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gabagool thread
Too salty and chewy. Pastrami is better

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i just ordered 3 whoppers from burger kirg and dipped them in ranch and arby's horsey sauce and it was the best thing i have ever tasted holy shit
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>not chuppin' it up
Fuck you
What's with all the shitty fast food shilling lately? What's the point of the "advertising" report option and the tranny jannies? Herbs.
Digits but they have been ramping up

What do YOU normally get at Raising Cane's?

I tend to be unique with my food, or otherwise order things that others wouldn't, so *I* always go for the

>chicken tenders, bread, and sauce

How about you? What does YOUR Raising Cane's order look like?
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stopped going when the caniac combo was raised to $16 dollars, what’s it at in your area? mines $17.50 now
$13 here dang
the one here was great for a minute then slowly turned to shit
the final straw was the change from paper food containers to plastic
the news ones keep all the heat in so the chicken & bread gets soggy from the steam and the coleslaw & sauce warmed up.

they make honey mustard their own honey mustard
its okay but kinda watery
also it comes in one of those tiny plastic cups and they charge 50¢
Caniac combo, no slaw, extra toast, and a lemonade. That's the move.
I only went because it was the after-club meeting place for my uni's anime club. When we started doing a local diner instead I never looked back

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What can i get you?
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It's funny how italians get all the fame for charcuterie, when Spanish is 2000% times better. It always looks like children food or a worse version of jamón.

Don't be mad at us, little brother. We're family, you should be proud of the success of your older siblings as we're proud of yours.
That's LADY Oscar to you.
Thanks, already got it this morning. 1/2lb hot, dry Soppresotta, mozz, mild provolone.
A bit of everything

>*tastes like paraffin*
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Not a fan, but I'll mix it with coke if I get a nice discount nearby. I tend to prefer Famous Grouse if it's on discount though.
I never really got the hype around red label, the black label is good for the price, but I don't care for the others save for green label which is nice.

Currently got these 2 for the coming days since I have days off and I plan to play vidya and get fucked up and enjoy life a bit while smoking pipe / drinking.
Redbreast 12 is good stuff for the price.
this is how i beat Jedi Fallen Order
when friends asked how i got through specific section though id be like "fuck if i can remember"
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This one is my favourite.
Around 50 euros but I work in a winery that has a small yet proper whiskey section so I get amazing discounts.
I play MMOs mostly, but gettting drunk in vc with friends is always peak comfy.

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What foods can I eat knowing they werent the result of child and or slave labor? Seems like no matter what I eat, many parts of it or all of it comes from 3rd world nations where poor people slave away in horrible conditions for pennies.

>child and forced labor from 3rd world countries

>child and forced labor from 3rd world countries

>many fruits
>child and forced labor from 3rd world countries

>child and forced labor from 3rd world countries

>candy and anything that uses shellac as a coating

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considerate of you to think of that stuff, but you can't avoid these things. if you really want to make a difference, you should head to the source and resolve the issue there. if you won't eat that chocolate, someone else will. try not to think about that stuff, bro. even the shoes on your feet are often made by taking advantage of someone
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You could go fishing, but even the fishing equipment is made by slaves. Every moment of joy is murder.
Don't forget sugar, produced on the backs of the third world

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So because of y'all, I went out and bought a Screamin' Sicilian. Never tried it. It's in the oven for another 10 minutes. This better be worth the $10.
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Absolutely the worst frozen pizza
I think the one guy on here who shills it is just trolling us and you fell for it
>one post a week/
Take your meds
stop shilling your shitty pizza, it's fucking gross and only full blown retards like you like it
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I tried the pepperoni a few months ago and liked it. $5 on sale, usually around $6 or $7
Recently tried the supreme for $6 and was disappointed.
The sauce was too sweet and flavorless. Reminded me of ketchup.
Either the supreme has cheaper sauce than the pepperoni, or Screamin Sicilian is cutting back on quality to avoid raising prices too much due to inflation.

My guess is the latter :(

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And after a good meal there’s nothing like a good cigarr
true, but pic unrelated I assume?
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I prefer smaller cigars. Not quite a cigarillo, but something that doesn't take a fucking hour to burn. Acid Blondie's are a good size.

