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/vm/ - Video Games/Multiplayer

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/vm/ is a place to discuss all types of multiplayer games, whether on console, handheld, or PC, co-op or competitive, online or local.

Does this mean discussion of multiplayer games is banned on other video game boards? No! /vm/ is just a separate board specifically focused on multiplayer games where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vm/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/

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Multiplayer games includes (but is not limited to) Fighting games, First-person shooters, MMOs, Racing games, Sports games, Board & Card games, Party games, and any other genre of game that requires two or more players. Please post threads about single player games on an appropriate board.

Looking for players? Post a LFP thread. Advertising your game servers is allowed and encouraged! Just don't ask for money or spam the board.

Consider using Hamachi, ZeroTier One, or GameRanger for playing old-school LAN games.

Are basements and sewers really gonna be a game changer?
have they said theres gonna be an extensive network or anything? I dont even remember seeing sewers mentioned in the devblogs but unless you can use them as an alternate conspicuous traversing method they wont change anything
adding some RNG to the world is interesting from a looting/replayability standpoint, but I dont see them being practical from a basing standpoint
its better to have windows to be able to jump out of in an emergency than a base with a single way out. Not sure what to expect from the non randomized basements.
who cares about that? i can't wait for the fishing rework, my favourite activity in any game

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What year did you join roblox in, and what was your "go-to" game of that era? Feel free to respond even if you're a filthy newfag.
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>i have a younger bro who likes playing it
make him a game
I thought fagnobe banned raycism and hoemoephoeboea. Is this yet another shitty revival project?
finobe's long dead
oversensitive faggots couldn’t handle the word “nibba”
>relative playing roblox
Have any of you guys had relatives play roblox?
My older brother did. Played the original apocalypse rising and deadzone with him alot before he moved on. He loved shooters so much he went and joined the National Guard.
all I know now are younger cousins who only play frontpage slop, which I also did when I was their age so good for them

Wilderness PKing Edition

>What is /v/scape?
Vidyascape (AKA /v/scape) is a fully featured 2007 RuneScape private server started on >>>/v/ running since March 2014.

Experience the game mostly as it was in 2007
Active devs with dedicated server hosting - 99.9% uptime
No Grand Exchange
2.25xp rate - Less grind allows you to progress faster
Access to all content - Free forever! Explore Gielinor just like a member
No donator benefits - Only your in game wealth matters. Nobody can pay for an advantage
122 quests - 248 Quest Points available, fully scripted and working!
Fight Caves, Barrows, Treasure Trails, Pest Control, Barbarian Assault, Temple Trekking and much more!

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60 smithing* or else you cant use the anvils and BF is a pain in the arse.
Don't the pipes normally break a lot? I had a hard time getting the furnace hot enough because the pipes were bursting constantly and I kept having to repair them.
If you break the bike (I do it intentionally between 0:57 and 1:12), the pipes won't break and you don't need to worry about repairing them. So, breaking the bike makes it much more consistent and lax, as Jagex "intended".
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1488 chins, 69 b2p tabs in raltz's screenshot
>drops an 800 exp dbow spec, turns 360 degrees, and moonwalks toward kilisa with exploding animals in hand
what are the pros of playing on here instead of regular osrs?

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Any Roblox OGs here?
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roblox is a zoomer game
even though you can’t even bring it into 99.999% of games
i hate roblox for deliberately breaking gears, imagine if any other company deliberately broke items people paid for with real world money
haha like that would ever happen
nah and there never will be
oh well

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We thought of this idea on /v/ to play through random niche and obscure MMOs we vote on. Preferably games that 4chan hasn't already played together so the experience for everyone is the same. The rules are:
>vote on a game
>whichever gets the most votes gets played
>make a dedicated general for the game on /vg/ and play it for a month
>end of the month vote a new game
Feel free to suggest more games be added to the list and suggest rule changes.
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My autism took over with the grid so I fixed it.

