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/vst/ is a place to discuss all types of strategy video games, including both turn-based and real-time strategy, turn-based and real-time tactics, single-player and multi-player (including MOBAs). All platforms are welcome.

Does this mean discussion of strategy games is banned on other video game boards? No! /vst/ is just a separate board specifically focused on strategy games where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vst/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/

Will you finally buy it?

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Didn't Stardock make the GalCiv games? It wasn't THAT suprising, unless you lived in an real-time only bubble at the time.
Consider that at the time DRM was a big issue between EA activation limit fiacos and steam being more shit than they are currently. Their big push was a very proto GoG "yeah drm doesn't prevent piracy, pirate the game if you want, we don't care." That gave them a lot of good free publicity.
Ironic how stardock made impulse as said proto GoG platform and subsequently sold it to gamestop.
They also made a MOBA somewhere in the middle of that which flopped and died extremely quickly.
There is still a gap between that and sins 2 though. They are a bit of an enigma. I guess they spend a lot of time working on their engines.
There is no gap, they've worked hard on expansions and updating Sins 1. The audience continually asked for a multicore version so they eventually gave in and made Sins 2.
ogrovs can target ships now?

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Realistically, how do we fix this franchise? It seems like no one in the strategy player base is fully happy with it.
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Tsardoms total war is pretty much the only good medieval 2 mod rn, desu
for empire tw. vdm
They're bitching about the engine because they're retarded npcs who parrot things off eachother.
You are a newfag and your opinion doesn't matter, because you don't have played any totalwar game outside rome2 mods aka attila, warhammer and saga trash. spend a few bucks play these games and then you can talk
Maybe some of us want newer games to at least share DNA with the old ones? Total War got cucked at some point: the kids aren't his

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I will now buy your game
What benefits does this shit even have over modded rimworld?
asking in good faith, honestly curious
rimworld (THE SEX UPDATE)

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I enjoy the remaster
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it is exactly the same as og Rome TW other than the ui, which is honestly better in some ways (hit tab to see overview map, info on cities/units easier to see at a glance, etc) even if it is worse in others (ui elements scattered around the screen rather than all in a bar across bottom, small text). Oh and it takes up way too much HD space but I've become apathetic to that bullshit at this point
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What are the mods in question? I never really played modded original Rome so I know little about its modding scene. Is EB ported over to remaster?
Also is Alexander better in remaster or does it still suck?
EB port is mediocre. Last I checked the uploader cared way more about making a new campaign on top of EB, and both suffered as a result. It doesn't even incorporate the new stuff made by that one eb submod
Nobody talks like this, though
check out these two submods for eb port


and then check out this mod for alexander


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>He gives his dorfs 2x1 bedrooms
Anyways how is your fort going?
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yea in my experience I use the keyboard mainly just to bring up the menus and then mouse for everything else
Also use keyboard for mining designations so if i wanted to carve a staircase its m > t, m > u for channeling, if i then wanted to erase the designations its right click to leave the designation menu and then x. You can't just press x though because for some fucking reason thats what you use to remove constructions. removing designations is a separate menu. also felling trees is all the way over at L, what the fuck
The problem is not that I hate kbm control schemes, it's that a) I have been playing DF as a kb-only game for 16 years so I've become rather good at it and b) games with primary kb input and occasional mouse are a huge pain because I have to move my hand back and forth.
I'm just waiting for them to add legend mode to the game, although seeing how the development of the first game is going, I'll probably die before seeing it.
Anon I...are you ok?
Legends Mode is already in the game anon

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>"I will never ask you to vote for me again!" - Park Chung-hee

Previous Thread: >>1644652
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It feels somewhat unnecessary. But not too crazy.
It meets the concept of the mod being this 2006 resist lib editorialist lens.

>Bush, without his staff, can be a moron and cause WW3 with China
>Clark, in a jingoistic America, can start WW3 with Russia
>Cheney, given that he's evil in the mind of the narrator, starts WW3 of tensions with Russia are high enough
I agree honestly. It's gay and retarded, but it's consistent with the internal logic of the mod. There are plenty of things W fairly deserves to be criticized for, but this isn't one of them.
W. Doesn't present a real world version of George Bush though. It's all about the image he gave off in the minds of those who hated him.
The real George Bush had a great relationship with his father, he was an intelligent man who impressed leaders like Vladimir Putin, and while hawkish and idealistic, he had an stable and comprehensive foreign policy platform.

