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ITT: Products that trigger /an/
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I always defrost 2 mice when I feed my snake, one for him and one for me.
Catfags will laugh at this until a fucking eagle snatches their cat. Cat collars are found in eagle nests all the time
Joke's on you, my cats are too fat for eagles to snatch.
same desu
You know I never really disliked mice until they started trying nest in my fairly nice first gen mr2.
I ended up catching the mother in the act of building a nest with her baby's. I stabbed them out of worry they'd scurry off and fuck up my wiring. In hindsight scooping them up with a big thick glove would of probably been easier and less smelly. Entire car stank of mouse piss afterwards .
Also ended up hearing a straggler in a area the old poker couldn't reach so I sprayed a bunch of carburetor cleaner in there till the speaking stopped.

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I took a duckling from the park (legal where I am) and I want to return it. Will the parents still take it back, or will they reject it?
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>Will the parents still take it back
No. It's your duckling now. Take good care of it. Contact local nature and conservation societies and get help so it can be raised properly and returned to the wild when it's old enough. It would be best if professionals or very experienced people were willing to take it on as a rehab project. You might be able to do it eventually if you're willing to learn enough, but you will not be able to do so fast enough to save this one. Don't do this again. If you do, research and study what to do BEFORE you do it, not after. This duckling has very little time to have a chance at proper release, and it is probably already too late. If you care at all, get on this and take care of this problem within the next day. Every hour delay is too long.
Probably I've had geese raise chickens just because they got broody
It could be dependent on the species, the way they use to recognize one another, and how long they have been apart. Worth taking a quick read through this
you can contact whatever wildlife resource you guys have and ask them what the safest thing to do is.
I am not dismissing this, but, do you have a source or experience behind this? Anon did not even mention how long he had been holding on to the duck

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>friendly fire: disabled
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She hasn't switched to electric yet.
lol it's always /v/
Sometimes /tv/ too. Only one letter off. Poetic.
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
>How did the megafauna adapt to humans?
By not putting up with Humanity's shit.

>faster than any man
>solid boulder of muscle
>unhuntable meat tanks, no claws or teeth can get through their natural armor
>seriously, they can just walk through an attack by a pride of lions
>catch 500 human bodies a year, the ultimate apex predator of the world can't do shit
>their babies use crocodiles as chew toys
>brutally kill anything that even mildly annoys them
>only elephants and rhinos can even hope to challenge them
>do it all while a herbivore, making carnicucks seethe
Every day I'm in awe of these fucking MONSTERS
If a hippo charged at me I'd probably just fucking kneel
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HerbivoreCHADS we are undefeated
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Wtf I wish I could do that
Japs learnt to do that as well, convergent evolution

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Australian Shepherd Edition

cont. from >>4770582


Ray Allen Manufacturing: Tactical Dog Gear | Police and Military K9 (https://www.rayallen.com)

Kurgo: High Quality Outdoor Adventure Dog Gear Products (https://www.kurgo.com)

AVOID: Weight Pull/Sledding Harnesses as They Encourage Pulling Which Can Lead To Death

ALWAYS: Size Correctly

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This is literally horrifying
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Dogs are forgiving. Even if they appear anxious, they may just be waiting for a command or a snack, like the dog in my picture.
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Would this dog off itself if it could or is it like those people who won’t roll off a cliff after losing 4 limbs and half their brain “because i liek leevin”
LMAO! It looks like bad taxidermy now.

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Rare Gecko Edition

previous: >>4757767

This thread is dedicated to all animals of the reptilia and amphibia classes. Topics include, but are not limited to: geckos, snakes of all kinds, frogs, salamanders, newts, turtles, tortoises, and much more. Before asking a question, do a search on the internet to see if it has been answered
Classifieds for finding breeders and products:
>reptilescanada.com (Canadian breeders)
Most forums will have a "for sale" section on them, so look for that, especially if you have a specific herp you want. Craigslist can also be a good source for cheap aquariums, and make sure to check for any reptile expos that occur in your area.