So that I don't have to be the one always updating this, if you make a codepen account and fork this
you can add or remove stuff from the grid. Simply copy a <li>...</li> entry and change the values if you wanna add something. Then you can use the full view https://codepen.io/wosin123/full/QWPeypL and a tool like https://www.site-shot.com/ to make a screenshot of it.
nice one anon
is uncharted water online the og voyage century?
To the anons who voted Granado Espada, I know why you did.
God-tier OST
Very nice
I have their discord invite and there's the download and account creation in there, so if by the chance PSU wins and the site isn't up we're still good.

Helldivers 2 thread, since it's an online coop game I suppose it belongs here.

In this thread we discuss the state of the game, tips & tricks, give our opinions, share cool moments and in general talk about Helldivers 2 away from all the /v/ermin.
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Thanks for admitting you're a culture war tourist, why not fuck off somewhere else?
In what way is that your takeaway from my post? I don't give a fuck about the drama or whatever Sony's doing, if they had asked me to sign up when I bought the game before I played a single minute of it I probably would have.

But imagine you're in a restaurant where you pay up front at the counter eating a burger, you finish 90% of it and then the manager comes up to you and takes your plate away and says
>I'm going to let you finish the last few bites of your burger, but first you have to fill out this paperwork, get an email confirmation, link it to our store app
>Or you can just get up and leave now and we'll give you the money you paid as you walk out the front door

It'd have to be a seriously good burger to go through the hassle of doing all that when I know I can get my money back for a product that I already received the majority of all the lifetime enjoyment I'd ever have gotten from it.

Helldivers is just not that game. If they roll back the account changes I'll keep playing every now but if they don't, no big loss and I get my money back on steam.
For me it's not getting nothing, but the broken shit is getting very grating
Misaligned sights, reload bugs, jittery ADS bugs, regular crashes, the camera fuckin losing its mind occasionally, getting sent flying by corpses' collision, enemies clipping and shooting through terrain, DOT doing no damage, etc etc etc
Any one wouldn't be bad but all together it can ruin the experience in moments
it took me years to reconcile this.
This was like discovering that people hack in videogames because they just want to unwind with an easy game.

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Ord Mantel edition.

>Battlefront II News


>SWTOR Helpful Links
(If you have a general question about the game, such as credit limits, subscribing, story order, class usage, what a certain item you see in a screenshot, or really anything, check these first)

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Finally decided to spend some cartel coins I had saved up thanks to my sub since a lot was on sale. Never used it before but I like how you can refund items if you regret the purchase.

I don't like a lot of the armors on sale since its just brown Jedi robes except worn by [insert canon character] and its pointless picking up a blaster IMO they all look the same so I picked up the Ewok companion and got my Sith a fancy black and red lightsaber crystal so he can be ultra edgy.
In honor of Star Wars™ Day, and to show our appreciation for all of our players in a galaxy far, far away, we're giving away the The Phantom Menace™ inspired BX-24 droid!
Players can log in to Star Wars™: The Old Republic anytime between May 1st and May 16th and their very own mini-pet will be waiting in their in-game mailbox.
Players can also look forward to the following during this promotional period:

A 50% off Collection Unlock sale
Double XP Event
25% - 75% off inspired by The Mandalorian™ items
Up to 90% off various items in the Cartel Market

Thank you for playing Star Wars™: The Old Republic and may the Force Be with You.
nice, have fun anon
I've just finished the sith warrior and moved on to jedi knight. It is fun, the worst parts about it ironically are the MMO aspects of it. Can't speak for all class stories, but the sith warrior was flexible in how I played and I felt I could do whatever I wanted more or less. I just wish I would've romanced Vette.
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/vm/ plays Hunt: Showdown NEW EVENT EDITION

New weapons new changes all for the better? Post lfg's, discuss new changes, ask for help, and shit on others by posting your superior loadouts.

Mosin schizo, stam shizo, dragonbreath schizo, gay admin schizo need not apply
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I used to do really good with a super bare bones load out
precision nagant
sawed off caldwell
of course this was like 2 years ago
The biggest flaw in the MMR system is that it assumes a certain level of team coherency a.k.a an ability for the individule members of a team to engage in productive teamwork.
The solo (buff/nerf) to MMR placement assumes said solo will be playing against a competent and cohesive team where the numbers advantage is a very real thing.
This, in my experience is seldom the case.
For example, in a match i had earlier today I was running a shotgun, a weapon that favours agression. My teamates however were running rifles (a sprinfield and a winfield i believe.) weapons that generally speaking favour longer, less agressive engagements. So I breach the boss lair to engage and do so against two enemies my teammates are playing cautiously in the extreme and as such I am effectively playing solo. This situation is compounded by the fact that the ingame VOIP implentation whilst interesting, is dogshit for effective communication.
So if i were engaging a solo instead this would be a "fair fight" but if my teammates and I were more effectively "gelling" together it would be one vs three to our advantage.

