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/cgl/ is a board for the following:

• Cosplay
• Lolita
• J-fashion
• Conventions & gatherings
• Sewing & prop-making
• Craftsmanship tools/materials & tutorials
• LARPing
• Discussing accessories such as wigs/circle lenses/prosthetics/makeup (These must be within the context of the board-related topics listed above; weight loss threads should be kept in /fit/, beauty and fashion generals should be kept in /fa/)

Our board rules are simple:

• Thread content must be related to one of the categories covered in the list above. Off-topic threads and replies will be deleted.
• Singling people out maliciously is not tolerated and will result in a ban. 4chan is not your personal army. The singling out rule applies to vendetta threads and replies being made to attack a specific person, as well as predatory behavior like doxing. Discussing an individual in general isn't against the rules as long as it's done within context of cosplay/lolita/j-fashion.

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Is it normal for people to ask for pictures and immediately leave after?
Or is this another Switzerland specialty where everybody hates socializing?
OR is it because I'm male?
How do you even make friends at a con?

I went to a convention as Chainsaw Man last October and while over 20 people asked me for a pic, nobody actually stuck around or even made an attempt at small talk. I was hoping to meet people.

There's another convention coming up next month and I'm not sure if I wanna go get photographed and go back home all alone with no new contacts or friends again.
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Yeah it's normal. Happens to me all the time. Most people just want the photo. Especially if you're in a high traffic area like a corridor or vendor hall where people are constantly on their way somewhere.
Next time try breaking the ice by complimenting them and asking a question while you have their attention. Like "Thanks! I love your _, where did you get it?" The roll from there. If they're interested in talking they'll engage, if not they'll make an excuse and leave. It'll help if you have a friend with you as social proof that you're not a loner weirdo. Then you and your friend can team up with the new people you just met and hang out a while.
This will work best at meets, interactive panels, etc, basically you want to be at places where people congregate and stay for a while rather than places where people are busy and just passing through. That way you're not interrupting their itinerary by trying to make friends. Avoid panels that are serious or presentation-focused though, that's like going to a movie on a first date. You're not actually going to talk to people and make friends if everyone is silently focused on a fucking powerpoint the whole time.
Then you haven't seen enough anime. Seriously just talk about anime.
might be a switzerland thing idk im an american
lmao, I'm 36 yrs old, I just head straight through to the shopping stands to see if anyone is selling some interesting artbooks and then I fuck off. I'm at the age in where I can only appreciate cosplaying through the internet and silently so, less people think I'm a potential sexual predator.
It's a paradox. If I saw a person- not even just a qt, literally anybody- out in public or at my job or whatever that was into anime, it would be extremely easy to start a conversation hit it off

But it in a con, literally everyone there is into it. So that means nobody (including you) is special or has some special insight. At that point it's back to square one.

Foid here,
I'm starting to think cosplaying is only worth it if you're attractive
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Sure it might not be ideal but that’s the thing, women are unable to grasp how unwanted the average man is and the effect that has.
I’m friends with some ugly fucking chick, fucking acne land whales with horrible hygiene, they still get hit on regularly and act as if it’s horrible.

Meanwhile even when I’m at my lowest and most depressed, as a fit successful man I’m unable to get even bottom tier pussy like them.
At any moment they could just say yes to a man’s advances. But for me to have a chance I need to win the fucking lottery.

Keep in mind I did eventually get a girl, but it was purely luck after a decade of bullshit, and it’s still me settling hard just because she’s at least thin.
you probably just have a terrible personality
nice of you to assume women can't be eugenists. I wish all manlets and dicklets would kill themselves. you're useless to society.
>you're useless to society
stop being mad just cause your vagina's depth can be measure in fathoms
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>107 days until Fanime
>No vaccines but still have mask mandate in place

Did you get the hotel you wanted?
What are your cosplay plans?
How are we feeling about this year?
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>body scanners
I guess the scanner images will also be for sale.
So Fanime is eating shit because some dude wanted to get a Tesla and work on his house?
i'm sure it's only part of the reason.
Former staff here ama.
drinking rn so might not respond coherently
Want to touch on this tho
got pushed out after nearly throwing hands with Craige when I found out about his budget fuckery
pretty sure it's been a shell game between FANS, ARG, CWA and Fanime for years and they're trying a hail mary by throwing him under the bus now that the attorney general has sent them a 60 day notice to get their ducks in line or things get referred to the franchise tax board
looks like dude also got divorced too

the scanners don't show anything besides the general locations of "potentially dangerous items." if you want some hot cosplay photos you'd be better off using whatever camera you actually have.