When asking a question, make sure to include these details:
>Type and size of animal

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I actually did decide against it and just set up an arid terrarium for plants only to get the Mojave childhood nostalgia out of my system. But I am going to try setting up a praying mantis enclosure to see how trips to buy live bugs impact my lifestyle in a shorter time frame than decades of a reptile's life.
Holy shit is that the coolest mantis ever or what
Mantis is definitely a good choice then. Little guys only live for a year usually.
If you want to keep an animal death feigning beetles are a good low maintenance choice for an arid terrarium. I'd recommend something like a scorpion but it'd probably ruin the plants with their burrows

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I'm going to post a platypus every day until all of /an/ wants a puggle to snuggle. Old thread hit image limit
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This is your daily reminder to want a platypus
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This is your daily reminder to want a platypus
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Thank you for the template

This is your daily reminder to want a platypus
This is your daily reminder to want a platypus.

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Amstaffs are highly intelligent.
Cope thread for bull-type terrier fanboys! Remember statistics are inflated and it's incredibly rare to get killed by any dog let alone a “pitbull”
>ok, but listen
>if you apply my special definition of pitbull
>which limits it to a totally unrecognized breed
>which has its own name, which is not "pitbull"
>there are no pitbulls
>so there are no pitbull attacks
Somewhere, a rabbi shed a tear of pride

Imagine applying this logic to retrievers
>that wasn't a retriever
>it was a golden
>only labrador retrievers are retrievers
>no!!!! Every short coated stocky dog is a pitbull!!! Stop using logic, ahhhh! Serbia!!! Ahh!
We accept your concession

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>women now think they are safer with bears
>men think they can beat up a bear
>bears refuse to acknowledge the issue

what the hell is going on in the bear world?
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you can hear the Moscow theme song
I wish modern bears at least tried to look good like this nowadays instead of going and running with the "bear prepping for hibernation" look.
>right in the bear necessities
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Left completely to their own devices, women are fucking crazy.
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Previous: >>4729588
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What a fine lookin' woman.

Hmm, what's it like bein' the main fox poster on the thread? Foxes rock I just don't know where to find pictures of 'em
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it's too hot and I'm sweating but I still want to cuddle this fox
you can try this thing called Google
works like a charm
Don't work
Why do furries love foxes so much?

how different would life be if we were on a tidally locked planet? would we develop sleep? would life even develop on the other side of the planet where it's always dark?
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>geofag still in this thread
>minimum requirements for a planet to harbor life?
That's very hotly debated. There are a vast array of conditions to consider & how they interact with each other, then you have to define what is life. Most people say water & oxygen, but Earth had little free oxygen when life first developed. With water argument requires all conditions supply water in sufficient quantities, and any other thing (such as oxygen) will determine many of the conditions. I've seen very convincing arguments that life could develop in a methane ocean in the complete lack of the presence of oxygen (one of the moons of Jupiter, I forget which one. It had methane volcanoes when one of our probes passed by).

Every condition you can imagine, including all the ones in this thread like radiation and temperature and tides ... however you want define the possibility of life, define the conditions that will support it. You can get really science fiction fast on it. Could life exist inside a star? David Brin wrote a book called Sundiver that explores that very question. Brin is no hack, he's a very successful sci fi writer who happens to be a professor of astrophysics.

Read up on the conditions on Mars & Venus in wikipedia. It is strongly believed that life can exist on both those planets (and the methane oceans of one of Jupiter's moons). Now imagine life can probably live in much harsher conditions. Perhaps Mercury? I doubt it, but wouldn't be shocked. More like mildly surprised. And a bit excited. That would open massive possibilities all over the universe IF that turned out to be true.