But to the minds of the anti-Dubya left, he was a bumbling idiot, a stooge and a puppet to Cheney and Rummy, and a dangerous actor on the world's stage.
Each WW3 ending plays into a misunderstanding of George Bush
I discovered this game similar to the campaign trail about 1930's germany, if any of you want to give it a shot.


It's about controlling the German SDP and attempting to stabilize the country and prevent fascism.
The war with China ending felt like I was reading nu-SCP

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1 hour video essay is out
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>SupCom 2 was crippled because it had to be consolised
Every time.
>BAR plans to move modding to Steam Workshop
It's an addition, not replacement, right?
Also, is there any info on what third faction TA was meant to have?
What's the best TA clone right now?
that's the thing, there are none.
Do they talk about the badly designed campaign? I'm still salty I could never beat the Core campaign because one of the missions is outright broken

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That's kind of the problem with this game in general, Rome will always follow its historical track and never really do anything different. That means if you're playing any Greek faction, you immediately need to conquer Crete and whatever else you can get your mitts on because Rome will inevitably invade you. Meanwhile, Carthage is taking over whatever they want and Rome doesn't care.
If anything this game needs a sandbox option that disables mission trees so rome doesn't get the bajillion free claims.
The claims are less problematic than all the buffs they get IMO. It would also help if the AI were less stupid, there should be a decent chance of Italic states uniting against Rome, or Epirus actually being useful, or Carthage's naval AI having a single brain cell. I've never seen Rome lose without player intervention
That or a random world mode. Or just a randomize AI option. Pretty sure HoI4 has an option where countries do whatever and don't adhere to historical goals.
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So it turns out, the mountain ranges of Epirus is a really good place to obliterate Roman legions. Orikos and Omphalion have a river crossing, which they have to head south on to attack you. They'll roll in with death ball formations with lots of attrition, and as long as you camp that river crossing with some mercs, you can lead them into a trap again and again and again and again. I don't think I've ever killed 65,000 troops in a battle before, but they lost Magna Graecia because of it.

Post your City, Anon.
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I don't think the make diagonal tool affects roundness.
Water and trade routes. That's it.
when I throw it over a noemal long house then right click in the center I get 100% roundness showing, might just be a .65 thing and .66 changes it?
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very nice house warming gift, almost too nice
Accept the offer, hire mercs, burn the place to the ground.

You all made him rich and now he has absolutely no incentive to finish the game. (Implying he was going to in the first place)

Now that you all got scammed, You can post your Kneel.jpg's below.

Schizo bros, Come harvest the salt mines with me, and watch Copium prices skyrocket in real time.


Also reminder its your fault the game is crashing: https://www.gamesradar.com/games/city-builder/manor-lords-dev-hits-back-at-players-complaining-over-crash-reports-99-so-far-are-old-drivers/

(if only he knew that everyone has automatic driver updates now and not everyone whos game crashed submitted a log)

Manuretrannies BTFO

>Inb4 Muh sales

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sorry chud, no refunds
Because while he's schizoing over crashes, the people who care about this game are already playing it instead of making threads.
>youtube ecelebs have now started to come out against manurelords and are posting videos critiquing it
Lol, dev mustve decided not to pay the bribes
I miss Ipee counter
I have old drivers and it works fine, but I also pirated it.

Age of Empires 2
Why is black forest even on the 1v1 map pool, delete arena if that's going to be a thing
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It came back more annoying and speaking Sicilian
Do people generally consider wonder/relic wins cheesy?
The resources for a wonder are better spent elsewhere, but if you can keep a relic or your monasteries alive for the whole duration, then you deserve the win.
That said, most people play with the Conquest victory setting.
It has its place but not in regular ranked matches

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Since there isn't a thread up
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that is black thunder
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The luddics are "native" to the Persean sector, as their religion started there.
Tri-Tac in the sector is just a branch of the whole megacorp... but it is implied that they moved the backwater shithole to do unregulated R&D away from Domain's eyes. Hence why there are like fucktons of prototype Hyperions and Scarabs floating around in the sector.
that's what i mean, make it so the rest of the domain thought it got perma shut off was because something flood-level must've broke out
so when you open up the gates you get flooded with dominion tech warships, hell, it's been over 200 years so maybe they've evolved so much over that time (exponential growth) that they maybe have themselves been changed by their tech (gene editing, neural interfacing/merging/melding) that they can't even be communicated with and they don't remember what humans looked like or something, so any human they see are identified as the shit that had to be contained, and in the case it reopenned, had to be purged.
You're not me liar.

