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This board is for the discussion of topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business.

Discussions of government policy must be strictly limited to economic policies (fiscal and monetary). Discussions of a political nature should be posted on >>>/pol/. Global Rule 3 is also obviously in effect.

Note: /biz/ is NOT a place for ADVERTISING or SOLICITING. Do NOT use it to promote your business, ventures, or anything you may have an interest in. Anything that looks remotely like advertising or soliciting will be removed. Begging/asking (including tipping) for cryptocurrencies or asking for money/capital is also strictly forbidden.

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Reply to existing threads about a topic instead of starting a new one. Mods will delete obvious duplicate threads and spam without notice.

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You've probably noticed that /biz/ has a problem with spam. We've had to issue roughly 300 bans a week on /biz/ since January just for advertising and begging, and every day there are a dozen new pump & dump shitcoins being shilled. All this spam pushes actual discussion of business and finance off the board, and creates an atmosphere where users suspect each other of inauthentic behavior (i.e., being scammers or bots).

In an effort to address the spam, we're trialing a new system: email verification. To post on /biz/ you will need to verify your email address using this link: https://sys.4chan.org/signin

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The goal of this new system isn't to eliminate spam and shilling entirely; no system is perfect and perfect is the enemy of good. The goal of this system is to reduce the ease with which bad actors can spam the board, such that the mods and janitors can deal with the remaining spam more effectively.

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What would you do if you had sent 1155 Bitcoins to a scammer?
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Stealing is not a problem for the Ethereum foundation, that's why we have Ethereum classic
>this person will have forgotten and given up on this
those addresses will forever be closely monitored
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>contacting Mossad to get your stolen crypto back
the best post is the first post.

imagine the intern who was tasked with "verify the address and move the money" after the account manager approved the movement of funds lol.
>h-hey boss. remember how you wanted me to verify and send seventy three million dollars?
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retard address:

scam address:

master address that fed scam address:

>A total of 24,615 transactions found
dude poisons whales whenever they send to a new address

and the faggot is still doing it after stealing 70m LMAO
new master address:

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so what are you youngsters up to nowadays anyway?
are you buying these crypto stocks, instead of real stocks, backed by real economy and real people?
I bought VOLKSWAGEN, since I drive one, and considering buying MNST, since I enjoy them too
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>think about Dreamcast
I do this
just buy the $WMSTER stock
slurping some white monster while slurping this dip on wmster
damn if you went all in on the covid crash you could 2x on literally anything. imagine all the retard prepers that thought the world was ending still sidelined.

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>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk

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The stock needs to continue rising
Just won $3,000 on mystik Dan

This stock has made me mentally ill
Ashkenazis have a genetic predisposition toward mental illness, so it was probably an existing issue that was aggravated by working 12 hour shifts trying to convince me to sell even 1 (one) share of GME.
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This stock has made me mentally well

Nomad Fag recently dropped a video where he answers the /biz/ 'how much to make it' meme question.
Literally goes like the threads where the figure just keeps getting escalated yet real inflation is completely ignored so anyone who unironically follows the advice is going to end up back working at McDonald's in old age anyway.
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this is so legit
how do i 10x 400k inb4 shitcoins

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it may not mean much to you but as a third-world poor fuck I just finished accumulating 0.2 BTC (took me 4 years) and I'm delighted.
Now on towards a whole coin
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how much you think would your income increase with blocklords finally releasing token?
>can't even properly spell it
go back to r*ddit and just hang u/rself
congrats my man
I hope you grow to 1BTC worth
cheers and gl
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Great job fren, we're proud of you!
Too high IQ for /biz/

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I have $1k

Shill me the best <$10M mkt cap bullshit you have found, preferably in AI or an L1
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KIN, 50m mc on SOL, easy 10x since they're preparing to launch the app
Go all into AAST and XRD
KEK, be careful
I totally agree

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Is the 2.7% rule the current standard for retirement spending? Seems I'd need at least 2M to retire frugally.

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Depends how much you want, how good your job is, and how much you hate waging. Like if you hit $3-4mil from good investing, but your job sucks and you make <6 figures quit that shit its pointless. But if you make good money and its not soul crushing it probably makes sense just to grind it out while you can. You could even just coast or slack off and wait for them to lay your off with severance.
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>TFW you could've retired with biao if you bought at the right time
the pain
It depends on your goals. Personally, I want generational wealth. I want at least two full generations to not have to work.
then read the second part, if youre a need you can afford to cut costs a few years if you got raped
because im mid 30's. i made a lot of money in 4 years on the internet, i stopped making money, now im a neet with no job experience, so i need to keep this money and make it grow while be able to pay for some expenses.

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It looks like the meme season is over. What's the next bullish narrative?
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Quantum resistant blockchains is the next trend
AI trend has started
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Anon you mean QAN, its testnet launch is next week
meme season is not over. any time the market dumps the only thing that recovers hard is memes, if they dumb at all.

