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>30 years old
>no skills
>live with mommy
>severe emotional problems and autism
How do I fight the urge to neck myself and pull myself out of this?
Do you have a job? If not, get a job and then save money by living in your mom´s house untill you have enough for a trip to SEA. Fuck SEA pussy, feel better because you got laid, maybe even settle with a nice local chick.
I have had jobs, but my autism makes it impossible to get along socially and I get burnt out from being around people, so I always quit.

I've thought about going to SEA, but then I lose motivation because it would all be temporary and drain my meager savings. Idk, I just don't know how to stay motivated. I'm not on meds at least, so it's not externally caused, I just have a chronically negative mindset and no positive feedback from any action I take.
Do it on Facebook Live
>drain my meager savings
go do seasonal work. I traveled around for 2 years that way with only 3k in my bank account when I started. it was the best time of my life and it got me out of the never ending cycle of depression and self-doubt. I worked as a bartender in hostels mostly. women unironically throw themselves at you in that setting given you're not a complete fuckup, it'll boost your confidence by a shitload.
>30 years old
you aged out of your 20's doing nothing notable. You still have a few years to work to earn what you don't yet have.
>no skills
the world won't hand itself to you on a silver platter. Yes, it involves much effort to get what you need. That involves knowing what you want and what skills you need to master to get there.
>live with mommy
never stopped sucking your mother's tit? Maybe it's time to move out and feed yourself, you disgusting leech.
>severe emotional problems and autism
no, you are just a pathetic coward. Actually go out into the world and face your own challenges. No one will do it for you. The longer you wait, the more time you waste- when you could be living a comfortable life supporting yourself.

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Okay, I'm a grown up now. I have enough money to buy things. I can have sex. I can pretty much do whatever I want as long as it isn't too expensive.
How am I supposed to find happiness?
Did you try having the sex yet?
You can do whatever you like...

The catch is...

The world just isn't as fun as it was when you were a young, impressionable child.

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>reach out to me
No I'm scared
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A few weeks ago I made a post here about how I guy I hate was essentially going through a mental breakdown and I felt terrible
It seems as though he might have actually killed himself
Details are unclear but we do have good reason
We might not have ever gotten along but this one is for you mate
im tired
give deetz
I'm 100% sure I practiced every form of getting over someone technique correctly, long term, thoroughly etc. I've grieved, vented, listened to sad music, cried my heart out, thanked you for the time we shared, written so many letters here, I've lost myself in new hobbies, did new things, stopped thinking about what ifs. I even got into that manifestation/subliminal/tarot reading/spellwork (yes I did love spells on you sorry) stuff at my lowest. I've read self help books, watched youtube videos, spent a lot of times not trying to think about this healing stuff at all, just trying not to think about you etc. I did everything. I convinced myself it wasn't true love, I was infatuated, I was into the idea of you, you can't be the one for me because the one for me necessarily means the one who's with me right now, blah blah blah. But no I just really love you. Despite everything and all your flaws. All these years later. It's been a long time. I actually just think I'll love you and only you forever and never get with anyone else ever for real. This is my life now

where r u meant to meet nice men? what do I do to signal I'm chill and shit?

I want to get a boyfriend but I dont have any options in school or third spaces to find some.

any advice for interacting w men is appreciated.
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I was fat too ,it was very hard to lose weight but once it is done is completaly woth the effort
not fat tho? I weigh 55kg, not ting but i think that ok right?
oh im short
sorry :) kk, I read wrong your last post
How old are you?
Are you in HS or college?
Do you have a job?
What is your height/weight?
Are you sure your face isn't busted?
Where do you live (country)?
You're not in the US so you're fucked

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In a weak moment I chose to fulfill a lifelong fetish of mine. Met a tranny online and arranged to meet to fuck. I forgot to delete the texts afterwards. The literal next day my wife finds my phone unattended and sees my flirty texts and arranging to meet (she knows my phone password). I came clean instantly. She packed her stuff and left for her mom's house the next morning. This all happened in the span of a few days. I was speechless.

To make things worse she told everybody at our church, and now I am not welcome anymore. I wanted to go and pray and seek solace from God, but everybody - even the pastor - chased me out screaming and throwing things at me.