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Thread poisoned within literally 2 posts, thanks for that
>industrialized russia
Just the average 19th century jungle fewer frenchoid

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Warno? or Waryes?

Also general warno, wargame, broken arrow thread.
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It's entirely possible to make a modern war game in which every playable deck isn't a near-copy or the factions aren't almost perfectly symmetrical and keep adding to that by innovating and coming up with new and novel gameplay niches. Eugen just chooses not to.
27th - BMP-1/BMP-2, BTR-80 and T-80.
39th - BMP-1/BMP-2, BTR-60 and T-80.
79th - BMP-1/BMP-2, BTR-60 and T-80.
119th - BMP-1, BTR-60 and T-80.
6th - BMP-1, BTR-60 and T-64, T-80.
7th - BMP-1, BTR-60 and T-72.
K.D.A - BTR-60, BTR-152 and T-62.
4th - BMP-1, BTR-70 and T-55.
Berliner - BTR-70, BTR-152 and T-55.
35th - BMDs. It's VDV, they don't get tanks.
Top three Soviet divisions are exact same shit, they do have some differences in what support vehicles and planes they can take but aside from obvious Unicorns like the Vikhrobus the rest feels like it's been done only to camouflage the fact they're the same shit - 27th gets a TOR, 39th and 79th get a KUB. 119th is a bit different because they trade everything else for superheavy T-80s, but even there it's mostly the same shit and they round out the collection with a BUK. Of course 27th and 39th are nominally Infantry while 79th and 119th are Tank Divisions, but you can pretty much play them as either, in a reasonable match you'll never really run out of a tab.
Yes, it sort of is expected because it's REDFOR but still, Soviets don't even have T-72s of their own. The issue however to me isn't even that there aren't unique units in divisions, there's tons of Unicorns but that's the point the divisions tend to play very similar and the Unicorns they have tend up not really changing up stuff that much. It's basically tailored to be HURR BALANCED in the most boring, symmetrical way but also at the same time entice people to buy more DLC because of single card units they want to see.
Divisions system was a mistake.
Ironically the best implementation of division system was the first time it was used, Steel Division 1 felt like its divisions were different enough, there weren’t too many of them, and hell, even Eugen themselves bothered to write proper descriptions of them in-game - the lack of those descriptions in SD2 is extremely telling how even they must have hard time trying to figure blurbs to make different divisions feel unique enough.

The system only works as long as you don’t have too good generalist divisions, every one has clear flaws and strengths, and every single division has a clear identity.
A quick bit of research:
The 1st Canadian Division was stationed in West Germany during 1989. It was part of CENTAG, but based in Lahr in southern Germany to serve as a reserve force, so if in this alternate history scenario France remained with the rest of NATO's command then it makes sense to place them with a hypothetical SOUTHAG. It's a combination of anglo and french units, so no favouritism there.
It used a mix of Leopard 1s, M113s and LAVs for basically every platform, from AD to transport to engineering vehicles. For air their entire contribution was F-18s, with Hueys and Kiowas for helis.

Gameplay-wise there isn't really much there to go on. Most of their equipment is already in the game in other NATO divs. The only thing really unique would be LAVs as infantry transport instead of just as recon vehicles. There's notably more light infantry than a normal division (including Canada's only airmobile formation) so I suppose they might do some forward deploy shit with it to justify being stuck with only basic Leo 1s for tanks but I don't think that will make it much different from the existing forward deploy divs.

Canada is a little weird because the 1st Division and its constituent brigades stationed in Germany in 1989 were an ad hoc formation with basically had no history or heritage of their own, but were made up of bits and pieces from several different regiments, each with their own reputations and legacies tracing back to WW1 but all in completely different contexts fighting in different formations. I guess they could leverage that to justify some unique infantry options but otherwise it doesn't really feel like Canada fits into the game's division system or really brings much to the game to justify a $20 DLC.
Or they could just get rid of the division system so you can have fun Canada.

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