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Anime North is only a month away, anyone else going but not buying a ticket this year?
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ok bros i've never been to anime north before...
honest thoughts?
yiff in hell furfags
welcome to tranime north
This is ordinary for Anime North. You don't go there for the guests or the programming, you go there to hang out with fellow weebs.

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Last thread >>10900041
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it's hideous what is she thinking?
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holy shit
do you have a better photo of the coord instead of a side-shot? 1-2 miscolored accessories and a mishapen hoopskirt does not an ita make
You have shit tier taste lmao.
Can gen X please wear tights. 40/50 year old legs should not be on public display.

I did a jax cosplay and at least 3 women wanted me to fuck them what the fuck is wrong with people.
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No I want to fuck 0 women im gay.
People who go to cons are mentally ill. I used to dress up as orochimaru and the amount of girls that told me that wanted me go back to their rooms and fuck with the cosplay on was stupid.
I didn't. Because I was always in a relationship when I went to cons. (Stay loyal.) But like it was weird to see what some of those girls were into.
>I did a jax cosplay
league of legends character

Thread for good cosplays that are suggestive but still for a blue board (no nudity)
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The way everyone wears their pants/panties in the comic is too comically low rise to actually be comfortable and has a super high risk of having a wardrobe malfunction.
>has a super high risk of having a wardrobe malfunction
that makes it even better
Ponder the fragrance.

hey you single?

new larp thread

Now with 87,45% more polearms and a little bit of hydrophobia

previous thread
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I recommend https://handcraftedhistory.blog/saljes/

They also have some tutorials up if you are interested in making your own items.
Which pole do you mean?
Ive also heard good things about perkele viking store, does anyone have experience with them?
Thanks anons! now for the hardest question, where do I find quality calf length leather boots? I'm willing to spend extra for form and function if possible.
Perkele is really good. They've raised their prices a bit over the last few years, but I've gotten some great bargins off their sales tab. Decent customer service, and I've used the same wool tunic and linen undertunic from them for at least 5 years at this point and they're still good as new.
Vaguely 1500s german-ish. Think Warhammer fantasy empire.

Old >>10874898
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<- wife material
Name. Now.
Many names. QQueen, Queenie Chuppy, and something newer which I forgot. She's ugly and fat though.

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old one's gone
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For you dude
zoosmell pooplord, my liege
Really the most difficult part is just getting the shades. Maybe facepaint if you're dedicated to accuracy but for the most part it's pretty easy.

Here ya go. This guy has been making homestuck glasses for cosplayers for like a decade plus at this point
No no I already have my own pair of shades I was just meant that the shades are kinda something you'd have to seek out, not as common as the rest of what bro wears
Thanks anyway though

I'm going to attend and cosplay at FanExpo Philadelphia this year. I was just wondering if anyone else was going to attend or if anyone's been there before.

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It's a comic con, so more Western oriented. It used to be Wizard World, but rebranded after they were bought out.
Thinking of going since it's close by.
How is the arcade?
MIGHT go on Sunday. Original plans fell through.
Shouldn't have let my fiance con me into waiting in the neil newbon line. It's wayyyu too long
Arcade was pretty lackluster. Still fun, but I wouldn't go more than one day since I don't really care that much about Marvel/DC/Star Wars.

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“Shit, only 2 months left?”Edition

65 days to go

Previous thread

>You Preregistered?
>for the premierfags, you still miss being a premierfag this year?
>did you manage to get a hotel? Just a yes or no would suffice
>How’s your AX fund jar doing so far and what’s your budget?
>You got your work PTO approved?
>Any setbacks so far until the con?
>Cosplay Day 0/1/2/3 plans?

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They'll just be replaced with newly arrived illegals that will work for cheap.
I would rather experience then laugh by girl.
>JW has resolved the strike
Ok, so they only hotel that actually matters for AX is clear.

Nevertheless it's shocking that those ESLs could survive being on strike for an entire fucking year.
Megan Thee Stallion could’ve lined up her concert with AX too but it is what it is
two weeks beforehand is far enough that it doesn't count as an issue. she's also doing a whole ass tour across the US.

Hadn't realized how long it's been since we last had one of these. Would love to hear everyone's thoughts!

>Hi there ! Here's my coord for my friend's (@roridoll) b-day !
>JSK, OTK, Clip : Angelic Pretty
>Bonnet : La petite boutique de Mamie Zwiffi
>Cutsew : Sleepyland Shop
>Apron : @MlleEpine (on instagram)
>Shoes : Modo
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you should kill yourself
Cringe level of offense
so what language then?
just trying to appreciate the effort op put into designing and making original dresses, if you hate them that's fine but you could at least say what u don't like and actually contribute to thread discussion. peace and love <3
yeah i agree, i normally don't like it but this is the one time i've seen it work well bc it fits the theme and she has the same/very similar trim on the collar

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