I don't know what to do anymore. I just want to go back in time and start again.
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based trannyfucker
Hope man asshole was worth it.
thats not a week moment. you went online, seared, organised and met up.

u made a decision so face the consequences
MTF has no womb, therefore they can never be a woman. All trannies are deranged retards and should be quickly but forcefully culled

Like the title says how do you pleasure a women during sex? Its not just sticking your penis in there. Biting the neck, fingering, sucking on toes/rubbing your feet.

What more is there or what have you found successful?
Fucking her with a vibrator on her clit seems to please mine
Light biting works on most women. Also light choking. Like say you're behind her spooning ans having sex, and then you put your forearm in front of her neck, even without any real pressure most women will find that hot.
And just be dominant, women don't like choosing what to do in sex, so you lead.

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>What is /htgwg/?
How to Get Women General is by men, for men, about women, so bring all of your questions about getting and dealing with women here. Some anons on this site actually get laid, and some of those even want to help. If you're trying to meet and date women, then this is the place to ask questions, seek advice, and share experiences. We know how hard it can be. We got you bro.

>What is /htgwg/ not?
These threads are NOT for whining, moping, incels, volcels, MGTOW, hopelessness, or demoralization. We're all aware that meeting and dating women is hard these days, and even harder for some, but /htgwg/ is for men trying to overcome the challenges. IGNORE the posters who complain, who have given up, or who insist that there's nothing they can do. This site has other boards and threads that they can fuck off to.
BE SMART: Spot the bait, don't reply, and DON'T WASTE TIME ARGUING WITH THEM!

>How to ask for advice
Context is important: be more specific than "This girl ghosted me, why?" We can't help if we don't know the situation, so try to provide as much (useful) info as possible ("I was at the bar, this chick was checking me out..."). What's your relationship with the girl? How long have you known her? Any conversation screenshots? Etc...
Don't forget to ask an actual question.

>Books and Resources
"Models": https://ufile.io/f/jrw9j (expired?)
"No More Mr Niceguy": https://libgen.li/edition.php?id=143167290
"Mystery Method": https://pastebin.com/cMHcY4dc (old pastebin)

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If the weather is nice, get an ice cream cone and walk through the park chatting

Also lunch or dinner is always good
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>ask girl out to coffee, her schedule is ass
>pivot to dinner at a pizza joint
>pick a random place in between us that looks good
>realize today its a bit more expensive than i was hoping and in an upscale area
>decide to make reservations just in case, website says theyre booked
FUCK what do I do now? Do I head there early and try to get in line for a table and hope the online thing is wrong? Do I try and bribe the desk person? Or do I just look for a new place? She confirmed she's going and we're supposed to meet in 2 hours.
How much money do I need to make for a sugar relationship? I'm only interested in a relationship in which I'm valued for the things I can provide and for my stability. Not interested in "love marriages" or any of this Disneyland "unconditional love" nonsense.

I've been bouncing between hookers but don't know what my prospects are for something more long term.
If you didn't tell her you made a reservation already, just show up and "learn" that the whole place is booked. Figure out 1-2 other places nearby and say "hey I know this other place we can go to"
Unless you get lucky and find a naïve girl, they'll probably want at least 1k+ a month. Hookers in the US make ~$500hr+ (because it's illegal and they can upcharge) so you're gonna have to fork out cash for an attractive young girl who could otherwise fuck Chads every night of the week. If you do find a naïve girl, she may catch on and try to get more, but idk what your experience will be like. Ive never had one either so maybe my numbers are off.

>have an unfortunate and awkward crush on bf's friend
>never acted on it
>in fact i usually ignore the crush on purpose when he's around
>today i didn't think about the crush at all so far
>bf randomly shows me an imagine of crush smiling next to a dog
>my heart starts beating and try acting normal
How do I stop him from doing stuff like this? Without revealing to him that I have a crush
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It’s what happens, yeah. You say the crush has gotten stronger as the year went on. So I ask you, were you constantly fighting in yourself trying to avoid all thoughts of the crush? Notice then how the crush grew stronger.