Also, distinguish between "harbor" life and "develop &/or evolve" life. Very different things.
>Could life exist inside a star?
The questions might sound retarded, but all life needs is self replication and this can happen inside a star for all we know.
>Most people say water & oxygen
Most people don't deserve water & oxygen.
For emergency reasons. Plants are conscious.
Would plants evolve to absorb green if they appeared on a more distant planet like Mars or some gas giant moon?
It's entirely possible. However, their equivalent for chlorophyll (as we know & currently understand it) would have to be different than Earth chlorophyll. Also, in our Solar system, the spectrum of our Sun determines some of the best/better parts of the spectrum for energy that can be captured & converted to food. So, chlorophyll-like photosynthesis in our Solar system will probably resemble the process we see on Earth. Other stars would likely force the evolution of something more radically different.

Apart from all that, the definition of "plant" might get pretty stretched & distorted off Earth. The equivalent of "plant" in other locations could (or even probably would) be different enough it would be an entirely new kingdom of life form, as different from Earth plants as fungus or animals are.

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Motherfuckers say cat's don't care about people but look at this fucker? He wait's for me at the door every time i leave. Even when he doesn't need food he want's to cuddle when i come back.

Cat's are also badass as fuck compared to their size. Have you seen the agility?
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wtf? that fur is like made by greek gods
i had a labrador too you know and im not competing
>inbrit be like
>everyone i dont like, and everyone who doesnt like cats, is indian! I hate indians so much!
>Americans, Germans, Frenchmen: lol.
>Indians: saaaar that is the nicest thing said to me
What's the point you are trying to make?
You're on your way to becoming catpilled. Welcome.

Dickus edition.

Discuss anything aquarium related here, including tanks, bowls, inhabitants, logs, decor, plants, and issues. Before asking questions in this thread, make sure you give us at least some details when asking a question, such as:

>Tank size (include dimensions, not just volume)
>Unusual Parameters (nitrate, pH, GH, KH)
>Any inhabitants + how long you've had them
>Age of the tank
>Pictures are always helpful

Tank Cycling:

Stocking and Water Change Calculator:

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> post picture of tank
> realize I posted the un-resized version, delete post
> repost with the resized image
> realize I forgot to add the image, delete post
> post again

I might be retarded
nice tank tho. very green.
I made the same fuck up buying dither fish for my dwarf cichlid recently. They were too small and fit in his mouth like a hotdog. Burnt $40, but at least i didnt lose a fish i really cared about.
Lesson learnt and we move on.
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Anybody have some Dwarf Frogs?
There must be something extra tasty about the goo Tropica includes in the cultures for these. My corys and shrimp are all over it in a way they never are for any other new plant.

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Bald Eagles are ugly and dumb.

I hate that this silly ass bird is the symbol of my country. There are tons of other birds out there much more cool than a bald eagle. Show any owl and it's much more majestic than the stupid bald eagle, who isnt even bald like that one vulture that is literally bald so it can get inside carcass asses easier. Yay the symbol of our country is an unsightly rodent eater that bullies away other birds. I mean its accurate, but I still hate it.
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Then call it balde eagle not my job to research everything
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put me on your fuckin money
>snakes near universally have negative connotations
The perfect symbol for Amerikkka then
Should be the mustang, nothing more American and free than them
So fucked up. The livestream people had plenty of time to at least mercy shoot it.
>but muh lead poisoning
Who cares fuck eagles

Welcome to /plant/, the happy green place on this blue board, where growers, gardeners and horticulturists share their love for things that grow.

Newbies and amateurs are very welcome, and we’ll always try to answer your questions.

>Flora of the World

>Plants of the World Online

>Hardiness zones

>Plant ID Sites

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How do I get into planting.. trees?
I have some fig cuttings on their way that I would prefer not to lose.
As far as I understand cuttings only need humidity and air right?
Majority perlite with some compost should be good medium right?
Saw some fig pop methods... Basically just use plastic bags which is good cause I don't have tall pots , I will be getting big pots once I know how many cuttings survived.
Decided to go through and take some cuttings
My ficus Audrey to the right is having some trouble growing, no signs of stress. I might let the soil dry out for an extra week.
Good luck to your cuttings, they can be a bitch sometimes
round up people who capitalise species names and liquidate them

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