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previously on /ddg/ >>10987771

Nvidia: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Install-and-Run-on-NVidia-GPUs
AMD: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Install-and-Run-on-AMD-GPUs
Cloud: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Online-Services
Optimizations: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Optimizations
Extensions: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Extensions
Custom Scripts: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Custom-Scripts
WebUI Forge: github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge

Wiki: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki
Holara: holara.ai/
Training: github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | rentry.org/59xed3

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>What's she doing by a lava pool?
It started as a male swimsuit challenge on the beach, but when I tried it out with a harada takehito's (artist of Disgea) lora, I felt it more fitting to for her to be in hell/a netherworld.
Anal and vaginal prolapse.
I like to think that they only need any human holes to grow the eggs in, lul.

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Camping Edition
Previous: >>10974656
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oh it's that one buttmad troll who was shitting up the other threads.
I recognize the hyperspecific arguments and need to reply constantly anywhere. He's trying to derail the thread and get this to bump limit to kill the thread.
I'm the one who brought up rootkit drm. The analogy wasn't meant to compare severity of outcomes but the relative effects it has on legitimate vs illegitimate uses.
And in that regard I think the analogy is good.
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I'm still bitter how the source material for the GTS school girl had her actually interacting with the tiny world even if she eventually gets plowed by a giant salary man later on; only for the animated adaption to only give us a candy-bar crush scene. Despite this will probably remain the best animated (the peek inside still gives me diamonds) giantess-in-urban-area until the 2030s or something unless one of the dime-dozen recent gts mangas get adapted before then
Sauce? Rev search brings up dead links

DFC Edition
Previous thread: >>10937754
128 replies and 85 images omitted. Click here to view.
what anime?
Do you? They come with a lot of baggage. The LSTR model in particular is strictly not for befriending. Do NOT waifu the robo.
Stilts superior.
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Hooves are CUTE

What do you mean? This is the way it always has been.

Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/10876831/
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I can't help but feel like there some kind of message in some of these. Some kind of meaning in them and why they're all the same girl...
I feel like the people who do this sort of shit are just trolls who want to feel righteous about it.

They have this urge to make people angry because they find it amusing, but they don't have the balls to admit to themselves or anyone around them that they want to fuck with people, because that would be a thing that Bad People do. So instead they turn it into a weird political thing, intentionally put in negative effort on the retcon/change, and then enjoy being shielded from criticism by retards like the person above who doesn't understand what the word 'neither' means, because they are technically 'righteous' for doing it anyways.

Like man, I sure do like muscle mommies too. I sure would love to read a compelling and interesting reason why female custodes are suddenly part of the setting. Too bad they just decided not to do that, lol.
>They have this urge to make people angry because they find it amusing, but they don't have the balls to admit to themselves or anyone around them that they want to fuck with people, because that would be a thing that Bad People do.
100%. Honest assholes are deserving of respect. People who hide their desire to antagonize people behind a cause are not, and do so much to hurt the causes they claim to support.

But also we should get back on topic. Strong opinions don't make a fun atmosphere for sharing and discussing porn.
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It gives me the vibe that something alien or elder god like has tried to create or present itself as humans, and didn't quite get it right.

I'd like to do a deep dive and try to figure out what's consistent across the images, but they're probably driven mostly by what's visually interesting. The common themes seem to be malleable bodies, swapping/transfer of objects or properties, and the manipulation of expressions.
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Some of the images really do seem to imply that there's more going on though. If I was going to go all in on baseless conjecture, I think something very bad happened to this girl, and all the weirdness we see is a side effect of a successful(?) Attempt to fix it. That doesn't explain why there's several of her so often though. At the very least she seems to have a somewhat playful attitude towards the weirdness most the time.

