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This board is for the discussion of classic, or "retro" games, including consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other forms of video games. Retro gaming means platforms launched in 2001 and earlier, and official game titles for those platforms released no later than December 2007 (homebrew console games made after this date will be permitted). The Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo Game Boy Advance, and Sony PlayStation 2 will now be considered "retro".

Helpful links:
Game Tech Wiki
Emulation General Wiki

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What is THE gamer's right of passage if you had to choose ONE?
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>having to select your fists from the inventory before you can fight a baddie
I watched a video of WFRR on Youtube and I was like who the fuck would possibly want to play this retarded game?
most retro games are baby games anon. you only think they're hard because you played them as a dumb kid and/or didn't know better.
Honestly, this is a solid choice. It has a reputation for being balls hard, but it really is a quite easy game if you stop running headfirst into danger, take it slow and learn it.
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Gradius is the clear choice. Simple and fun but genuinely difficult and a unique experience that had a large influence.

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>hey look it's a game by american mcgee
What was his endgame here?
It was EA's decision.

Literally irrefutable
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i am a zoomer
Goldeneye 007
Hexen 2
Halo 2
Call of Duty 3
This criticism always confuses me. Doom and Quake are basically babies for fps as well but people never stop jerking them off
descent I & II are s-tier
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>blames zoomers for all ills
>blames boomers for all ills

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What went wrong?
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they were right about everything
>modern tv: music, music videos, movies, tv shows, cartoons, information, news, all at the whim of a click of a remote
>encarta era: same but you needed a faggy disc
i spent many hours as a kid clicking on shit but we used a PC not an overpriced mediaplayer
Lured into a trap by Nintendo to force them to waste billions so Nintendo could prevent Sony from entering the console business.
>be philips
>license the shittiest possible gamepad from gravis
What did they mean by this?
Considering the concentration of Dutch and French stuff on the system, I'm thinking a handful of people in the user base did ask that question
the price

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about to play this for the first time and yes, the translated snes version because I am too much of a poor fag to buy this on DS and missed the opportunity to get that version back when it came out in 2009 since I was young and didn't know anything about the dragon quest games. any tips would be welcome and you are free to discuss who is better waifu between the 2 in the snes version. got the game booted up on a little hamdheld emulator and can't wait to have a comfy time with it.
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You might just be retarded then. Or have such limited experience with games that even these seem the same. Either way lol
It's probably the best. There's no baggage from any other game, and it has some of the most creative things to explore of the series. It's probably the least criticized game in the franchise.
No need to deny it. Nothing is original.
>You don't go sage for magic you do it for healing, everyone having multi-heal makes things so much easier.
I get that that makes things easier, but my sense of honor would never allow me to do that. Only one multihealer. The superstar gets hustle dance, so you can compensate with that.

>My problem is just that I feel like the job system in 6 doesn't add much except extra tedium, there were times I was grinding just to level up jobs, if I didn't I wouldn't have gotten everyone in their final classes by endgame
I never did that. I just fought battles as they came. They didn't master their advanced classes until the final dungeon. It's not fun to play the game overleveled in my opinion.
Lol so you are retarded

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Seaman is the best selling Dreamcast game in Japan
It's the only worthwhile dreamcast game so it makes sense.
What about shinmoo?

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for me, it's kuja's theme
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Who's aesthetically gayer?
Kuja or Seymour?
but nothing beats part-time simp ass Sephiroth.
depends who fujos gooshes more to
Obviously, Seymour.
It had no right to be as good as it is, that's for sure

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Yea kids who can't afford a PC, have this.
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Anon, it's a miracle they got this to run on the SNES at all, with most of the geometry intact. There are better console ports but this one is a technological marvel.
your post is so vague I don't even know which side you're attempting to take
I actually like the sound font of the SNES port's music, I was surprised many people hate it.
just say you're too stupid to play 90s PC games you have to resort ti playing baby console games
Nothing about my post was vague.
>Americans say PCs were $1500
>Third worlders say no one bought new PCs
>Americans say yes they did
>Third worlders get angry and indignant because they can't imagine their own personal experience not applying to the whole globe

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>Redesign for western sensibilities utterly mogs the original
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>Wild West cowboy revolver
That's what Japs think all real guns look like in America!
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These things go both ways.
The bizarre Zapper design is probably because of the original gun design, which uses a similar 2 stage-esque mechanism to pull back the hammer, except here the hammer is actually exposed AND functional. You can manually cock back the hammer to essentially pre-travel the spring for a lighter trigger pull.
I want to fire the Nintendo Glock.