So as crazy as it sounds, maybe it’s time to do the opposite and deliberately choose to think about the crush and allow yourself to feel it when it occurs, with confidence in your loyalty knowing that it’s actions that count, not thoughts or feelings.

If they did, then if I disclosed the some of thoughts or feelings I have week to week, month to month, then surely I’d be regarded as one of the most wicked, evil, sadistic, unloyal, monstrous men out there. But the thing is, none of my actions testify to it. Neither do yours, so take full confidence knowing that you routinely prove your loyalty BECAUSE of your thoughts. Every action is one that does not carry it out, every one of them proves your loyalty, it doesnt erase it.
I'm not sure if I was actively "fighting" the crush, but I wasn't really obsessively thinking about it either. It was there, although the crush never even accidentally entered my mind when I was in the presence of my bf. But it did sometimes when I was alone.

But, I feel like in the past week or so it has gotten way stronger, and I guess I've felt scared of my own feelings, and I've felt very guilty recently, that's why I made the thread. It wasn't the picture my bf showed me that started this, it was seeing the crush some time ago for the first time in 6 months, and suddenly experiencing a situation that felt like my crush was showing some kind of attraction towards me, something that I absolutely never expected from him, and I guess it had a big effect on me.

Despite all that, would you still go with your approach in this situation? Like I definitely agree with what you're saying, but I just feel afraid of my own feelings lately. Not in a "oh no what if I act on it" way, but being afraid of the possibility that what if the crush never goes away?
break up with him, you're supposed to have a crush on him dawg... that aint right
i don't think long term relationships work like that
I still think it’s worth going with that approach. The opposite approach, to suppress and shame yourself, will only fuel the infatuation with the crush. The ‘forbidden fruit’ phenomenon and all that.

By allowing yourself to think and go through the feelings when they arise without shame, you will at least find a way for those feelings to actually process. Feeling goes in, feeling goes out. Suppressing it will only have it overstay its welcome.

And remember, the mind can only get dopamine from specific thoughts and feelings for so long before it dies off. Choosing to let yourself think and process the infatuation will quicken this and kill the infatuation quicker, which is good.

Also by choosing to dwell on it, you may also discover things about this crush that may explain things to you, things that have nothing to do with the guy you have a crush on, but have everything to do with what lead to the crush and what parts of your life created a void big enough for a crush to fill.

I wish you the best. And remember: It’s just a crush. An idealised, rose-tinted, wave of feelings that are out of your control, but will also phase away so long as you let it process without a fuss

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Hey guys, two flights and about 4 flight hours later, now that I've mastered stalls and slow flight. I think I know when I'm going to ask my CFI out. Might as well spill more details.

He's 26, I'm 19, I do not care about the age gap, if I did I wouldn't consider asking him out.

Again, I love flying with all my heart and I do not regret going to pilot school, but I also love flying with him and sharing the sky with him. Even if something happened, I'd continue going to flight school, I want to fly airliners one day, it's my dream. Nothing's going to tear me away from my path.

It isn't the exhilaration of flight that's getting to me, I know this for sure.

So I have to drive my father to court on the 20th, and it's probably gonna fall a bit after my flight, so I was planning to tell my CFI that I have a date after the flight, as a joke about my court date, then I'd specify it's a court date and follow up by asking him if he'd like to go out with me sometime, on a date.

What do you guys think about this plan? Should I do something different? Push the date back? I also plan to get him a gift and give it to him either tomorrow or Monday. I just hope he likes me back, or would be willing to date.

Also yeah, I know asking out your CFI is very taboo and unprofessional, I'll switch CFIs if I absolutely have to, I just love this guy so much. Plus, there's a lot of time to get to know him better from here to the 20th I'm sure.