Trophy Edition

Previous Thread: >>10971105

Discuss lewd games, share your projects, and have others critique them.
Post pictures (/d/ related, preferably) to inspire developers and keep the thread alive.
Check the archives before posting requests:

>/dgg/ Game Catalog:
Password: lewd
>New thread guide & template:
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It's incredibly misleading but the two costumes the protesters sell aren't disguises. The actual disguise is sold by a secret npc named judas you have to unlock by doing a quest.
>RJ01134901 had a bug that stopped you from progressing past a certain level
>the patch that fixed it broke UE on windows 7
>the dev recently updated the game to revert the UE version so people on 7 could run it again
Aw yeah it's gamer time
Legit considering buying the game just because of that.
The hardest part of Trap Quest is its UI. I know it has a lot going on but holy shit is it cluttered. It also really REALLY needs some kind of tracker for in-game events.
Is this on the hotfixed version? The original 1.10 had some visual issues (like the double arms there), but those should be fixed. Pink Straitjacket is armor nowadays instead of a weapon, so that seems fine.
Works for me too

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You all know the drill. Post Hucow's, discuss Hucow's, don't be a sperg.
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That's the tip of the tail...
I imagine not being milked for extremely long periods of time is bound to make even the most placid of hucows very irritated
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wasting their milk.
Sure, they make tens of gallons a day and there's no way one partner could just drink it all, but if you’re doing her and you keep milking her just to shoot the milk across the room it'll probably tick her off. If you’re doing it right, she'll do it naturally. Don’t make the milk come out unless you want to use it, somehow.
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People drinking fake milk for no reason. (no alergy or sensitivity)
How do you think/want hucow hybrids to come about?
>Illegal genetic modification of splicing cow dna with human DNA
>cows just evolve towards more human like appearance
>magical world where hucows and regular cows exist side by side
>some other method

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Thread dedicated to sharing pictures, stories and advice about anal masturbation and sex.
The more pictures, the better!

>Question Of The Day
How long do you plan for and prepare for your masturbating sessions? Does it build up some sort of anticipation to the moment and get you exited about what's to come? Tell us about it!

Previous Thread: >>10948869

>FAQ - Please read before posting

>Panty's Guide to Anal Training/Blowjobs

>SurfboardPotato's Guide to Prostate Play

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Here's the actual video since my dumbass attached it wrong.

Hmm, I never tried to take Ibuprofen in this situation. That's an interesting idea, thanks.
My diet varies. I might drink coffee 1-2 times per week. Spicy food is on and off really, lately not so often, maybe once per 2 weeks, alcohol even less than that. And I never had ultrasound done on my prostate, it's kinda weird refer to a doctor with the symptoms which always go away as soon as I jerk one out.
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I'm back. I'm losing my mind I'm so fucking horny. A friend sent me picrel and outwardly I was politely went haha and inside I was like holy fuck I want to be the right so badly right now.

I've never wanted to cross dress before, hell I always thought I was the textbook definition of straight. My gf is out of the country for the week and I honestly just want to wear some of her stuff and goon the entire time because I might not get another opportunity. I know she wouldn't be into that so I'm tempted to just buy stuff like heels this week and throw it away before she gets back. I don't even care that I haven't been able to cum, it just feels so good to be horny and not worrying if I cum that it's "over".

Dumb question, I noticed I was crossing my legs while throwing my hips around a lot last night. Am I accidentally stimulating my dick and doing it "wrong" or is this "good form"?
I think your friend wants to fuck you.
>joining the teams call whilst riding the fuck machine
I need to get a wfh job I wanna do anal every day

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Every vagina will be harmed and sacrificed in this thread.
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Oh sorry I meant if anyone knows a site that has it for free.
Personally, I love female to cuntboy transformation. Transmen’s hairy, test infused clits taste amazing to me. I can do without all the pronounisms, my goal is to find a woman who wants to go from a normal girl to a hairy, masculine, androgynous/Butch cave woman. I may make another thread though
The author guy would throw a fit if someone uploads his stuff online.
You can make cuntboy thread if you like to. Because the goal of FTM in these kind of thread is the penis.