TL;DR: The Matchmaking system overcompensates for an advantage that rarely exists ingame (especially with randoms).
It's not why it's dogshit.
It's dogshit because math is wrong. They use inidividual's MMR to calculate the difference in skill between opponents when scoring kills instead of team's MMR. If they fixed this tiny error players would properly move to higher brackets when they perform above skill level of their matches, solo or not. But crytek is stubborn and probably malicious because instead of making proper matchmaking their goal is to divide the audience into 2 big pools to reduce matchmaking time low skill pool for newcomers to avoid waiting times, and content creators fodder pool to avoid waiting times for 6 star influencers. They don't want the middleground where 4 and 5 star could have good matches to exist, they want 5 stars to get dragged into 6 star games instead. And, well, 4 stars is a really small bracket which serves as a barrier between low skill pool and high skill pool so you don't get dragged from one to another in a single game. It's a very low margin of 150 MMR though.
So I have enabled resizable bar and set it to 1 GB for hunt (using profile inspector)
Absolutely no fucking difference, it stutters just the same
Is running low textures the only possible fix?
Why did playercount increased tenfold over the last few years, but threads are completely dead? Who's playing this game?

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Just dont make it ugly
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Based. Saving this as a reaction pic.
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This is the outfit I use to larp as a girl on Roblox. I think it's pretty cute and it makes my dick super hard. I gotta say I've rubbed one off to this avatar probably around 40 times this month. Anyone else?
Before & After
after what?

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GW1 Guild Wars 1 thread, hall of heroes edition

previous thread >>1252306

GW1 is alive and well anniversary festival is going on, and our /vm/ guild has been surging with players come join us!

Lately we've been dipping our feet into PvP and badly playing HA, made it to hall of heroes a few times and have done not too bad for a group of people who've never done HA or PvP before in GW1. Future plans for some GvG scrimmages along with some endgame dungeons we typically run at least 2 meetups per week. Friday which is campaign prog day, and saturday which is end game dungeons.

Friday May 3rd - 7 PM EST Proph Prog (we are at Iron Mines of Moladune)
Saturday May 4th - SoO dervway? (check next post) I might be busy on this day however. Time undecided.

Future week plans include GvG scrimmages, and potentially some RA games/bot bullying.
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If don't want to carry one for each type I'd say flatbow for pulling and general damage, short bow for DPS and recurve for interrupting, but I'm not a pro or a ranger main.
longbow to pull, recurve to rupt, otherwise it depends on your build (spirits, attack skills, etc)
What are good general green bows for each [flat/short/curve]-type? To keep on my ranger.
>has a lot of unique bows and no idea what shit is worthwhile
I just finished gwamm on my Ranger
I only used flatbows. I always had a zealous 15^50 of enchanting, vampiric 15^50 of enchanting, zealous 15^50 of fortitude, and lastly shocking 15^e of enchanting for my needling shot build.
My brain is too small to interrupt reliably, so I never used recurve.
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>tihark orchard
>first activity is a little vabbi boy wants to know how to dance
>tall ele from ascalon shakes her hips and tits for him
>"Thank you for showing me those moves. I guess girls aren't so bad after all."

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>What is this?
Korean anime-styled battle royale with moba controls/skills. Currently 8 squads of 3 for a total of 24 players per game but they may bring back solos and duos in the future. Game has been in early access for a few years and version 1.0 has officially launched on July 20th, 2023. Ranked season 3 started March 2024.

>Steam Link


>Eternal Return 1.0 Animation Intro (Full Ver.)