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Retro sizer https://retrosizer.com/
Retro handhelds spreadsheet https://pastebin.com/ZyqXr19r
SoC Comparison https://versus.com/en/mobile-chipset

>Where to buy
Aliexpress, gogamegeek, litnxt, keepretro, mechdiy, Anbernic/retroid store

>What to know about brands
Retroid: Well built, powerful, but expensive (100$+)
Anbernic: Balance between price, power and build quality.
Powkiddy: Cheap, low quality builds, interesting shapes (square, clamshell, big screen)
Miyoo: One hit wonder
Game Console: Copycat popular products with lower prices, better specs, but weaker build qualities
TrimUI: Good build quality, shitty software with no good CFW alternatives

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And I should really emphasize here, Vulkan runs shaders a lot better but not miraculously so, cheap chinkhelds WILL struggle elaborate stuff. RK3566 is only slightly faster than the H700 on the guy's 28XX, not a selling factor at all.

RK3566 development has been going for a while now (since 2022 IIRC) under several devices, H700 just debuted a few months ago on chinkhelds and only anbernic used it for 3 devices (technically 2 if you exclude the 35XX 2024 scam).
Wait, scratch that, it's 4: 35XX Plus, 35XX H, 28XX and 35XX 2024.
T61 when?
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You don't need more.
I'm not Gamma if that's what you're implying, just robbing this shit from pisscord.

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It really is.
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>decades of analysis
>countless retranslation projects
>not a single one has corrected one of the very first outright mistranslated lines in the game
Mother fans are some of the worst "fans" of all fucking time, god DAMN.
Better sprite art in that gif than the actual game. I love the series but EBZ is ugly as sin
Why would you use anything other than the official release? Re-translation projects are a waste of time, fan translators are always amateurs, their work is only to be used if there is no alternative. There's maybe three exceptions to that rule that have emerged in the entire history of fan translations. Official translations are shit sure, but if there's a situation like trannylation in a modern game it's just not worth playing.
always used to play the nes version but after playing the gba version it sounds a little dry relatively speaking, both are good though. you also get the ability to warp to the final dungeon after a certain point in it although i never found that too useful.
>edgy jewish video maker is my best friend, he could never have made this up to sell me his video patreon

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How does one go about achieving one of these? It just seems too difficult and overwhelming for any mere human
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I always enjoy getting as far as I can on one credit, its a lot of fun. If it turns in to a 1cc in the process, then thats just icing on the cake for me.
With MOST arcade games I try to 1cc I can cruise through with relative ease for 90% of the game time. It's the choke points that cost me lives. So what I do is make a save state before the choke point, then play it until I have solved for how to pass it. Then I do the same for the next, and the next. Until I can do all the choke points 9/10 times without dying. Then it's just a matter of stringing them all together.

It's also very important for some games to understand the scoring system and how to milk the score. Accruing extra lives lets you brute force certain elements of the game that are more RNG-based.

Sitting there doing a completely fresh run one after another is the worst possible way to seek a 1cc. You've got to put more brains into it than that. At least record your gameplay and watch it back. Or watch someone else's 1cc on youtube to simulate watching over a good player's shoulder at the arcade.
You're probably thinking of someone trying to 1cc a beat'em up like Cadillacs n' Dinosaurs in a typical "50 cents to play / 25 cents to continue" mid-90s arcade.
Those are sucker/n00b arcades that were mostly for through-traffic of a department store, pizza place, bowling alley, or other places like that.
At a more dedicated arcade you could get your price per credit down to less than 25 cents per credit by buying tokens in bulk. You could buy a "bucket" of tokens (something like a 20 ounce drink cup) for $25.
Start with lower difficulties, credit feed at first, practice regularly instead of once in a week.
Make sure to play games that you actually like.
You can also use third party tools like save states and look up info and strategy guides but I think that takes away a big part of the fun and satisfaction.
>How does one go about achieving one of these? It just seems too difficult and overwhelming for any mere human

It's not something you strive for as a top goal. 1cc is something you achieve while playing a game you love repeatedly to the point that it becomes muscle memory. 1cc is a bonus not a goal.

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I've always been interested in the Turbografx and would like to play its shmups and more. What's the best hardware option at this point? I was thinking I'd get a TurboDuo with an Everdrive for HuCard games and burn CD-Rs for Duo. Or is there a better alternative?
Core grafx with super sd sytem 3
Core grafx with Turbo Everdrive Pro

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DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread: >>10892979

Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other 90s FPS welcome
~ Let's post like gentlemen ~


(or Quake, Duke, Marathon, Deus Ex)

Same thing, in video format:

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Oh yeah. Going through this with Past-Linked eventually. Gotta.
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The secrets really are required ones, at least for pistol starting.
>It's MBF (not MBF21)
Was pirate doom 2 in development way before MBF21 was a thing?
Hey demon fuckers. Just started getting into doom mods, last time I played must have been a decade ago. Ashes and CountryCide are really, really cool. Any other TCs that I'd enjoy?

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