneto is right" angle isn't clear enough. The target of the show is people who are ok with genocide of a pseudo oppressive class

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I don't think we're ever going to have a cartoon like Gargoyles again. High production value, likable characters, high number of episodes, pulling from a wide range of genres.
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Weisman's acknowledged it's canon that Goliath gives her the BGC that's too much for her to handle, bigger than a white guy. All the tropes are there.
Her being the woman that's of black-native American ancestry?
>Weisman's acknowledged it's canon
Sure he did, champ.
Weisman can't even string two plot-points together without going off into a million tangents. He's far from a voice of authority here.
I wish “black” characters were as hot and interesting as her

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Who are some of the lesser known X-Men?
I only know of Magma because of her brief appearances in X-Men Evolution
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There's that unnamed X-Men member that accidentally murdered his entire town in that very special issue.
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New X-Men
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