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>easily removing 80% of the flesh in a few seconds Vs. spending several minutes trying to get 90% of it
good proteins in them white fishies, wouldn't want to waste any
isn't this a non-issue if you use the trimmings for a broth?

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>make pizza dough
>put it into a ceramic bowl
>take it to my warm room to ferment
>close door, and wait for 8 hours
>take the bowl, and hold it in one hand while i open the door with my other hand
>bowl slips out of my hand and shatters onto the ground
what was your most frustrating mistake that you made while working on food?
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They got programmed to defend brown people. Israel made a mistake of directly attacking brown people.
Literally like in their stories about golem going rogue.
>The scent of freshly baked bread is alcohol fumes.
>tfw we were always alcoholics
>orded a rib to bone 6lbs
>bastard is huge
>tried to cut the bone with a knive
>sounds to be a good idea in the moment
>thing is.. the bone win..
>chewed my knife until the edge of the blade started to look like a ruined saw.
>interior of the meat was a nightmare
>full of little shards of steel everywhere in every fibers
>tried to pull out what i can
>the more I cut into the more I found little bits of steel
>sat down sobbing and punching my face thinking about what i just did.
I throw the rib into a barrel and burn it to ashes because i didn't want my dog to find the meat and bleed on it.
I fucking hate when I'm making bread and something goes wrong at the last step. I tried making bagels for the first time, and I left them to proof on parchment paper. Turns out they stuck to the parchment paper and I destroyed them just trying to lift them off. Fuck bread
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>gf wanted a full breakfast
>love to cook, so i made her one
>pretty simple, toast, eggs, bacon, sausage, roasted tomatoes, beans
>hand it off to her
>damn I'm pretty hungry myself now
>go through the entire process again so I can eat
>spend another 15 min cooking
>damn, my plate looks even better, eggs done perfectly
>grab the silverware
>immediately after exiting the kitchen, I trip
>plate shatters on my carpeted stairs
>now have to clean egg yolk, beans, and grease off the carpet
>knife cut my hand when I fell
>fuming mad for 5 minutes, then defeated, my soul having left my body

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Food, obviously....
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>traveling with family
>staying in town we've never been to
>restaraunts everywhere
>"oh look theres a dennies, i love dennies, okay everyone we're going to dennies!!"
I'm a linguist, actually, so I understand that language changes over time, of course, I just wanted to point out that, mathematically, that was silly.
I'm fairly certain I've never seen "payed" but considering my autocorrect didn't put any squiggles under it, I can't deny that it's a common variant. What I find bizarre is "snuck." Usually, language moves towards more uniformity, simplicity and fewer exceptions in spelling, grammar, pronunciation, conjugation and declension so considering that sneaked became snuck in the mid 1800s is a bizarre case where regular conjugation was tossed out for irregular.
This is a shoe shop, I'm afraid.
couple times a month maybe?
honestly, Italians would probably be better at making American food than Americans.
It's even more cheap when you are pouring yourself a pint at home.

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This has been sped up, no one can move or eat that fast
She has an abnormally fast metabolism. She has done mukbang live on tv, in Japan. It's totally real.
her undies are poopy and stinkie
It's real. She has a condition where her body does not absorb nutrients from food properly so she had to master the art of eating contest style eating just to remain healthy.
I put your keys in a secret location

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what's your best chicken tendie recipe?
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Why would you feed a carnivore rice? and also what do you eat that sneaking a bit of plain white rice makes you smile?
got a recipe?
I don't know what happened to my good.
A few grains of rice really firms their stool up. Plus, cades do need some fiber

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What is the most appropriate to drink to a classic pizza?
Soda, beer, wine or dare I say, water?
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Idiot, there's a difference between normal minerals and all kinds of stuff they put into it they only can make invisible through chemical processes. It's additions put into the water AFTER it got pumped out mother earth.
Other waters tested did have far less or non of these residues at all. That's the point.
Fucking retard. What are you twelve?
If I'm already a few beers in when I get the pizza, more beer.

If I'm hungry after a big workout and I'm getting pizza, soda.
Correct. A bread flavored drink is not the right pairing for a dough heavy dish. Generally where pizza falls short is sweetness and acidity, so the correct pairing is a soda. I prefer root beer but coke, Pepsi, doctor pepper and others are all acceptable.
Coke is the only correct answer.

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