The thread where boobs get bigger

>Hourglass expansion is ok
>Lactation is ok
>Other growth is ok if focused on BE
>No AI or AI talk of any kind please

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same girl in this pic she just dyed her hair, age 21 and 25
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Previous: >>10935858
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That's something I knew I wanted, but can't remember anyone actually doing it. Thank you very much, Anon.
Female muscle artists that have gotten better?
I kinda hated Dadaflix because the covers of his comics were made by better artists and his art being visibly inferior but he has gotten a much better and so has his coloring.
And he makes his girls huge with lots of muscle growth in his stories.
Kind of reminds me of a Bruce Timm esque artstyle, minimalist but pretty good.
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DAMN, got anymore of her?
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Kingdoms of Ruin / Hametsu no Oukoku
Chapter 40, not much after. just ol' big muscles jobbing then some clones, for more details, Soiree has pink hair and is a nurse. It would be awesome to see big names drawing obscure muscle girls being found here and there. This one made LSS Broly look like a twig. Hyperchads would love her.
She looks pretty giant to me anon

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Old thread: >>10954268
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now that is a nice fat thighs. Just look at her claw sinking into it. I want to sink my hands into them. Getting leglocked or placing my head between them and have her close her legs.

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This thread is for male milking machine images especially with stationary restraints, but also any cool self-bondage scenarios anyone has come up with- especially those involving some kind of milker or stroker.

Apologies for starting the thread with this crummy image I threw together in koikatsu studio, but I wanted to pitch my idea here and get some feedback. (I will follow this image with some proper ones so I'm not just being a faggot)

Basically pic related will give you the main idea of what I'd like to have made, rough as it is, but a few details elaborated on here/how I'd like to really flesh it out.

Essentially it's just an overdesigned chair or chaise lounge, function will come over form but if it can look nice and sci-fi by the addition of a nice white plexiglass 'shell' of some kind or something I'm going to spend the money to do it.

The idea comes from some other machine bondage images I've seen with these kind of inflatable 'sleeve' cuffs where the limbs can be placed in, then the interior soft lining inflates to 'trap' the limb. I was thinking latex for mine, but I'm open to suggestions, just needs to be a material thats fairly tough, stretchy so it can be inflated, and comfy. Latex is sexy but it doesn't breath very well... So maybe something more like the sort of fabric used by those blood pressure sleeves from a doctor. It seems pretty comfortable while also being really restrictive, kind of like a full latex vacbed but just for the limbs with straps to supplement and add restriction.

The idea is with this you could easily self-gag, attach the harness at the top to stop head movement, buckle up your waist/chest, place your limbs into the sleeves, then a (analogue/non digital of course) timer would begin after a short delay that inflates the sleeves for however long you wanted to be restrained. Obviously this is also accompanied by something like the serious kit milker or even something 'simpler' like the Venus 2000 for men.
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I'm spent. Sadly everything else I have in this genre is either western, furry, or too shota-looking.
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hire* derp.

Found one more pic.
part 2 of
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Have you experimented with e-stim?
It's rather ideal for this sort of thing.

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previous thread >>10948212
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Is she actually confirmed orphan? Her parents could just own the church
the moonrunes say its where she was raised/lives shits weird with moonrunes since one word can mean like 4 different things
but so far its assumed that she lives at the church, and usually children or teenagers that live at a church typically dont have parents
and with how slutty their society is, its probably not a surprise that a child would be abandoned
I wonder about that. Funou seems to be a super obvious bottom who loves it in her ass. So much so that even Unanami offered her mom's ass to Yuri, not that she could really do much with it. I wonder is Kawakami would have the balls to do an oyakodon threesome where Funou fucks Yuri but Unanami helps her mom out anally.
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This outfit is pretty top tier on Tansho.
Wait i just thought of something. Would Tansho even be able to do it with another elf because of her size? Another elf package would probably get in the way of penetration, or their fat asses would.

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This thread is dedicated to "Lift and Carry". What is Lift and Carry? It is a fetish revolving around being carried by someone, usually the opposite gender. Heavily associated with FemDom, much of LnC is based on the idea of being impressed with the woman's physical strength, usually with her being stronger than you.
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Big and bigger edition

Previous: >>10948515
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Bit of a dead thread, ain't it? Did everyone get stomped or something`?
More please

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