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selling my 10,000 shares of AMD for $40k back in 2016
But I still feel its a good buy even now considering the fact that a country in the EU has adopted it blockchain
Paying and going to university for a bunch of years
Putting 5 figures in Celsius
>selling shib too early
>selling ticker: BITCOIN on eth too early
>selling APU too early
I can barely bring myself to look at charts anymore. I might kms.

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Munger edition.


>Stock market words:

>Risk management:

>Live Bloomberg stream:

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where do i sell my soul to get in on growth stocks early
anon, if money is more important to you than anything else you are already giving your soul away little by little, day after day. If you aren´t able to find good investment opportunities with stocks why don´t you try smth else and come back later when you are wiser and older?
just happy my ill timed call buys turned a profit before the weekend
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gamble on pennyscams while they are too illiquid for institutions to enter

just make sure to pick a business thats going to win and not endlessly dilute stock to -99.9% to survive
you are in to invest in real companies not donate to charity after all
>Livermore said that his basic theories were just the beginning, as Sigmund Freud’s and Carl Jung’s were in the study of the human mind.
>In his book he said, “I know people will take these thoughts I offer to new and better heights. Don’t worry, I won’t be jealous. I wish them all well.
>I agree with Virgil: ‘Exoriare aliquisnostris ex ossibus ultor.’ Let someone arise from my bones as an avenger.”

King of shitcoins
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If I bought all the supply of gold, what would I do with it? Not much. Just like having all ETH just allows you to spam Ethereum for any usage
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I think you meant its retarded brother.
This shit cant even break 4k, what a dumb shit
thank you money skellington
>not much
this nigga is actually retarded. gold is used in infrastructure, manufacture, decoration, and has a trillion more uses than any of the crypto have, specially and specifically irl, which is an impact far more important than any digital nichetech can accomplish. stop being delusional.

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holy shit we're fuckin comfy

What does this mean for the price of the token?
do you use friendtech? how?

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I told you to get popcat but You didn’t listen
how the fuck you manage to understand what is happening with that amount of shit in your screen? plus on you're phone lmao, last time I tried to trade from my phone, I lost money on SSNC because I wasn't fast enough
Its just one Fibonacci retracement. I sometimes have multiple fibs plus restiance and liquidity zones and meme lines
This is nothing
I started trading on the phone to be mobile oll the time
lol that is wild to have on phone.
that said i think you're right about popcat. will probly buy soon.

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I wish the LINK never came to me

I lost 7 fucking YEARS of my life. I got into LINK when I was 25, I am now 32 with almost nothing to show for it compared to other crypto
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keep buying the shit that you see that is being shilled in this fucking website, like SSNC, or LINK, istg people just like to lose money at this point
holding LINK so long was a retard decision. fucking fold everything and will just look out for something better like SUPRA.
meme coins are up 30% from the bottom

LINK up 3% today :(
I dumped it a really long time ago, am into DOT, AAST and XRD now
Why did you invest in a JSON parser that still didn't even do THAT yet at the time you bought?

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BTC is currently trading under 60K, majority of my alts are down about 50%. Is it time to sell and move on or should I still buy the dip?
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My shitty job drives me to insane levels of fatigue. Add gym + cycling, I've been crashing the moment I get home every night for the past 3 nights.

FUCK I literally just got my paycheck and was going to buy below 58k. FUCK the job jews. I can't wait to hand in my resignation and shoot my boss in his fucking pajeet face.
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Exactly this, we can't expect to perma pump forever, we gotta wait for the hong kong billionaires to arrive and pump our $BIAO. Remember, follow the way to the west

whats the contract?
I will rather buy gems like AAST that has already been launched and with a good community than gamble

which will be the winner?
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Lets see how fast I can write this before getting bored.
The point is that there won't be a winner within L2s, no individual L2 can scale to any real demand which means the end game are app specific L2s that have shared sequencing to allow for smooth interop and sync tx, the market for L2 coins is not supposed to take off at all, ETH is still supposed to the money even though they have turned it into a rich get richer scam.
The real winner are projects that allow for DA (storage) and Sequencing to make those centralized L2s run and function better. So invest in espressosys.com and alike. If you don't know what in the fuck I am talking about just read the shit on the website I linked.
I'm just wondering if the future is a million L2s, can they all share the same sequencing layer or how is scaling supposed to work. Will some L2s just not be interoperable with others and that is fine? What about fees when a million chains try to settle on eth blobs and celestia or eigenlayer DA.
The future of ethereum is so fucked, if shared sequencing is supposed to be solved in 3 years, how much time is it going to take for everything to run on ethereum just for it to be clogged up again. Maybe crypto was a scam all along.
Just keep an eye on which network will first implement seamless and automatic bridging on the most popular wallets

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