>Dr. Nadja's Beginner Guide

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>me and other teammate die
>teammate Leni still alive
>20 credits
>watch her farm
>die of old age
She's doing her best, anon!
Leni a shit.
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In theory Leni should be a decent character, but I've never seen one that doesn't make me wanna punch children.

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Is it worth it?
I've played EQ a bunch in 99, and I've always wanted to go back.
TLPs are lame and gay, with krono bots and retarded redone zones.
Project Quarm has none of those issues, plus coins have weight and other neat classic shit.
But now I have a level 10 Druid, and the reality of the difficulty is setting in, and it has occurred to me this server is full of EQ autists. The world feels less magical with all these people talking in depth about the mechanics.
Do I really want to commit my time to this?
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>Jay and Silent Bob's Jersey server people that spend 8 hours staring at a spawn point on discord that's not ever in danger of shutting down because 'reasons'?
Nice strawman. Of course there's a possibility of any server shutting down, even officials. Comparing a server that has been around for several years and is run by relatively normal people vs a new server run by a mentally ill troon and his troon boyfriend it's clear where you're better off investing your time.
Back in 1999 the Druid was one of the best rounded classes
>Is negro racist?? that's a new one to me.
Yes the Spanish language is extremely racists. No spics allowed
I'm level 50 Necro now.
I've soloed, grouped, gone to all the dungeons, won a FBSS and other rare items, farmed other twink gear, made thousands of platinum, did my Temple of Sol quests, and joined a guild.
What more is there to do other than raiding? Raiding seems largely pointless to me.
idk seems like you have the game pretty figured out

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it's been 20 years and no one has come close to this man's accomplishments across multiple games or even transition into being a successful entrepreneur

>in b4 muh white
>in b4 [autistic streamer] is more successful
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huh? if you have 100 viewers on twitch you could probably be considered more successful of a vidya entrepreneur than fatal1ty
I watched him play Apex when it first came out. It was kinda sad knowing I could stomp him easily.

I also no lifed that game though which he probably didnt.
lol nah hes def more rich than any 1k-2k streamer even. 100 is like 500bucks a month status
I'm a zoomer and I only know him from gamer nuts.
I think Thooorin did a video on this guy that I watched years ago. Either that or he was talking about him during an interview.
The basic gist is that shartality moved on quickly because he has a fairly low skill ceiling that he hit very quickly. At the beginning of every games competitive life the pro scenes have no defined meta and lower skill players because of it and he did well within that timeframe.

I remember seeing that he streamed on twitch when it got recommended to me for some reason. Guy is extremely boring and surrounds himself with yes-man dicksuckers who go quiet the moment he starts to talk. He seems eternally bored of everything

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Now that the dust has settled... what do we think of Seon and the Anniversary? New expansions are always great since that means more toys to play with but I don't agree with them pushing a stronger emphasis on custom epics and bringing back hell mode to facilitate (lol) the process. The Anniversary did help give out two (2) guaranteed 4/4 pieces but if you didn't have enough 3/4s already the results won't be significant enough to warrant a switch from a fixed build. Maybe it's because I'm a lucklet and call it cope but I'll stick with Archon so I can turn my brain off and unga bunga through dungeons, thanks.

The other Anniversary rewards were helpful too and just as you expected from every year. Geared an alt with the free rare clone avatar and emblems, topped off with the fabled +13 weapon ticket which boosted their fame rather quickly. Now I can larp as a chink whale with that sweet sweet sweet pink glow.
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I'm also sad there wasn't a complimentary card this year so have one with Seria. Try grabbing her breasts.
I like the update, albeit bringing back hell mode grind with two thousand runs to guarantee one mist piece is retarded. Having reached 320+ option / 55k fame, there is a steep drop off in progression and I'll probably stop playing as much now.
There's also the Refined Mist Gear quest by collecting 1k Dim Floating Stones from Seon advanced dungeons which wil take roughly six (6) months to get! I'm grateful that the Anniversary shop had some available for purchase even if it's only about a month and a half's worth. I've been slacking a bit in both so unfortunately I won't be getting them any time soon.
Holy FUCK people still play this?? I just looked at see that this isn't published by Nexon anymore. How is the game now? I only played a little bit back in the day but I remember it being kinda fun.

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