Anyway, give me your best advice, ideas, comments, etc...
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No, power is at idle, but the prop is still spinning and powered, just at idle RPM. And no, autorotation in a helicopter is far more intense
Yeah, my back hurts to think about it.
Autorotation is not a hard touch down.
I'm not after resources. That's shallow and just using people. If I was planning to get my father's blessing, why would I use my CFI like that. I can make my own career path.
Power is at idle, I should've mentioned before, sorry

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I desperately want to get over this girl guys its been six months since I last spoke to her. I literally broke up with my gf of two years at the time to be with her and I've never loved anyone like I loved her. She was so gorgeous and perfect in every little way. I just adored her so much off the bat, we met in graduate school, and it genuinely felt like a love at first sight type of thing it was so clear and felt so validating. The thing is she didn't need me. She was young (24) and stunning and a millionaire with her rich Israeli family. I knew she was a fucked up person even before she told me all about her baggage. The thing is I didn't even care really I would have made her the mother of my kids I was so in love with her. I genuinely wanted that like I knew in my heart I wanted her to be my fucking wife. Every moment with her had so much magic that I had honestly never felt before. I knew her past was bad I could just tell with how she talked. She had that recognizable vocal fry hot whores tend to have, she cursed a lot and spoke like a man. She had no problem speaking up and talking to people even men in our classes she was so confident and social I knew it wouldn't be easy. I knew she had been run-thru and honestly a bit of a nympho but I didn't even fucking care. I knew she had plenty of guys into her, too many to choose from. Still though I was ready for it, I had dealt with her type before and played it well for a few months, was cool and not too validating, kept her interest, kept it flirty and teasing, kept it a chase. But it just wasn't in the cards it seemed. After she told me about her ex who killed himself, and her crazy years afterwards, and how she didn't believe in anything anymore, and explained her trashy toxic tattoos and her past, I knew I wouldn't be toxic enough or bad boy enough for her.
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you're a faggot pining over a girl who never wanted to be with you. she isn't "the one that got away" because there was never a chance of you dating. you're going to sit here with a loving partner who is so forgiving she took you back after you dumped her for a chance to get a crumb of pussy from a gutter slut and bitch and moan to the incels on 4chan that you need help getting over it.
here's a good tip for getting over it: get a shotgun and blow your head off. though to accomplish that, you'll have to pull it out of your fucking ass first.
>mostly her
>literally the only thing you care to mention to support that is how hot she was

i stand by my kys
Thanks anon I appreciate you
based response man. I think its just hard for guys to get over missing out on being a chad or at least someone who can get women so when they have a chance with a new level of woman its like a major life event ig.

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The ideas of other people, I can't stand them, I could barely tolerate my own Sister's, nevermind those online. It frustrates me so much but I can't seem to ignore it. I'm seemingly inherently curious about what other people think but simultaneously enraged by them. It's everything, from these Palestinian protesters, and people who eat up state propaganda, to these women bear lovers. I don't even particularly tolerate right wing views either, I just find right wing people at least somewhat reasonable and capable of civil discussion. I think it's all moronic, I won't get into my reasons why, but I just need a way of dealing with this. It's been like this ever since I was very young, it started with Flat Earthers, and eventually lead to this. I just have this inability to ignore the ignorance of others, I feel it so deeply that it is something that needs to be corrected and yet (obviously) I never can.

I think it's that I want to feel as if I understand everything about the world and yet I never can, I want to reach at point at which I don't feel ignorant, and so I try to learn from others, and yet it just seem like 95% of people (at least those online) are fucking idiots that have little to teach me. I thought initially, that it was something to do with me, that I just don't understand what they are trying to say well enough, so I try to force myself to understand, but it just is just as superficial as it all seems, these people have no critical thinking ability, and yet they are so loud and so numerous and nobody does anything about it. We're expected to respect their views but I find it harder and harder to do this by the day. I don't want to have to outright ignore people on account of their ideology, but I suppose it's no different from when I refused to speak to some Christian "missionaries" the other day on the street. How can I learn to live knowing that people do not know the extent of their own ignorance?

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Hey anons, my wife gave birth to our son two weeks ago.

The problem is, we brought him home, and my dog has been extremely aggressive since. He's an alaskan malamute and he's been growling, teeth bared, and my wife is genuinely scared he might hurt our son. I am too. I'm not sure what to do because I've had this guy for seven years and he's never been like this before. He nipped my hand enough to make it bleed when I tried to keep him from snapping at my son. We've been keeping him locked up in the guest room but he bounded over my wife to get to the baby and started barking like he has never has before.

I think my dog hates my son. What do? He's been usually well-behaved. He's friendly with our cat and didn't have such issues when we brought him in as a kitten. Cat doesn't care too much about the baby aside from initial curiosity.

I feel like my older son hates the youngest. Wtf do I do? I've never been a dad before, and I want to really savor the memories, but this anxiety (and constant barking and howling if we lock him up) is fucking ruining it.
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The dog was there first. Rehome the new born
Animals have strong senses. Especially dogs. Your dog probably knows that your son is trouble. Maybe your dog can sense that your son is going to be a psychopath (people are born as psychopaths, it’s not something that you can fix). I think this is likely, because if your dog didn’t react to you brining a kitten home; this probably isn’t a territorial reaction. There is probably something seriously wrong with your son.
Get a dog trainer
Kill your vicious deranged mutt before he disembowels your child, retard

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Did anyone here have experience with therapy, and did it help them get laid/hit on girls?

For context, i'm 26. Never had a date, gf or sex. Kissed 2 girls in my life, both cases we were all extremely drunk during a party. I did some autism tests online like RAADS and scored really bad on social relatadness and i always struggled to be good with people and getting a lot of friends/being more social even though i always wanted to have a lot of girlfriends/girls/sex and am constantly horny.

The therapist on the first meeting said that i might be on the spectrum. Still, so far he helped me with some things, but i wanted to hear opinions of people who also went to therapy and how it went for them. Did it help you get laid/improve your game and charisma? If so, how?
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Stop looking for excuses and work on yourself, put yourself out there, speak to women until you get good at it, like all things, it's a skill you develop. The less you do, the less you develop it. Or go to a therapist if you want the self pity route and achieve nothing.
He's saying those are the sane ones that will help you most. It's not sarcasm.
Yea. There's certain things you have to keep to yourself as a man. We all have different ideas of family, duty and honor. Even if the man you are talking to is an institutionalized beta with loads of book learning, he can still understand the life cycle and the male. And on a deep level, regardless if he's been successful with women or not, he can provide a critical analysis of your life that makes sense, and at the very least, provide you with a roadmap.
>female psychiatrists just tell you that you suck at life an recommend more drugs
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Should I, as an autistic male, marry the BPD girl with the complex attachment disorder who took my wizard virginity? No other girl can tolerate me beyond a first date, because I bore them I guess, and I honestly can't tolerate any girl beyond the first text, because they bore me, while this girl literally spends all her time with me or thinking about me and has done so for the past 8 months. She wants to get married and to be honest she's kind of cool.
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That's a very affecting story, but my girl is different. She really loves me like no other.
Shitty bait lmao
Do not, I repeat, DO NOT go down this road. You may think you can handle her 'episodes' or bizarre behavior, but it will wear you down like nothing else.
>>31179112 she’s love bombing you and once she has you she’s gonna start having episodes around you a lot more often
I have a BPD girl. My stable sociopathy gives me a permanent immunity buff to her antics.

I win.

I have rheumatoid arthritis i am 20 but it runs in my family so it's normal for me to have it i am always fatigued and tired i usually take painkillers to stop my hand joints from hurting but it makes me tired i have exams coming up and i need to study but i am very exhausted what should i do? And is there any medicine that can help? my doctor just prescribed painkillers
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Wtf is wrong with Americans?

All will counter fatigue. Any doctor can prescribe them. Start with the lowest dose.

Which painkiller did he prescribe you? Some cause more fatigue than others. Codeine and bupe cause a lot less fatigue, in fact they give bupe to people with sickle cell disease.

Also masturbation and sex worsen arthritis. They elevate cytokines and CRP. You'll feel a lot of relief if you abstain for a few months which should be easy to do on painkillers. Physicians from the 1200s to the early 1900s recommended this and mechanisms only recently discovered validate them despite conventional midwit advice how can something natural be le bad.
Nothing wrong with having sex with a spouse. God permits this.
Thank you very much! You're actually the only person who helped me here
He prescribed me 'lornoxicam' and 'mobic' but i feel exhausted after taking them and my heart starts to hurt

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